IBM Books

Command and Technical Reference, Volume 2


This volume contains the RS/6000 SP commands R - W, RS/6000 SP files and other technical information (Chapter 2), and RS/6000 SP subroutines (Chapter 3). See Volume 1 for RS/6000 SP commands A - P.

To access the RS/6000 SP online manual pages, set the MANPATH environment variable as follows:

for ksh

export MANPATH=$MANPATH:/usr/lpp/ssp/man

for csh

setenv MANPATH $MANPATH\:/usr/lpp/ssp/man

System partitioning and commands

When you partition your system, you create one or more system partitions which, for most tasks, function as separate and distinct logical RS/6000 SP systems. Most commands function within the boundary of the system partition in which they are executed. A number of commands, however, continue to treat the RS/6000 SP as a single entity and do not respect system partition boundaries. That is, in their normal function they may affect a node or other entity outside of the current system partition. In addition, some commands which normally function only within the current system partition have been given a new parameter which, when used, allows the scope of that command to exceed the boundaries of the current system partition.

On the control workstation, the administrator is in an environment for one system partition at a time. The SP_NAME environment variable identifies the system partition to subsystems. (If this environment variable is not set, the system partition is defined by the primary: stanza in the /etc/SDR_dest_info file.) Most tasks performed on the control workstation that get information from the System Data Repository (SDR) will get the information for that particular system partition.

In managing multiple system partitions, it is helpful to open a window for each system partition. You can set and export the SP_NAME environment variable in each window and set up the window title bar or shell prompt with the system partition name. The following script is an example:

# !/bin/ksh
  for i in 'splst_syspars'
     syspar='host $i | cut -f 1 -d"."'
     echo "Opening the $syspar partition environment"
     sleep 2
     export SP_NAME=$syspar
     aixterm -T "Work Environment for CWS 'hostname -s' - View: $syspar" -ls -sb &

.profile addition:

# Added for syspar environment setup if [ "'env | grep SP_NAME | cut -d= -f1'" = SP_NAME ] then PS1="[`hostname -s`<p>$SP_NAME] ["'$PWD]> ' else PS1="[`hostname -s`]["'$PWD]> ' fi export ENV

As a user, you can check what system partition you're in with the command:

spget_syspar -n

The following table summarizes those commands which can exceed the boundary of the current system partition. Unless otherwise stated, commands not listed in this table have as their scope the current system partition.
Command Effect
arp Can reference any node (by its host name) in any system partition.
Automounter commands Host names need not be in the current system partition.
chauthpar -p The -p flag allows specification of a system partition other than the current system partition.
chauthpts -p The -p flag specifies the partition for which the active authentication methods are set.
config_spsec -p The -p flag configures SP Services into the DCE database for servers in the specified partition only.
create keyfiles -p The -p flag creates keyfiles for principals in the specified partition only.
crunacct Merges accounting data from all nodes regardless of system partition boundaries.
cshutdown -G The -G flag allows specification of target nodes outside of the current system partition.
cstartup -G The -G flag allows specification of target nodes outside of the current system partition.

dsh -w{hostname | -}

Hosts added to the working collective by host name need not be in the current system partition.
dsh -aG The -G flag modifies the -a flag (all nodes in the current system partition) by expanding the scope to all nodes in the entire physical SP system.
Eclock There is a single switch clock for the SP regardless of the number of system partitions.
Efence -G The -G flag allows specification of nodes outside of the current system partition.
emonctrl -c The system partition-sensitive control script for the emon subsystem supports the -c option, which crosses system partitions.
Eunfence -G The -G flag allows specification of nodes outside of the current system partition.
haemctrl -c

