IBM Books

Command and Technical Reference, Volume 1



hmgetacls - Displays Hardware Monitor access permissions.


hmgetacls [-f file_name] [slot_spec]


-f file_name
Uses the file_name as the source of the slot ID specifications.


Specifies the addresses of the hardware components.


The hmgetacls command Displays Hardware Monitor access permissions that are associated with the specified hardware, in conjunction with the configured authorization methods.


/spdata/sys1/spmon/hmdceacls, /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmacls



Related Information

Commands: lsauthts, chauthts, hmckacls, hmdceobj


In the following examples the same command (hmgetacls 1:1-2) is issued four times; once for each of the possible authorization method configurations. The command's target is slots 1 and 2 in frame 1. Slot 1 contains a wide node and therefore it is not possible for slot 2 to contain a node.

  1. If the configured authentication method is DCE only, then the ACLs are applied at the slot level. In this example, slot 1 has v, s, m, and u permissions and slot 2 has none since slot 2 hardware does not exist:
    [/]> hmgetacls 1:1-2
    frame1/slot1      v  s  m  u
    frame1/slot2      -  -  -  -  
  2. If the configured authentication method is COMPAT only, then the ACLs are applied at the frame level. Therefore, all slots within a frame will have the same permissions as the frame. Note that the u permission is not valid in COMPAT mode. It is a DCE only permission:
    [/]> hmgetacls 1:1-2
    frame1/slot1      v  s  m  -
    frame1/slot2      v  s  m  -  
  3. If the configured authentication method is both DCE and COMPAT then the ACLs that are applied is the result of performing an "or" operation on both DCE and COMPAT permissions:
    [/]> hmgetacls 1:1-2
    frame1/slot1      v  s  m  u
    frame1/slot2      v  s  m  -
  4. If the configured authentication method is neither DCE nor COMPAT (there is no configured method), then access is granted based on whether the user is root and on the control workstation.

    If the user is root and on the control workstation, the output shows that the user can perform all of the actions:

    [/]> hmgetacls 1:1-2
    frame1/slot1      v  s  m  u
    frame1/slot2      v  s  m  u



hmmon - Monitors the state of the SP hardware.


[-G] [ -q] [-Q] [-r | -s] [-v var_nlist]
[-f file_name | slot_spec ... ]



Specifies Global mode. With this flag, all hardware can be specified.

Displays the current state information prior to displaying changed state.

Displays only the current state information and exits.

Displays the output in raw format.

Displays the output in symbolic format.

-v var_nlist
Limits output to that of the state variables specified by var_nlist, a comma separated list of symbolic variable names. This list cannot contain blanks. Use the -V flag for a list of possible values.

Displays a descriptive list of symbolic variable names and variable indexes, and exits.

-f file_name
Uses the file file_name as the source of slot ID specifications.


Displays the addresses of hardware components.


Use this command to monitor the state of the SP hardware contained in one or more SP frames. Each frame consists of 18 slots, numbered 0 through 17, where slot 0 represents the frame itself, slot 17 can contain a switch and slots 1 through 16 can contain thin or wide processing nodes. Wide nodes occupy two slots and are addressed by the odd slot number. In a switch only frame, slots 1 through 16 can contain switches; the switches occupy two slots and are addressed by the even slot number.

With no flags and operands, the command prints to standard output descriptive text of all hardware state changes in the current system partition as they occur, from the time the command is invoked. The command does not terminate, unless the -Q flag or the -V flag is specified, and must be interrupted by the user. To monitor all of the hardware in the SP system, the -G flag must be specified. Note that the switches and the frames themselves are not contained in any system partition.

When one or more slot_spec operands are present, each operand is interpreted as a slot ID specification. A slot ID specification names one or more slots in one or more SP frames and it has either of two forms:

fidlist:[sidlist]   or   nodlist


= fval[,fval,...]

= sval[,sval,...]

= nval[,nval,...]

