IBM Books

Command and Technical Reference, Volume 2



st_status - Displays the status of all job switch resource table windows upon a node.


st_status [-h | -? | -n node_group | node_list]


Prints out a short description of all of the flags.

Prints out the usage statement.

-n node_group
Reports status for all nodes within the specified node_group. This "node_group" is defined and managed by the "Node Grouping" commands.


Specifies a list of nodes separated by spaces for which status will be reported. If node names are not specified, all nodes defined within the current system partition will be reported.


Use this command to report the current status of every window within all job switch resource tables. Status will be reported for reserved windows and non-reserved windows. This command reports whether each window is loaded or unloaded but not whether it is currently in use.

|Issuing the st_status command without any specific node |names will report window status for all of the nodes in the SP system |partition. Nodes listed within the SDR as being off the switch will be |reported as having status of ST_NO_SWITCH.

|If the st_status command is issued with a specific node |name that is not on the switch, the node reports status of |ST_CANT_CONNECT.


Path name of the header file containing return codes.

Path name of the shared library containing the API interfaces.

Standard Output

The output of this command reports the following data when a window is loaded:

Status from node:
Node for which the following data is reported.

User name corresponding to the uid specified by the swtbl_load_table API.

Load request from:
Node upon which the load request was made.

Pid of the process who issued the load, most likely a job management application.

Uid specified by the swtbl_load_table API request.

Job Description:
String specified upon load request for the job who will be using the job switch resource table.

Time of request:
Timestamp of when load request was processed.

Window id:
Window for which the data is being reported.

Adapter for which the status is being reported.

Memory Allocated:
Window memory requested during the swtbl_load_table call for use by the task.

The output of this command reports the following data when a window is in some other state:

Indicates that the switch table window is not currently loaded.

Indicates that the switch table window is currently loaded but was not loaded via the Job Switch Resource Table Services.

Indicates that the switch table window is reserved by a reserving component. The reserving component ID is displayed.

The output of this command reports the following data when an error occurs:

Indicates a system error occurred. The /var/adm/SPlogs/st/st_log file will have further details. Use the st_clean_table command to clean windows in this state.

Indicates that the connect request was unsuccessful.

The open call of /dev/css0 was unsuccessful.

Indicates that DCE security authorization was unsuccessful.

Indicates that DCE security authentication was unsuccessful.

Indicates that a general DCE security services error occurred (not authorization or authentication).

Indicates that a read, write, or select error occurred on a TCP/IP socket.

Indicates that storage could not be allocated for the function.

Exit Values

Indicates the successful completion of the command.

Indicates that an error occurred.


You must have appropriate access to the switch table to run this command.

If DCE security checking is being used, you must have the DCE credentials of the switchtbld-status group in order to run this command. If DCE security checking is not being used, you must have root privilege to run this command.



Related Information

See the chgcss command for information about RESERVED windows.

Commands: ngcreate, ngfind, st_clean_table, st_verify


To show the status of all windows on k10n15, enter:

st_status k10n15

You should receive output similar to the following:

|Node k10n15 adapter /dev/css0 window 0 returned ST_RESERVED.
|Window 0 is RESERVED by VSD.
|Status from node: k10n15  User: root
|Load request from: k10n15 Pid: 33060 Uid:0
|Job Description: load_client_test
|Time of request: Wed_Jun_20_09:15:34_EDT_2001
|Adapter: /dev/css0 Memory Requested: 0
|Window id: 1
|Node k10n15 adapter /dev/css0 window 2 returned ST_SWITCH_NOT_LOADED.
|Node k10n15 adapter /dev/css0 window 3 returned ST_SWITCH_NOT_LOADED.
|Node k10n15 adapter /dev/css0 window 4 returned ST_SWITCH_NOT_LOADED.



st_verify - Verifies that the installation of the Job Switch Resource Table Services component of the SP system completed successfully.


st_verify [-h] [-q] [-l logfile]


Displays usage information.

Specifies quiet mode and suppresses output to standard output.

-l logfile
Specifies the pathname of the logfile to which error messages are written.


Use this command to perform various tests to determine whether the Job Switch Resource Table Services component of the SP system is completely installed. It checks that the necessary commands and files are installed correctly and checks for switchtbld entries in /etc/services and /etc/inetd.conf file. If this is executed on the control workstation and tests are successful, it will also check on each node within that system partition.

You can use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to run this command. To use SMIT, enter:

smit SP_verify

and select the Job Switch Resource Table Services Installation option.


Default log file.

|Environment Variables

|PSSP 3.4 provides the ability to run commands using secure remote |command and secure remote copy methods.

|To determine whether you are using either AIX rsh or rcp |or the secure remote command and copy method, the following environment |variables are used. |If no environment variables are set, the defaults are |/bin/rsh and /bin/rcp.

|You must be careful to keep these environment variables consistent. |If setting the variables, all three should be set. The DSH_REMOTE_CMD |and REMOTE_COPY_CMD executables should be kept consistent with the choice of |the remote command method in RCMD_PGM: |

|For example, if you want to run st_verify using a secure remote |method, enter:

|export RCMD_PGM=secrshell
|export DSH_REMOTE_CMD=/bin/ssh
|export REMOTE_COPY_CMD=/bin/scp

Exit Values

Indicates that the test completed as expected.

Returns the number of errors.

If you do not specify the -q flag, a message is displayed on standard output that indicates whether the tests were successful or not. In either case, the command returns 0 if successful, 1 if not. If errors are detected, more detailed information is recorded in the log file. If you do not specify the -l flag, error messages are recorded in /var/adm/SPlogs/st/st_verify.log.


You must have root privilege to run this command.



Related Information

Commands: CSS_test, SDR_test, spmon_ctest, spmon_itest, SYSMAN_test


To verify the installation of the Job Switch Resource Table Services, saving error messages in st_install.out in the current working directory, enter:

st_verify -l st_install.out



startvsd - Makes a virtual shared disk available and activates it.


startvsd [-p | -b] {-a | vsd_name ...}


Specifies that the primary server node defined for the global volume group is to be the active server.

This option is only used by the Recoverable Virtual Shared Disk subsystem. See the PSSP: Managing Shared Disks.

Specifies that the secondary server node defined for the global volume group is to be the active server.
This flag is used only by the Recoverable Virtual Shared Disk subsystem.

Specifies that all virtual shared disks that have been defined are to be started.


Specifies a virtual shared disk.


The startvsd command makes the specified virtual shared disks available and activates them. It is equivalent to running the preparevsd command followed by the resumevsd command on the specified virtual shared disk.

You can use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to run this command. To use SMIT, enter:

smit vsd_mgmt

and select the Start a Virtual Shared Disk option.


You must be in the AIX bin group to run this command.