haemctrl -u

The system partition-sensitive control script for the haem subsystem supports the -c and -u options, which cross system partitions.
haemd_SP syspar_IPaddr Specifies the IP address of the system partition in which the haemd daemon is to execute.
haemqvar If the SP_NAME environment variable is not set, the default system partition is used.
hagsctrl -c
hagsctrl -u
The system partition-sensitive control script for the hags subsystem supports the -c and -u options, which cross system partitions.
On the control workstation, the user specifies which system partition the command should reference. On the nodes, the command works only on the system partition where the node resides.
hatsctrl -c
hatsctrl -u
The system partition-sensitive control script for the hats subsystem supports the -c and -u options, which cross system partitions.
hmcmds -G The -G flag allows the hmcmds commands to be sent to any hardware on the SP system.
hmmon -G The -G flag allows for the specification of hardware outside of the current system partition.
hostlist -f filename
hostlist -w hostname
Host names need not be in the current system partition.
hostlist -aG | -nG | -sG The -G flag modifies the -a, -n, or -s flag by expanding the scope to the entire physical SP system.
hrctrl -c The system partition-sensitive control script for the hr subsystem supports the -c option, which crosses system partitions.
hsdatalst -G The -G flag causes the display of HSD information to be for all system partitions.
lppdiff -aG The -G flag modifies the -a flag (all nodes in the current system partition) by expanding the scope to all nodes in the entire physical SP system.
lsauthpar -p The -p flag allows specification of a system partition other than the current system partition.
lsauthpts -p The -p flag specifies the partition for which the active authentication methods are to be listed.
nlssrc On the control workstation, the user specifies which system partition the command should reference. On the nodes, the command works only on the system partition where the node resides.
nodecond -G The -G flag allows specification of a node outside of the current system partition.
psyslrpt -w hostnames The host names supplied with the -w flag can be in any system partition (the -a flag will select all nodes in the current system partition).
psyslclr -w hostnames The host names supplied with the -w flag can be in any system partition (the -a flag will select all nodes in the current system partition).
penotify -w hostnames The host names supplied with the -w flag can be in any system partition (the -a flag will select all nodes in the current system partition).
pmanctrl -c The system partition-sensitive control script for the pman subsystem supports the -c option, which crosses system partitions.
Parallel commands:
  • p_cat
  • pcp
  • pdf
  • pfck
  • pexec
  • pexscr
  • pfind
  • pfps
  • pls
  • pmv
  • ppred
  • pps
  • prm
Parallel commands can take the following options and will behave accordingly:

Host names specified with -w need not be in the current system partition.

Nodes specified by noderange must be in the current system partition.

Host names specified with hostlist options -w or -G need not be in the current system partition (any other hostlist options operate within the current system partition).
rm_spsec The -p flag removes configuration from DCE service principals and keyfiles for the specified partition.


Archives/restores the SDR representing the entire SP.
SDRGetObjects -G The -G flag allows for retrieval of partitioned class objects from partitions other than the current system partition. Without the -G, objects which are in a partitioned class are retrieved from the current system partition only.
SDRMoveObjects Moves objects from one system partition to another.
SDRScan Scans SDR database files.
SDRValidateString Checks a character string for valid SDR input.
Other SDR commands SDR commands that create, change or delete values work within the system partition. Note though that System classes (Frame, for example) are shared among all system partitions. Changes to system classes will affect other system partitions.
Security commands:
  • ext_srvtab
  • kadmin
  • kdb_destroy
  • kdb_edit
  • kdb_init
  • kdb_util
  • k4destroy
  • k4init
  • k4list
  • kpasswd
  • kprop
  • ksrvtgt
  • ksrvutil
  • kstash
  • rcmdtgt
  • setup_authent
  • spseccfg
The function of these security commands is unchanged under system partitioning. That is, if they previously affected the entire SP, they continue to do so even if the system has been partitioned. If they previously had the ability to affect a remote node that function is unchanged in a system partitioned environment.
sp_configdctrl -c The system partition-sensitive control script for the sp_configd subsystem supports the -c option, which crosses system partitions.
spapply_config Applies a system partition configuration to the entire SP.
spacl -G Manages ACLs for object instances outside the current partition.
spbootins If a boot server outside of the current system partition is specified, that node is prepared appropriately.
spbootlist The command targets nodes in any system partition.
spchvgobj The command targets nodes in any system partition.
spdelhmcid This command will work with a Hardware Management Console (HMC) in any system partition.
spframe Configures data for one or more frames across the entire SP.
sphardware Global system partition can be selected from within the Perspective.
sphmcid This command will work with a Hardware Management Console (HMC) in any system partition.
splm The target nodes defined in the input table can include nodes from any system partition.
splst_versions -G The -G flag allows for retrieval of PSSP version information from nodes outside the current system partition.
splstdata -G The -G flag allows display of information on nodes and adapters outside of the current system partition.
splstadapters -G The -G flag lists information about target adapters outside of the current system partition.
splstnodes -G The -G flag lists information about target nodes outside of the current system partition.
spmirrorvg The command targets nodes in any system partition.
spmkvgobj The command targets nodes in any system partition.
spmon -G The -G flag allows specification of nodes outside of the current system partition. The -G flag is required when performing operations on any frame or switch.
sprestore_config Restores the entire SP SDR from a previously made archive.
sprmvgobj The command targets nodes in any system partition.
spsitenv Site environment variables are specified for the SP system as a whole. The specification of acct_master= can be any node in the SP regardless of system partition. The specification of install_image= may cause boot server nodes outside of the current system partition to refresh the default installation image they will serve to their nodes.
spsyspar Command is always in global mode.
spunmirrorvg The command targets nodes in any system partition.
spverify_config Verifies the configuration of all system partitions in the SP system.
st_clean_table Can specify a node name which is outside the current partition.
st_status Can specify a node which is outside the current partition.
supper File collections are implemented and managed without respect to system partition boundaries.
sysctl The Sysctl client can send requests to any node in the SP.
syspar_ctrl -c -G The -c and -G flags allow for the crossing of system partitions in providing a single interface to the control scripts for the system partition-sensitive subsystems.
s1term -G The -G flag allows specification of a node outside of the current system partition.
vsdatalst -G The -G flag causes the display of IBM Virtual Shared Disk information to be for all system partitions.
vsdsklst -G The -G flag specifies the display of information for disks outside the current system partition.