The first form specifies frame numbers and slot numbers. The second form specifies node numbers. A fval is a frame number or a range of frame numbers of the form a-b. A sval is a slot number from the set 0 through 17 or a range of slot numbers of the form a-b. An nval is a node number or a range of node numbers of the form a-b. If a sidlist is not specified, all hardware in the frames specified by the fidlist is monitored.

The relationship of node numbers to frame and slot numbers is given by the following formula:

node_number = ((frame_number - 1) x 16) + slot_number
The node numbers can only be used to specify slots 1 through 16 of any frame.

The following are some examples of slot ID specifications.

To specify all hardware in frames 1 through 10, enter:


To specify frames 2, 4, 5, 6, and 7, enter:


To specify slots 9 through 16 in frame 5, enter:


If frame 5 contained wide nodes, the even slot numbers are ignored.

To specify slots 1, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16 in each of frames 3 and 4, enter:


To specify slot 17 in frame 4, enter:


To specify the nodes in slots 1 through 16 of frame 2, enter:


To specify the nodes in slot 1 of frame 1, slot 1 of frame 2 and slot 1 of frame 3, enter:


To specify the node in slot 6 of frame 1, enter:


Optionally, slot ID specifications may be provided in a file rather than as command operands. The file must contain one specification per line. When slot ID specifications are provided to the command, only the hardware named by the specifications is monitored. Furthermore, of the hardware named by these specifications, only that which is located in the current system partition is monitored. To monitor hardware not contained in the current system partition, the -G flag must be specified. If the -G flag is not specified and the slot ID specifications name no hardware in the current system partition, an error message is displayed.

The default output displays hardware state information on a slot-by-slot basis. The state information for each slot is captioned by its frame ID and slot ID and consists of two columns. Each column contains state variable information, one variable per line. Each variable is displayed as descriptive text and a value. Boolean values are displayed as TRUE or FALSE. Integer values are displayed in hexadecimal.

The command provides two other output formats, raw and symbolic. Both write the information for one state variable per line. The raw format consists of four fields separated by white space as follows:

Field 1
Contains the frame ID.

Field 2
Contains the slot ID.

Field 3
Contains the variable ID in hexadecimal.

Field 4
Contains the variable value, as received from the hardware, in decimal.

The symbolic format consists of six fields separated by white space as follows:

Field 1
Contains the frame ID.

Field 2
Contains the slot ID.

Field 3
Contains the symbolic name of the state variable.

Field 4
Contains the variable value. Booleans are displayed as TRUE or FALSE. Integers are displayed as decimal values or floating point values, as appropriate to the definition of the variable.

Field 5
Contains the variable ID in hexadecimal.

Field 6
Contains the descriptive text for the variable. This is the same text that is displayed in the default output. Thus, "field" 6 contains embedded white space.

The alternative output formats are suitable for input to post-processing programs, such as awk or scripts.

Output in any format can be limited to display only information from the specified hardware that corresponds to a list of state variables supplied to the command with the -v flag.

The user can monitor nonexistent nodes in an existing frame to detect when a node is added while the system is up and running. No information is returned for nonexistent nodes when the -q or -Q flag is specified.

The hmmon command fails if any of the hardware targeted is not supported by the version of PSSP on the machine where the command was issued.


To execute the hmmon command, the user must be authorized to access the Hardware Monitor subsystem and must be granted Monitor permission for the hardware objects (frames, slots) specified in the command. State information is not returned for hardware objects for which the user does not have Monitor permission.