  1. If you have the Recoverable Virtual Shared Disk software installed and operational, do not use this command. The results may be unpredictable.

    See PSSP: Managing Shared Disks

  2. The -b flag is used only by the Recoverable Shared Disk subsystem.

Prerequisite Information

PSSP: Managing Shared Disks



Related Information

Commands: cfgvsd, ctlvsd, lsvsd, preparevsd, resumevsd, stopvsd, suspendvsd, ucfgvsd


To make available and activate the virtual shared disk vsd1vg1n1, enter:

startvsd vsd1vg1n1



statvsd - Displays IBM Virtual Shared Disk device driver statistics of a node.








|The statvsd command displays IBM Virtual Shared Disk |statistics of a node. For example, on a busy server an increasing |number of "requests queued waiting for a buddy buffer" is normal and does not |necessarily imply a problem. Of more value is the "average buddy buffer |wait_queue size" which is the number of requests queued for a buddy buffer |when the statvsd command was issued. See the "Examples" |section for the meaning of output lines.

Prerequisite Information

PSSP: Managing Shared Disks

Related Information

|Commands: ctlvsd, vsdnode

Refer to PSSP: Managing Shared Disks for information on tuning IBM Virtual Shared Disk performance.


|The following examples displays IBM Virtual Shared Disk device driver |statistics. |

  1. |The header line indicates whether KLAPI or IP protocol is being used and |the version and release of the code. For example:
    |VSD driver (vsdd): [KLAPI | IP/SMP] PSSP Version:3 Release:4
  2. |The level of vsd parallelism defaults to 9 and is the buf_cnt parameter on |the uphysio call that the device driver makes in the kernel. For |example:
    |9 vsd parallelism
  3. |The maximum IP message size in bytes. For example:
    |61440 vsd max IP message size
  4. |The number of requests that had to wait for a request block. For |example:
    |61440 vsd max IP message size
  5. |The number of requests that had to wait for a pbuf (a buffer used for the |actual physical I/O request submitted to the disk). For example:
    |0 requests queued waiting for a pbuf
  6. |The number of requests that had to wait for a cache block. For |example:
    |0 requests queued waiting for a cache block
  7. |The number of requests that had to wait for a buddy buffer. A |buffer that is used on a server to temporarily store date for I/O operations |originating at a client node. For example:
    |2689 requests queued waiting for a buddy buffer
  8. |The number of requests queued for a buddy buffer when the statvsd |command was issued. For example:
    |0.0 average buddy buffer wait_queue size
  9. |The number of requests that a server has rejected. Typically |because of an out of range sequence number or an internal problem. For |example:
    |4 rejected requests
  10. |The number of responses that a client has rejected. Typically |because a response arrived after a retry was already sent to the |server. For example:
    |0 rejected responses
  11. |The number of requests that a server has rejected because all of the |expected packets have not arrived in the expected time. This applies |only when running over the IP protocol and typically occurs if the css send |and receive pools are set too low. For example:
    |11 rejected merge timeout
  12. |The number of requests that were placed on the rework queue. |Typically this only happens if HSD is being used and requests are not on a |page boundary. For example:
    |0 requests rework
  13. |The number of read requests that were not on a 64 byte boundary. |For example:
    |0 64 byte unaligned reads
  14. |The number of requests that got a DMA shortage. This condition |would require the I/O operation to be executed in nonzero copy mode. |For example:
    |0 DMA space shortage
  15. |The number of requests that have times out. The current timeout |period is approximately 15 minutes. For example:
    |0 timeouts
  16. |There are a fixed number of retries. The retries counters display |the number of requests that have been retried for that particular "retry |bucket." Numbers appearing further to the right represent requests that |have required more retries. When a request exhausts it's number of |retries, it gets recorded as a timeout. For example:
    |retries:  000000000
    |          0 total retries
  17. |Sequence numbers are internally used by the device driver. These |numbers are managed by the device driver and the IBM Recoverable Virtual |Shared Disk subsystem. For example:
    |Non-zero Sequence Numbers
    |node#     expected     outgoing     outcase?     Incarnation:0
    | 11        125092         0            |
    | 11 Nodes Up with zero sequence numbers: 1 3 5 7 9 11 12 13 14 15 16



stopvsd - Makes a virtual shared disk unavailable.


stopvsd {-a | vsd_name ...}


Specifies that all virtual shared disks in the suspended state are to be stopped.


Specifies a virtual shared disk. If the virtual shared disk is not is the suspended state, you get an error message.


The stopvsd command brings the specified virtual shared disks from the suspended state to the stopped state. They become unavailable. All applications that have outstanding requests for the virtual shared disk see these requests terminate with error. Read and write requests return errors with errno set to ENODEV. If the virtual shared disk is in the stopped state, this command leaves it in the stopped state.

You can use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to run this command. To use SMIT, enter:

smit vsd_mgmt

and select the Stop a Virtual Shared Disk option.


You must be in the AIX bin group to run this command.


If you have the Recoverable Virtual Shared Disk software installed and operational, do not use this command. The results may be unpredictable.

See PSSP: Managing Shared Disks.

Prerequisite Information

PSSP: Managing Shared Disks



Related Information

Commands: cfgvsd, ctlvsd, lsvsd, preparevsd, resumevsd, startvsd, suspendvsd, ucfgvsd


To bring the virtual shared disk vsd1vg1n1 from the suspended state to the stopped state, enter:

stopvsd vsd1vg1n1

supfilesrv daemon


supfilesrv - The daemon that serves the file collections on the SP system.


-s supfilesrv
-s supfilesrv |
|[-p pid_file_path] |[-l]


Specifies the path name of the supfilesrv PID file. The PID of the supfilesrv process will be written into this file.

Specifies no forking; the server will listen for a network connection, handle it and exit. This is useful for debugging the servers in live mode.


The path name of the file which contains the PID of the running supfilesrv process.


|This daemon executes on the control workstation and the boot/install |servers. It responds to requests executed on the nodes to update |collections of files configured for file collections. The |supfilesrv daemon is under control of the System Resource Controller |(SRC). It is normally started as part of the SP initialization |scripts. The startsrc -s supfilesrv command invokes the |supfilesrv daemon. The stopsrc -s supfilesrv |command terminates the supfilesrv daemon. The |startsrc command invokes supfilesrv, passing the arguments |as defined by the SRC. The supfilesrv daemon is invoked |as:

|supfilesrv -p /var/sysman/sup/

The supfilesrv daemon ignores SIGINT, SIGHUP and SIGPIPE.

In case of errors, the server may terminate, the clients will not be able to connect to the server, and the changes in the collections may not be reflected at the client. In case of error conditions, the server prints error messages to standard error and may possibly terminate.

No security information is directly modified in the server.


The files in the /var/sysman directory and its subdirectories are used by the server.