SDR_config - Queries the existing hardware on the SP and updates the System Data Repository (SDR) as necessary.


The System Data Repository (SDR) commands are to be used by the IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX (PSSP) system management software. Use of these commands by a user can cause damage to system configuration data. Exceptions are: SDRArchive, SDRGetObjects, SDRListClasses, SDRRetrieveFile, SDR_test, and SDRWhoHasLock.

Use this command only under the direction of the IBM Support Center. You should only run this command if SDR configuration problems have been diagnosed.


SDR_config [-d] [-e frame:slot:type...] [-h] [-l] [-u] [-v]


Debug mode. No SDR changes will be made. This option is most useful if run with the verbose (-v) option to see what the command would do during normal execution.

-e frame:slot:type
Adds one or more external or dependent nodes. Each node is specified by the triple frame:slot:type where frame and slot indicate the physical location of the node, and type is the hardware type for the node (for example, 99 for dependent nodes). Additional nodes can be specified by separating the triples with a colon (:). |

|Displays usage information.

Logs output. All output will be logged to the SDR_config log file /var/adm/SPlogs/sdr/SDR_config.log. |

|Updates switch information. You cannot use the -u |flag on SP Switch2 systems.

Verbose mode. Status messages, informational messages, and SDR commands will be echoed to stdout.




SDR_config creates and configures objects in the SDR. It queries hardmon for a current list of all frames, nodes, and switches. It then queries the existing data in the SDR. New objects are created as necessary and existing objects are updated to match the hardmon data for SDR frames, nodes, dependent nodes, switches, host responds, switch responds and the system partitioning map. Data in the SDR for which no hardware information is available is NOT deleted, since the hardware may be temporarily disabled or cannot be sensed by hardmon.

SDR_config is normally invoked during system initialization when the SP logging daemon is started, when hardmon records hardware changes through the logging daemon, and by the hmreinit, spframe, and endefnode commands.

If SDR_config encounters severe problems, no changes will be made and the SDR will be restored to the same state as it was before the command was invoked.

When SDR_config is invoked, it creates a lock file in /var/adm/SPlogs/sdr/SDR_config.lock and removes it when the command has completed execution. This lock file prevents two instances of SDR_config from executing at the same time.


|This is an input file that overrides SDR_config's default |switch node number assignments for the nodes. It is not used in SP |Switch2 systems. This file consists of one line for each node with one |of the following formats:
|node_number switch_node_number


|frame_number,slot_number switch_node_number

|This is an input file that overrides SDR_config's default |switch plane assignments for the switches. This file can be used only |on SP Switch2 systems. This file consists of one line for each node |with the following format:
|frame_number:slot_number plane_number sequence_number

|The sequence number is the switch number within the plane. For |example, the first switch in each plane has a sequence number of 1, the second |switch in each plane has a sequence number of 2, and so on.

|When SDR_config is run, it creates a version of the | file in /var/adm/SPlogs/sdr that contains |the configuration SDR_config used for the system. To override |this configuration, copy the /var/adm/SPlogs/sdr/ |file to /etc/, edit it to reflect the configuration |you want, and rerun SDR_config. |

|When SDR_config is run, it creates a version of the | file in /var/adm/SPlogs/sdr that contains |the configuration SDR_config used for the system. This file |consists of one line for each switch with the following format:
|frame_number:slot_number plane_number sequence_number

|The sequence number is the switch number within the plane. For |example, the first switch in each plane has a sequence number of 1, the second |switch in each plane has a sequence number of 2, and so on.

|This file can be copied to /etc/ and edited to |override the SDR_config's default switch plane assignments for |the switches. To override SDR_config's default behavior, |copy this file to /etc/, edit it to reflect the |configuration you want, and rerun SDR_config.

Records output if the -v option was specified.

Locks the command to prevent more than one instance of the SDR_config command from running at a time.

/spdata/sys1/sdr/archives/backup.Julian date. Time.SDR_config
An SDR archive that is created by SDR_config when it encounters recoverable errors. This allows you to restore the SDR to the state it was before SDR_config was run.

Standard Output

All informational messages generated as a result of the -v option will be written to standard output.

If the -l option is specified, standard output will be redirected to the log file /var/adm/SPlogs/sdr/SDR_config.log.