Contains the entry for the supfilesrv tcp port to be used.

Should contain an entry for the user supman. The server executes a setuid to supman.

The PID of the supfilesrv process is written into the PID file passed as a command line argument.

Standard Output

The command initially prints the startup message with the protocol version.

Standard Error

The command prints all error messages to standard error.

Exit Values

Indicates successful completion of the command.

Indicates that an error occurred.


You must have root privilege to run this command.


This command should be invoked only from the file collection server hosts.

Implementation Specifics

This command is part of the IBM Parallel System Support Programs (PSSP) Licensed Program (LP).

Prerequisite Information

PSSP: Administration Guide



Related Information

Commands: supper


  1. To start the supfilesrv daemon, enter:
    startsrc -s supfilesrv
  2. To stop the supfilesrv daemon, enter:
    stopsrc -s supfilesrv



Manages the SP file collections.


supper [-d ] [-v] subcommands


Turns on debug mode.

Turns on verbose mode and echoes print of SUP messages.



activate volume
Sets the active volume group. The active volume group must be set before installing a collection that requires a file system.

Turns debug messages on or off. Choose on | off.

Show available disk space and active volume.

files collection
Shows all files associated with a resident collection.

install collection
Installs a collection.

Shows summary of last/current supper session.

offline collection
Disables updates of a collection.

online collection
Enables updates of a collection (this is the default).

Exits the program.

remove collection
Removes a collection.

reset collection
Sets the last update time of a collection to the epoch.

Shows raw output of last/current supper session.

scan collection
Runs a scan for a collection.

Lists all collections this machine is able to serve.

Shows the current status of all available collections. The status information includes the names of all collections, whether they are resident on the local machine, and the name and size of the file system associated with each collection.

update collection
Updates a collection.

Turns SUP output messages on or off. Choose on | off.

Prints the last update time of all resident collections.

Shows current servers for collections.

! command
Shell escape.


This command is a Perl script that provides various file collection management capabilities. The supper update subcommand invokes the sup client program to upgrade file collections from the file collection server. The supper scan subcommand is used at the file collection server to create the scan file /var/sysman/sup/<filecollection/scan.

This file contains the last modification time of the files in the collection and used for efficient file collection transactions. If this file is present, it is important to either delete this file or rerun the scan subcommand when files in the collection are modified. However, if this file is not present (which is the default), it is not necessary to create this file using supper scan subcommand when new files are created in the file collection or when existing files are modified.

The supper command identifies the boot/install server of the node as the file collection server. This is typically invoked from crontab to periodically update the file collections from the server. You can invoke supper as an interactive session by entering the command without any parameters or subcommands. This allows you to enter the subcommands in an interactive dialog.

The supper command captures SIGINT, SIGQUIT, and SIGALRM and ignores these signals. However, if the sup or supscan child process is active, on receiving SIGINT, supper sends SIGKILL signal to the child process.

When an update is in progress, if supper receives SIGINT, it stops the sup child process. If the updates are not done properly, either no files or only some files in the collection may be updated at the client. It will have different effects depending on what file collection is being updated. The log files generated can be used to trace the errors.


This file contains the name of boot/install server.

This file contains the definitions of the file collections configured with SP.

This directory contains the set of links to lists files of the file collections.

Specifies the resident file collections.

Specifies the active file collections.

The sup client program invoked by supper for update subcommand.

This is invoked by supper for scan subcommand.

The supper update file_collection command upgrades all the files in the file collection.

/var/sysman/sup/file_collection/scan file
This file is created by the supper scan file_collection command.

This directory contains the log files generated.

Standard Input

When invoked without any parameters, provides interactive shell which accepts all the subcommands listed above.

Standard Output

When invoked without any command line arguments, the command provides an interactive shell displaying the prompt. The results are displayed to standard output in response to the subcommands typed at the prompt. When invoked with the -v option, messages output by the sup client program are displayed. The -d option prints debugging information.

Exit Values

Indicates successful completion of the command.

Indicates that an error occurred.


You must have root privilege to run this command.

If the user.admin file collection is used for user management, the change in the user management files in the server will be reflected at the client after the supper update.


There is no file collection server for SP control workstation, so the supper update subcommand is not applicable to control workstation.

Implementation Specifics

This command is part of the IBM Parallel System Support Programs (PSSP) Licensed Program (LP).

Prerequisite Information

PSSP: Administration Guide



Related Information

Commands: sup, supfilesrv


/var/sysman/supper rlog
/var/sysman/supper status
/var/sysman/supper scan user.admin
/var/sysman/supper update power_system



suspendvsd - Deactivates an available virtual shared disk.


suspendvsd {-a | vsd_name...}


Specifies that all the virtual shared disks in the active state are to be suspended.


Specifies a virtual shared disk. If the virtual shared disk is not in the active state, you get an error message.


The suspendvsd command brings the specified virtual shared disks from the active state to the suspended state. They remain available. Read and write requests which were active while the virtual shared disk was active are suspended and held. Subsequent read and write operations are also held. If the virtual shared disk is in the suspended state, this command leaves it in the suspended state.

If you issue this command for the server node and not the client, retries occur unsuccessfully. An error occurs within 15 minutes.

You can use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to run this command. To use SMIT, enter:

smit vsd_mgmt

and select the Suspend a Virtual Shared Disk option.


You must be in the AIX bin group to run this command.


If you have the Recoverable Virtual Shared Disk software installed and operational, do not use this command. The results may be unpredictable.

See PSSP: Managing Shared Disks.

Prerequisite Information

PSSP: Managing Shared Disks



Related Information

Commands: cfgvsd, ctlvsd, lsvsd, preparevsd, resumevsd, startvsd, stopvsd, ucfgvsd


To bring the virtual shared disk vsd1vg1n1 from the active state to the suspended state, enter:

suspendvsd vsd1vg1n1



switch_stress - Tests the function of a specific switch chip.


ATTENTION - READ THIS FIRST: Do not activate the switch advanced diagnostic facility until you have read this section completely, and understand this material. If you are not certain how to properly use this facility, or if you are not under the guidance of IBM Service, do not activate this facility.

Activating this facility may result in degraded performance of your system. Activating this facility may also result in longer response times, higher processor loads, and the consumption of system disk resources. Activating this facility may also obscure or modify the symptoms of timing-related problems.


-s switch_chip_id [-a allowed_nodes_list]
[-A allowed_nodes_file] [ -f forbidden_nodes_list]
[-F forbidden_nodes_file] [ -m model] [-z data_size] |[-n {0|1}]
[-p pattern_files_list] [ -P pattern_files_file] [-g] [ -h]


-s switch_chip_id
Specifies the switch chip ID of a suspicious switch chip.

-a allowed_nodes_list
Specifies a list of nodes that the test can use. allowed_nodes_list is a blank-separated list of node identifiers. A node identifier can be a host name, IP address, frame, slot pair, or node number.

-A allowed_nodes_file
Specifies a file containing a list of nodes that the test can use. allowed_nodes_file is a path to a file that contains a list of node identifiers.

-f forbidden_nodes_list
Specifies a list of nodes that the test cannot use. forbidden_nodes_list is a blank-separated list of node identifiers.

-F forbidden_nodes_file
Specifies a file containing a list of nodes that the test cannot use. forbidden_nodes_file is a path to a file that contains a list of node identifiers.

-m model
Specifies a test model that will be used for testing. model is a name of the model to be used.

-z data_size
Specifies amount of data in MB to be sent on every test iteration. |

|-n {0|1}
|Specifies the plane where the test will be run. If a plane is not |specified, the default is 0.

-p pattern_files_list
Specifies a list of paths to the pattern files. pattern_files_list is a blank-separated list of paths. Each pattern file path is a full path to a file accessible from each participating node.

-P pattern_files_file
Specifies the file containing a list of paths to the pattern files.

Requests to use SPD GUI.

Requests that usage information be displayed.




This command starts the switch chip stress test, which determines whether the specified switch chip is malfunctioning under stress. You are required to specify the switch chip ID that appeared in the primary node error reports.

The model argument lets you select a single test model. By default, all models will be executed.

You can specify the nodes that are allowed to participate in the test, or nodes that are not allowed to participate in the test. If the same node is present in both lists, it is not allowed to participate in the test. You must be aware that the selected nodes will not be able to run any application that uses a switch network during the test execution. By default all nodes are allowed to participate in the test. These nodes could be specified as a list of nodes or as a file that contains the list. The data_size argument allows you to control the amount of data that will be sent by every sender on every test iteration. By default this value is set to 360MB.

You can provide a path to a file that contains the data pattern to be used during the test. By default the output of the test is displayed on the command line. You can request to display the output on the SPD GUI.


|When restricted root access (RRA) is enabled, this command can only be run |from the control workstation.




  1. To test switch chip 16 using default settings, enter:
    switch_stress -s 16
  2. To test switch chip 20 displaying the output on GUI, enter:
    switch_stress -s 20 -g
  3. To test switch chip 25 specifying allowed nodes by host name, enter:

    switch_stress -s 25 -a n05 n06 n11
  4. To test switch chip 25 specifying a forbidden node by frame,slot, enter:
    switch_stress -s 25 -f 2,9
  5. To execute model A for switch chip 25, enter:
    switch_stress -s 25 -m ModelA
  6. To increase the amount of data sent through the switch chip under test, enter:
    switch_stress -s 25 -z 1000
  7. To use a different data pattern, create a data file, make it accessible to nodes (copy to every node or mount using the same name), and enter:
    switch_stress -s 25 -p /tmp/spd/pattern1.dat
  8. |To specify that you want the test performed on the second plane, |enter:
    |switch_stress -n 1



sysctl - The command interface to the Sysctl remote command execution server


[-c {filepath | -}] [-f num] [-h host] [-L] [-l] [-m]
[-n] [-P port] [-q] [-r {file | -}] [-s] [-t sec] [-T sec]
[-v] [-x] [procedure ...]


[-c filepath | -]
Runs the procedure on the specified collection of nodes. The list of hostnames in the collection is read from the file whose pathname is specified. More than one collection can be specified with multiple -c flags. To enter hostnames from standard input, specify a dash (-) instead of a pathname; and press <Ctrl-D> to complete the entry of hostnames. The -c flag and the -h flag may be entered on the same command. Hosts may be identified by IP address or hostname, and must be resolvable or the command is rejected.

[-f num]
Controls maximum fan-out, when multiple hosts are specified. By default, a maximum of eight concurrent connections are used. The most allowed is 128. You may want to increase num to allow for greater parallelism, when running procedures that place low demand on system resources. If you specify a value that is not an integer between 1 and 128, the default value is used. The fan-out value is not used unless it is less than the number of target hosts.

[-h host]
Specifies a server host on which to execute the procedure. More than one host can be specified using multiple -h flags. If neither -h nor -c is specified, the server is assumed to be the local host. The -h flag and the -c option may be entered on the same command. Hosts may be identified by IP address or hostname, and must be resolvable or the command is rejected.

Provides an alternate way to delimit output from multiple servers. The server hostname is prefixed to each output line. This type of output is easier for programs and scripts to parse than the default output format, in which each host's output is in a separate block of output lines preceded by a line containing the server hostname. This default format is the same as that produced by the dshbak output filter.

Specifies safe communication, to ensure the integrity of messages between client and server.

Specifies that no authentication information should be sent. When this option is not specified, authentication information is sent to each server using whichever authentication methods are currently active on the local host.

[-P port]
Connects to the server using the specified port number. If this option is not specified, or if you specify a value that is not a valid positive integer, the port used is that assigned to the sysctl/tcp service in /etc/services.

Specifies quick mode - to not wait for the result from the server, which will return no output. This option is not valid in interactive mode, when neither the -r option or a procedure operand is specified.

[-r file | -]
Replays (drops) this file on the servers. Use this flag to pass scripts to Sysctl servers for execution without reconfiguring the server, for example, to test a new procedure. You can enter scripts from standard input by specifying a dash (-) instead of a file name; press <Ctrl-D> to complete entry of a script. Only one script can be executed; if you specify this option more than once, the last file specified is used. When this flag is used, any procedure operand is ignored.

Tells the server to send results back via a TCP socket. The output from the server is demultiplexed into standard output and standard error, allowing you to separate the two types of output. Using a socket also enables two-way between the client and a procedure. Any procedures that start a dialogue requiring input from the client must be run with this option. Only one server host connection is allowed when operating in this mode.

[-t sec]
Specifies the maximum time in seconds to wait for server connections. The default is 10 seconds. The value must be an integer from 1 to 60; otherwise the default value is used.

[-T sec]
Specifies the maximum time in seconds to wait for the result from a sysctl procedure. The default is 30 minutes. If you specify a value that is not a positive integer, the default value is used.

Prints the version number of sysctl, then exits. All other options and operands are ignored. When you specify this flag, no authentication or authorization check is made, and no connection is made to any server.

Sends a NULL RPC (like a ping) to the servers. You can use this to check whether the servers are up before you try to run a procedure on them. This request does not perform any authentication nor is any authorization check performed by the servers.


procedure ...
The procedures to be executed by the servers. It can be a Tcl command, a Sysctl built-in procedure, or a locally provided Sysctl procedure that a system administrator has previously added to the Sysctl configuration. If you do not enter a procedure, and do not specify the -r option, Sysctl runs in interactive mode. Only one server host connection is allowed when operating interactively.