Standard Error

All error messages will be written to standard output.

If the -l option is specified, standard error will be redirected to the log file /var/adm/SPlogs/sdr/SDR_config.log.

Exit Values

Indicates the successful completion of the command. |

|Indicates that the command did not complete successfully. Some |errors occurred, but they were recoverable and processing continued. |Changes were made to the SDR. |

|Indicates that the command did not complete successfully. Some |errors occurred, and the errors were not recoverable. No changes were |made to the SDR. |

|Indicates that an SDR_config lock was encountered and command |processing was halted. The command may already be in use.


You must have root privilege to run this command or be a member of the AIX system group.

You must run this command from a user who has "monitor" access to the Hardware Monitor Subsystem.

You must have write access to the SDR to run this command.


Use this command only under the direction of the IBM Support Center. You should only run this command if SDR configuration problems have been diagnosed.

This command can only be issued on the control workstation.

Implementation Specifics

This command is part of the IBM Parallel System Support Programs (PSSP) Licensed Program (LP) ssp.basic file set.



Related Information

Commands: endefnode, hmreinit, SDR_init , SDRRestore, spframe, splogd


This command is for PSSP use only.



SDR_init - Initializes the System Data Repository (SDR) during PSSP installation.


The System Data Repository (SDR) commands are to be used by the IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX (PSSP) system management software. Use of these commands by a user can cause damage to system configuration data. Exceptions are: SDRArchive, SDRGetObjects, SDRListFiles, SDRRetrieveFile, SDR_test, and SDRWhoHasLock.

Use this command only under the direction of the IBM Support Center. You should only run this command if SDR configuration problems have been diagnosed.


SDR_init [-d] [-h] [-l] [-v]


Debug mode. No SDR changes will be made. This option is most useful if run with the verbose option (-v) to see what the command would do during normal execution. |

|Displays usage information.

Logs output. All output is logged to the SDR_config log file /var/adm/SPlogs/sdr/SDR_config.log.

Verbose mode. Status messages, informational messages, and SDR commands is echoed to stdout.




SDR_init initializes the SDR during PSSP installation. It creates and initializes new SDR classes and attributes as required by the new level of PSSP being installed.

|Environment Variables


|When set to 1, the SDR_init command will not query |hardmon for system information. |


Records output if the -l option was specified.

Standard Output

All informational messages generated as a result of the -v option will be written to standard output.

If the -l option is specified, standard output will be redirected to the log file /var/adm/SPlogs/sdr/SDR_config.log.

Standard Error

All error messages are written to standard error.

If the -l option is specified, standard error will be redirected to the log file /var/adm/SPlogs/sdr/SDR_config.log.

|Exit Values


|Indicates the successful completion of the command.

|Indicates that the command was unsuccessful and did not complete. |Unrecoverable errors were encountered, and the command exited before |completion.

|Indicates that the command did complete, but with errors. The |errors encountered were recoverable and processing continued to |completion. |


You must have root privilege to run this command or be a member of the system group.

You must run this command from a user who has monitor authority in /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmacls. The user must have a non-expired authentication ticket.

You must have SDR administrator access to run this command.


Use this command only under the direction of the IBM Support Center. You should only run this command if SDR initialization problems have been diagnosed.

This command can only be issued on the control workstation.



Related Information

Commands: SDR_config


This command is for PSSP use only.



SDR_test - Verifies that the installation and configuration of the System Data Repository (SDR) component of the SP system completed successfully.


SDR_test [-q] [-l log_file]


Specifies quiet mode; suppresses output to standard error.

-l log_file
Specifies the path name of the log file to which error messages are written. (This is lowercase l, as in list.)




This command verifies that the SDR is functioning properly. After clearing out a class name, it creates the class, performs various SDR tasks, and removes the class when done.

A return code of 0 indicates that the test completed as expected; otherwise it returns the number of errors. If you do not specify the -q flag, a message is displayed on standard output that indicates if the tests were successful or not. In either case, the command returns 0 if successful, 1 if unsuccessful. If errors are detected, more detailed information is recorded in the log file. If you do not specify the -l flag, error messages are recorded in /var/adm/SPlogs/SDR_test.log for root users. For non-root users, error messages are recorded in /tmp/SDR_test.log.

You can use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to run this command. To use SMIT, enter:

smit SP_verify

and select the System Data Repository option.


Default log file created by root users.

Alternate log file created by non-root users.


To run this command you must have root privilege or be a member of the AIX system group.

You must have SDR administrator access to run this command.



Related Information

Commands: CSS_test, st_verify, SYSMAN_test, spmon_ctest, spmon_itest


To verify the System Data Repository following installation, saving error messages in sdr_err in the current working directory, enter:

SDR_test -l sdr_err

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