The sysctl program provides a simple command line interface for communicating with the Sysctl server, sysctld. Together the Sysctl client and server provide remote execution capability needed to manage the SP system from a single point of control. The client connects to servers using TCP/IP, passes options and procedures to the server, and writes output that the server returns to standard output. The client does not interpret (as a shell) the procedures it passes.

The Sysctl server uses the Tcl imbeddable command language as the foundation for its built in interpreter. The server is augmented with application specific procedures. You may tailor the Sysctl configuration to make different procedures available on different servers. The Sysctl (Tcl) expressions that are passed to the servers for execution can be anything from a single procedure invocation to an entire script. A simple Tcl wrapper can be used to invoke executables on the server that are C language programs, Perl programs, or shell scripts.

The server uses SP authentication services for reliable third party authentication. Sysctl requests from the client to servers contain authentication information using DCE or Kerberos Version 4 credentials, depending on the trusted services authentication method chosen when the system was configured. The authentication information reliably identifies the user that initiated the request. No authentication information is passed when the -n or -x option is specified, when the system administrator has not configured either trusted services authentication method, or when the user does not have credentials. Permission to access the resources of the servers is granted based on the identification of the client as an unauthenticated or authenticated user, in conjunction with authorization mechanisms on the server that implement local access control policies. A description of those mechanisms can be found in the sysctld daemon and in the "Controlling remote execution by using Sysctl" chapter in PSSP: Administration Guide.

Environment Variables

The LC_ALL locale settings are passed to the Sysctl server to be used, if possible, when running the command. When "Compatibility" authentication is being used on the client host (where this command is invoked), the KRBTKFILE environment variable, if set, is assumed to name a Kerberos Version 4 ticket cache file owned by the user issuing the command.


This command reads all cluster files specified by the -c option, and a replay file if specified by the -r option.

Standard Input

This command only reads standard input when it is specified as the source of a replay file or a cluster file. See the descriptions of the -r and -c flags.

Standard Output

All output produced by this command is copied directly from the server.

Standard Error

Output consists of error messages from this command plus error messages produced by the servers and text returned as Tcl errors by Sysctl procedures. When this command directs requests to servers running version 1.1 of Sysctl (included in PSSP releases prior to 3.1), error messages returned by those servers may differ from those produced by Sysctl version 2.1 servers. This command will report some errors and continue to complete the request. These errors result from entry of values that are not valid for some command options, where default values were applied.

Exit Values

Indicates successful completion of the command.

Indicates the command did not complete successfully.


Use of the Sysctl built in procedures for ACL management may alter the authorization characteristics of the affected objects on the targeted servers. Such changes take effect immediately.

Implementation Specifics

This command is part of the IBM Parallel System Support Programs (PSSP) Licensed Program (LP) (file set ssp.clients).

Prerequisite Information

The chapters on security and Sysctl in PSSP: Administration Guide.



Related Information

Commands: dshbak, hostlist, sysctld


These examples show procedures invoked from the shell prompt. Unless noted otherwise, the syntax is the same (minus the word sysctl) when invoking the procedure from within an interactive Sysctl session.

  1. To list the local file systems on server ceti-alpha5, enter:
    sysctl -h ceti-alpha5 listfs 
  2. To add Kerberos Version 4 principal arielle to the default ACL on ceti-alpha5, enter:
    sysctl -h ceti-alpha5 acladd -p arielle

    The server returns the full entry that it inserted into the ACL file, for example:

    _PRINCIPAL arielle.@ABC.COM
  3. To check whether Kerberos Version 4 principal frank is granted access by an entry in ACL /etc/sysctl.pman.acl on the local host, enter:
    sysctl aclcheck -f /etc/sysctl.pman.acl frank

    The server returns 1 if frank is granted access, 0 if not.

  4. To check whether you are authorized to run the test:mount_if procedure on host ceti-alpha5, enter:

    sysctl -h ceti-alpha5 checkauth -cmd test:mount_if

sysctld daemon


sysctld - The Sysctl remote command execution server.


sysctld [-ds] [-a acl] [-f file] [-k keyfile] [-l logfile] [-P port]


Runs in debug mode. This causes debugging information to be written to the log file as the server executes requests.

Runs in security audit mode. While running in security audit mode, each line written to the log file is tagged with a Connection ID field which filters the audit trail for a particular connection when multiple connections are processed simultaneously. This mode also generates more detailed information about the execution of authorization callbacks.

-a acl
Specifies the server's default Access Control List. If not specified, /etc/sysctl.acl is used. The acl variable is the name to be assigned to the $ACL variable, used to provide the default filename for the built in ACL management procedures and for ACL checking. This value overrides any set during Sysctl configuration (see sysctl.conf ).

On a host which has DCE authentication configured, acl is appended to the CDS name of the Sysctl service's RPC entry to form the full object name with which the ACL is associated. The full object name used to refer to ACL /etc/sysctl.acl when using the dcecp command to manage its entries on host has the form /.:/subsys/ssp/host1/sysctl/host1/etc/sysctl.acl.

On a host which does not have DCE configured or which also has Kerberos Version 4 configured, acl is the fully qualified pathname of the Sysctl ACL file used to specify access controls. If acl is not a valid pathname or the file does not exist, the default value is used. No verification of the content of the file takes place until an ACL check is attempted to authorize a user.

-f file
Specifies the master configuration file pathname. If you specify this option, you must specify the IBM-supplied default file, /etc/sysctl.conf.

-k keyfile
Specifies the server's Kerberos Version 4 keytab file. The keyfile variable is the name to be assigned to the $KEY variable. IBM does not recommend using this flag, because PSSP Installation and Configuration support maintains the service keys in the default keytab, /etc/krb-srvtab. If a different file is specified, you must insure that it always contains a copy of the keys in the default file. If keyfile is not a valid pathname or the file does not exist, the default value is used. Verification of the content of the file does not occur until the server attempts to authenticate a client using Kerberos Version 4. If the file is not a properly constructed Kerberos Version 4 srvtab file containing an entry for the Kerberos Version 4 principal used by the server, any such authentication will be unsuccessful. This flag does not apply to a DCE-only environment.

-l logfile
Specifies the server log file pathname. The logfile variable is the name to be assigned to the $LOG variable. The default file is /var/adm/SPlogs/sysctl/sysctld.log. If logfile is not a valid pathname, the default value is used.

-P port
Specifies the server port number. If this flag is not specified, or if you specify a value that is not a valid positive integer, the port used is that assigned to the sysctl/tcp service in /etc/services.




The sysctld daemon is the server component of the Sysctl remote command execution facility. Security and performance characteristics of sysctld make it an ideal mechanism for managing a large, distributed computing environment. An instance of sysctld runs on every SP node and the control workstation. Procedures are sent to the sysctld daemon by the sysctl client program. The client and server use a PSSP authentication mechanism that both have configured to validate the identity of the user. If the user is authenticated, the credentials obtained by that process are used to check the authorization of the user to use the requested Sysctl resources. Sysctl servers can also be configured to support requests by unauthenticated clients.

Security and Access Control

When a request is received, sysctld establishes the client's identity using the authentication protocol information passed by the client. If the information contains valid DCE credentials and DCE authentication was configured on the local system, the requestor is authenticated as a DCE principal. If the information contains valid Kerberos Version 4 credentials and "Compatibility" authentication was configured on the local system, the requestor is authenticated as a Kerberos Version 4 principal. If the request contains no credentials or credentials that are not valid, the client is identified as an unauthenticated user.

Determining Connection Authorization Policy

Whenever a client connects to a server, the svcconnect Sysctl procedure is invoked. If the user is not authorized to run this procedure or if the procedure returns a Tcl error, the result of the procedure is returned to the user and the connection is broken. Therefore, svcconnect determines the connection policy for the server. The default svcconnect access control policy is to allow connection by any authenticated client on hosts that support authentication, and to allow connection by any client on systems that do not. This policy can be altered in the Sysctl configuration file by redefining the svcconnect procedure itself via the create proc or rename Sysctl procedures, or by changing its authorization callback using the setauth procedure.

Access Control using Authorization Callbacks

Once a client connection is blessed by the svcconnect callback, access to Sysctl procedures and variables is determined dynamically by the execution of authorization callbacks that are assigned at configuration time to each procedure and variable. In a typical command language, a procedure has a name, a set of arguments, a set of procedures which form the body of the procedure, and a return value. With Sysctl procedures, an additional attribute is added; a policy for determining who is able to run the procedure. These policies are implemented using callbacks that are pieces of Tcl code logically attached to all procedures and variables when they are defined to the Tcl interpreter during server initialization. Each authorization callback returns either a normal Tcl result, allowing access to the resource, or a Tcl error, preventing access. The text "Authorization Denied" is returned to the client as the Tcl result.

A procedure's callback is executed just prior to execution of the body of the procedure to which it is attached. If it returns a normal result, the procedure is executed.

For Sysctl variables, the callback is executed prior to resolving a reference to a read-only variable. Access is allowed if a normal result is returned. It is possible to create a "private" variable whose value is available to only a certain set of clients.

The sysctld server has a set of predefined procedures designed to be used as authorization callbacks. These procedures provide a simple authorization policy. If a more complex authorization policy is required, you may write your own authorization callback procedures. These procedures are:

Always returns a normal result; access is always granted. You should assign this callback only to objects which you want to make accessible to all users, including unauthenticated users.

Returns a normal result if the client is successfully authenticated (using any available authentication mechanism).

ACL name
Returns a normal result if the client is successfully authenticated as the local host principal or is authenticated as any other principal and is granted access in the ACL. On server hosts that have no authentication methods enabled, a normal result is returned, if the unauthenticated AIX identity is granted access in the ACL. If no name is specified, the default ACL (defined by the $ACL variable) is used. See sysctl.acl for more details about Sysctl ACLs.

Always returns a Tcl error; access is denied to all users. Any object to which this callback is attached can never be directly referenced by a user. It is accessible only when referenced from within a Sysctl procedure configured at server initialization.

Bypassing Authorization Callbacks

Under certain circumstances, the authorization callbacks are bypassed by the server. At these times, all procedures and variables are accessible. This occurs when:

Since authorization checks are bypassed during procedure execution, users are able to execute procedures that contain procedures that they are not authorized to run directly. If, for example, a variable has the SYSTEM callback attached to it, a procedure for which a user is authorized can reference or modify the variable, even though the user cannot use it directly.

Authorization Variables

Several variables are set by the server prior to executing the client request. These variables provide a mechanism for external procedures to perform their own authorization checking independent of the server's standard authorization checks. They cannot be changed using the Tcl set command (are read-only). They are:

Specifies the name of the host from which the request was issued.

When the client is authenticated using DCE, this variable is set to the principal name in the form: /.../cell_name/principal_name. Otherwise, it is set to an empty string.

When the client is authenticated using Kerberos Version 4, it is set to the principal name in the form: user.instance@realm. Otherwise it is set to an empty string.

This variable contains the user's AIX login name, when the user is on a system running Sysctl version 3.1 or later. When the client is running an earlier version of Sysctl, this variable contains the name part of the Kerberos Version 4 principal if the client is authenticated; otherwise it is set to an empty string.

When a client is authenticated using Kerberos Version 4, this variable contains the instance part of the Kerberos Version 4 principal name. Otherwise, it is set to an empty string.

When the client is authenticated using DCE, this variable is set to the client's DCE cell name. Otherwise, it is set to an empty string.

When the server is using Kerberos Version 4, this variable is set to the server's Kerberos Version 4 realm. Otherwise, it is set to an empty string.

Specifies the host name of the local server.

When the server is using Kerberos Version 4, this variable is set to the server's Kerberos Version 4 realm. Otherwise, it is set to an empty string.

When the server is using DCE, this variable is set to the server's DCE cell name. Otherwise, it is set to an empty string.

When the server is using DCE, this variable is set to the server's principal name in the form: /.../cell_name/ssp/dcehostname/sysctl. Otherwise, it is set to an empty string.

When the server is using Kerberos Version 4, this variable is set to the principal name in the form: user.instance@realm. Otherwise, it is set to an empty string.

Specifies the communication mode between client and server; either WAIT, NOWAIT, or SOCKET. NOWAIT indicates that the client is not waiting for the results of the request, which will be discarded by the server. SOCKET indicates that the result of the request is returned to the client via a TCP/IP socket rather than as a synchronous result. WAIT indicates the normal synchronous mode of operation.

Server Configuration

At server initialization, the sysctld daemon reads a configuration file. By default this file is named /etc/sysctl.conf. The server interprets the contents of the file as Tcl procedures. Typically, additional procedures and variables are defined in this file. Also, procedures are available that instruct the server to process additional configuration files or dynamically load shared libraries. In this way the set of procedures available to a sysctld server is extensible. Refer to the information on the sysctl_conf file for more details.

Starting, stopping, and querying the sysctld daemon

The sysctld daemon is under System Resource Controller (SRC) control. It uses the signal method of communication in SRC. The sysctld daemon is a separate subsystem, named sysctld, not associated with any SRC group. It is started using the startsrc command, normally automatically by init, as set up during PSSP installation. It starts the daemon with default arguments and SRC options. It is set up to respawn on termination, and there is only one instance of sysctld on a particular node or control workstation. Do not start the sysctld daemon, except by using the startsrc command.

To stop the sysctld daemon, use the stopsrc command. It stops the daemon, without allowing it to respawn.

To display the status of the sysctld daemon, use the lssrc command.

To override the daemon's default arguments, specify the -a flag on the startsrc command. To change them permanently or to change other subsystem attributes, use the chssys command. Refer to AIX Commands Reference and AIX General Programming Concepts: Writing and Debugging Programs for more information about daemons under SRC control and how to modify their arguments. To view the current SRC options and daemon arguments, use the odmget command.

Environment Variables

Though the server is started in the default locale for the system it runs on, it will use the client's locale information (only available for clients running Sysctl version 3.1 or higher) in the child process that runs the client command. If the client's locale is not available on the local system, the server will use the default locale, except when the client request includes the flag that disallows that option.


The pre-defined default ACL file used by the ACL authorization callback.

The default configuration file read during server initialization.

The root server key file used by Kerberos Version 4.

/var/sysctl/db_name, /var/sysctl/db_object, /var/sysctl/db_acl
The DCE ACL database files.

The default log file. This default can be overridden with the -l command line flag, or by setting the LOG variable in the Sysctl configuration file. Each time a request is received, the svclogevent Sysctl procedure is invoked. By default, it writes a record to the log file giving the identity of the user who sent the request. A different logging policy can be achieved by redefining the svclogevent procedure in the server's configuration file.

Standard Error

Standard error is used only when the daemon fails to start, prior to opening the log file.

Exit Values

Indicates the successful completion of the command.

Indicates that the command was unsuccessful.


You must have root privilege to run this command.

Implementation Specifics

This command is part of the IBM Parallel System Support Programs (PSSP) Licensed Program (LP) (file set ssp.sysctl).

Prerequisite Information

The chapters on security and Sysctl in PSSP: Administration Guide.



Related Information

Commands: sysctl

Files: sysctl_acl, sysctl_conf


  1. To start the sysctld daemon, enter:
    startsrc -s sysctld
  2. To stop the sysctld daemon, enter:
    stopsrc -s sysctld
  3. To display the status of the sysctld daemon, enter:
    lssrc -s sysctld
  4. To display the SRC options and command line options for the sysctld daemon, enter:
    odmget -q subsysname=sysctld SRCsubsys



SYSMAN_test - Verifies that the installation and customization of the Systems Management components of the SP system completed successfully.


SYSMAN_test [-q | -v] [-l log_file]


Specifies quiet mode; suppresses all but summary output to standard output.

Specifies verbose mode, includes informational messages to standard output.

-l log_file
Specifies the path name of the log file to which error messages are written. (This is lowercase l, as in list.)




The SYSMAN_test command performs various tests to determine whether the systems management components of the SP system are completely installed and customized properly.

A return code of 0 indicates that the test completed as expected; otherwise it returns the number of errors. If you do not specify the -q flag, a message is displayed on standard output that indicates whether the tests were successful or not. In either case, the command returns 0 if successful, 1 if unsuccessful. If errors are detected, more detailed information is recorded in the log file. If you do not specify the -l flag, error messages are recorded in /var/adm/SPlogs/SYSMAN_test.log.

You can use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to run this command. To use SMIT, enter:

smit SP_verify

and select the RS/6000 SP System Management option.


Default log file.

|Environment Variables

|PSSP 3.4 provides the ability to run commands using secure remote |command and secure remote copy methods.

|To determine whether you are using either AIX rsh or rcp |or the secure remote command and copy method, the following environment |variables are used. |If no environment variables are set, the defaults are |/bin/rsh and /bin/rcp.

|You must be careful to keep these environment variables consistent. |If setting the variables, all three should be set. The DSH_REMOTE_CMD |and REMOTE_COPY_CMD executables should be kept consistent with the choice of |the remote command method in RCMD_PGM: |

|For example, if you want to run SYSMAN_test using a secure remote |method, enter:

|export RCMD_PGM=secrshell
|export DSH_REMOTE_CMD=/bin/ssh
|export REMOTE_COPY_CMD=/bin/scp

|The HN_METHOD=reliable environment variable can be used to run |SYSMAN_test using the reliable_hostname instead of the |default initial_hostname. For example:

|export HN_METHOD=reliable
|SYSMAN_test -l sm.errors

Related Information

Commands: CSS_test, jm_install_verify, jm_verify, SDR_test , spmon_ctest, spmon_itest




To verify systems management following customization, saving error messages in sm.errors in the current working directory, enter:

SYSMAN_test -l sm.errors



syspar_ctrl - Starts, stops, adds, deletes, and refreshes the system partition-sensitive subsystems installed on your SP system.


[-G] [ -V] {-a | -d | -s | -k | -t | -o | -c | -r |
-h | -A | -D | -E | -R} [subsystem_name]


(help) Displays usage information. If a subsystem_name is specified, help is provided only for the specified subsystem's control script. Help is displayed as a syntax description and is written to standard output. Once help is displayed, no other action is taken even if other valid options are entered with the -h flag.

(add) Adds all subsystems. If a subsystem_name is specified, only the specified subsystem is added. The -a flag invokes each subsystem's control script. Typically, this causes each subsystem's control script to add itself to the System Resource Controller (SRC) subsystem, /etc/inittab and /etc/services . The actual function that is performed depends on whether the underlying control script runs on the control workstation or on a node.

(add and start) Adds and starts all subsystems. If a subsystem_name is specified, only the specified subsystem is added and started. Each subsystem's control script is invoked with the -a flag followed by the -s flag. This is a convenience option that provides the same function as first calling syspar_ctrl with the -a flag followed by the -s flag.

(clean) Cleans up after all of the subsystems. If a subsystem_name is specified, only the specified subsystem is cleaned up. Each subsystem's control script is invoked with the -c flag. Typically, this causes each subsystem's control script to stop any subsystem daemons that may be running and clean or remove all entries for this subsystem from the SRC, /etc/inittab, /etc/services. This flag is similar to the -d (delete) flag, but independent of system partitions. Cleaning up the subsystems is done in the reverse order of how the subsystems are listed in the Syspar Controller subsystems file. You can use this option to clean up subsystem information while trying to get back to some preexisting state, such as when an old System Data Repository (SDR) is restored and the old system partitioning needs to be restored.

(delete) Deletes all subsystems. If a subsystem_name is specified, the specified subsystem is deleted. Each subsystem's control script is invoked with the -d flag. Typically, this causes each subsystem's control script to delete itself from the SRC subsystem, /etc/inittab and /etc/services. Deleting subsystems is done in the reverse order of how the subsystems are listed in the Syspar Controller subsystems file. The actual function that is performed depends on whether the underlying control script runs on the control workstation or on a node.

(stop and delete) Stops and deletes all subsystems. If a subsystem_name is specified, that subsystem is stopped and deleted. Each subsystem's control script is invoked with the -k flag followed by the -d flag. This is a convenience option that provides the same function as first calling syspar_ctrl with the -k flag followed by the -d flag.

(examine) Examines all subsystems. If a subsystem_name is specified, the specified subsystem is examined in the Syspar Controller subsystems file. Each subsystem name - control script pair in the subsystems file is examined and displayed. Entries that are not valid are noted. An entry is not valid when the control script for a particular subsystem does not exist at the specified location or does not have the correct read and execute permissions.

(global) Invokes the appropriate underlying subsystem's control scripts for each system partition. If the -G flag is not specified, the appropriate underlying subsystem's control script is run only in the current system partition (SP_NAME).

Stops all subsystems. If a subsystem_name is specified, only the specified subsystem is stopped. Each subsystem's control script is invoked with the -k flag. Typically, this causes each subsystem's control script to stop any daemons associated with this particular subsystem. Stopping subsystems is done in the reverse order of how the subsystems are listed in the Syspar Controller's subsystem file. The actual function that is performed depends on whether the underlying control script runs on the control workstation or on a node.

(refresh) Refreshes all subsystems. If a subsystem_name is provided, only the specified subsystem is refreshed. Each subsystem's control script is invoked with the -r flag. Typically, this causes each subsystem's control script to rebuild configuration data and refresh any daemons associated with this particular subsystem. Subsystems may need to be refreshed when nodes are added to an existing system or the nodes PSSP version changes. The actual function that is performed depends on the subsystem. This option is only meaningful when run on the control workstation.

(restore) Restores all subsystems. If a subsystem_name is specified, only the specified subsystem is restored. All subsystems are stopped and deleted before they are added and started. Each subsystem's control script is invoked with the -k flag followed by the -d flag, then the -a flag followed by the -s flag. This is a convenience option that provides the same function as first calling syspar_ctrl with the -D flag followed by the -A flag.

(start) Starts all subsystems. If a subsystem_name is specified, only the specified subsystem is started. Each subsystem's control script is invoked with the -s flag. Typically, this causes each subsystem's control script to start any daemons associated with this particular subsystem. The actual function that is performed depends on whether the underlying control script runs on the control workstation or on a node.

(trace on) Turns the trace option on for all subsystems. If a subsystem_name is specified, the trace option is turned on only for the specified subsystem. Each subsystem's control script is invoked with the -t flag.
IBM suggests only turning on a particular subsystem's trace by providing a subsystem name. If the trace is turned on for all subsystems, the volume of data produced may quickly fill up /var.

(trace off) Turns the trace option off for all subsystems. If a subsystem_name is specified, the trace option is turned off only for the specified subsystem. Each subsystem's control script is invoked with the -o flag.

(verbose) Turns verbose mode on in the syspar_ctrl script which then prints out the actual calls it makes to the underlying subsystem control scripts. It also prints out additional information that is useful for debugging.


Specifies the subsystem name that you want the command to act on. If a subsystem_name is not provided, this command is run for all subsystems that are listed in the Syspar Controller subsystems file (syspar_subsystems). For example, if you only want this command to work with the Event Management subsystem, enter:
syspar_ctrl option haem


This command acts as an interface to the system partition-sensitive subsystems supporting the functions that are shared by all subsystems. This command is also referred to as the Syspar Controller. It can be used to add or delete, start or stop, refresh or restore the subsystems, and various other functions. When used on the control workstation, it works with the subsystems on the control workstation. When used on the nodes, it works with the subsystems on the nodes. The refresh option is an exception. To refresh some subsystems, the subsystem must be refreshed on both the control workstation and on the nodes. In this case, the refresh on the control workstation will dsh an appropriate refresh command from the control workstation to the appropriate nodes.

This command supports two types of options: primitive options and macro options. Primitive options are passed directly to the underlying control scripts, for example, -a (add), -d (delete), -r (refresh). Macro options conveniently group a commonly used set of primitive options into one option, for example, -R (restore). All of the subsystems and each subsystem's control script that are managed by the Syspar Controller are listed in the Syspar Controller subsystems file. By default, all of the control scripts listed in the Syspar Controller subsystems file will be called unless a subsystem_name is provided. In that case, the control script for just the specified subsystem will be called.

This command is automatically called when the system is partitioned (spapply_config) to first stop and delete the system partition-sensitive subsystems from system partitions that are being removed, and then to add and start the system partition-sensitive subsystems (for example, hats, hb, and hr) in new system partitions.

The Syspar Controller is also called when restoring the SDR with sprestore_config to first clean up and then add and start the system partition-sensitive subsystems (for example, hats, hb and hr) in each system partition.

The Syspar Controller also needs to be called with refresh flag (-r) by the System Administrator using the command line whenever a node is added or deleted from the system, or a node is migrated to a new level of PSSP.


Lists all of the system partition sensitive subsystems and their control scripts that are controlled by the Syspar Controller. Only the syspar_ctrl command should read this file. This file is located in the directory /usr/lpp/ssp/config/cmi.


You must have root privilege to run this command.

Environment Variables

syspar_ctrl sets the SP_NAME environment variable prior to calling the underlying subsystems. Typically, SP_NAME is set to the value returned from the spget_syspar -n command. However, when syspar_ctrl is called with the -G flag, syspar_ctrl sets SP_NAME in turn to each value returned by the splst_syspars -n command. The -c flag ignores system partition boundaries while all other options respect system partition boundaries.

Exit Values

Indicates the successful completion of the command.

Indicates that the command was unsuccessful. Most likely a subsystem's control script returned a problem return code.

Implementation Specifics

This command is part of the IBM Parallel System Support Programs (PSSP) Licensed Program (LP).



Related Information

Commands: emonctrl, hatsctrl, hbctrl, hrctrl, haemctrl, hagsctrl, pmanctrl, sp_configdctrl, spapply_config, spcw_apps, sprestore_config


  1. To add and start all of the system partitions subsystems in each of the system partitions, enter:
    syspar_ctrl -G -A
  2. To stop and delete all of the system partition subsystems in each of the system partitions, enter:
    syspar_ctrl -G -D
  3. To refresh all of the system partition subsystems in the current system partition, enter:
    syspar_ctrl -r
  4. To restore all of the system partition subsystems running in the current system partition, enter:
    syspar_ctrl -R
  5. To stop all of the system partition subsystems running in the current system partition, enter:
    syspar_ctrl -k
  6. To get help for the event manager subsystem (haem) control script, enter:
    syspar_ctrl -h haem
  7. To display a list of all subsystems managed by the Syspar Controller, enter:
    syspar_ctrl -E
  8. To see the state of the system partition subsystems controlled by the Syspar Controller for system partition spp1, enter the commands:
    lssrc -a | grep spp1
    lssrc -a | grep sp_configd
    The SDR is not managed by the System Controller.

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