Related Information

Commands: hmcmds

Files: /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmdceacls, /spdata/sys1/spmon/hmacls


The following is an example of default output from hmmon -G -Q 1:0,1. The command returns similar output, depending on your system configuration.

frame 001, slot 00:
 node 01 I2C not responding     FALSE
 node 02 I2C not responding     TRUE
 node 03 I2C not responding     FALSE
 node 04 I2C not responding     TRUE
 switch I2C not responding      FALSE
 node 01 serial link open       TRUE
 node 02 serial link open       FALSE
 node 03 serial link open       TRUE
 frame LED 1 (green)            0x0001
 frame LED 2 (green)            0x0001
 frame LED 3 (yellow)           0x0000
 frame LED 4 (yellow)           0x0000
 AC-DC section A power off      FALSE
 AC-DC section B power off      FALSE
 AC-DC section C power off      FALSE
 AC-DC section D power off      FALSE
 supervisor timer ticks         0x88f2
 +48 voltage                    0x0078
 temperature                    0x0036
 supervisor serial number       0x1234
 supervisor type                0x0011
 supervisor code version        0x5ff5
frame 001, slot 01:
 serial 1 DTR asserted          TRUE
 -12 volt low warning           TRUE
 -12 volt low shutdown          FALSE
 -12 volt high warning          TRUE
 +4 volt low shutdown           FALSE
 +4 volt high warning           TRUE
 fan 1 shutdown                 FALSE
 fan 2 warning                  TRUE
 DC-DC power on > 10 secs       TRUE
 +5 DC-DC output good           TRUE
 7 segment display flashing     FALSE
 node/switch LED 1 (green)      0x0001
 reset button depressed         FALSE
 serial link open               TRUE
 diagnosis return code          0x00dd
 7 segment LED A                0x00ff
 +5 I/O voltage                 0x007f
 +12 voltage                    0x0096

The following is an example of raw output from hmmon -G -Q -r 1:0. The command returns similar output, depending on your system configuration.

1 0 0x880f 32
1 0 0x881c 0
1 0 0x881d 4
1 0 0x8834 54
1 0 0x8839 4660
1 0 0x883a 17
1 0 0x88a8 1
1 1 0x9097 16
1 1 0x9098 0
1 1 0x9047 1
1 1 0x909d 128
1 1 0x9023 221
1 1 0x90a1 255
1 1 0x90a2 127
1 1 0x903b 24565

The following is an example of symbolic output from hmmon -G -Q -s 1:0. The command returns similar output, depending on your system configuration.

1  0  nodefail1          FALSE    0x8802  node 01 I2C not responding
1  0  nodeLinkOpen1      TRUE     0x8813  node 01 serial link open
1  0  frACLED                  1  0x8824  frame LED 1 (green)
1  0  frNodeComm               0  0x8827  frame LED 4 (yellow)
1  0  frPowerOff_B       FALSE    0x882d  AC-DC section B power off
1  0  timeTicks            34881  0x8830  supervisor timer ticks
1  0  voltP48             46.800  0x8831  +48 voltage
1  0  type                    17  0x883a  supervisor type
1  0  codeVersion          24565  0x883b  supervisor code version
1  0  controllerResponds TRUE     0x88a8  Frame responding to polls
1  0  rs232DCD           TRUE     0x88a9  RS232 link DCD active
1  0  rs232CTS           TRUE     0x88aa  RS232 link CTS active
1  1  fanfail2           FALSE    0x9050  fan 2 shutdown
1  1  nodePowerOn10Sec   TRUE     0x904b  DC-DC power on > 10 secs
1  1  P5DCok             TRUE     0x9097  +5 DC-DC output good
1  1  powerLED                 1  0x9047  node/switch LED 1 (green)
1  1  envLED                   0  0x9048  node/switch LED 2 (yellow)
1  1  keyModeSwitch            0  0x909b  key switch
1  1  serialLinkOpen     TRUE     0x909d  serial link open
1  1  LED7SegA               255  0x909f  7 segment LED A
1  1  voltP5i              4.978  0x90a2  +5 I/O voltage

The raw and symbolic formats output by the hmmon command contain the variable ID of each state variable. Refer to Appendix D in PSSP: Administration Guide.



hmreinit - Stops and starts the Hardware Monitor daemon and modifies the System Data Repository (SDR) as necessary.








Use this command to reinitialize the Hardware Monitor daemon when changes to the SP system occur. When the daemon is restarted, splogd will invoke SDR_config which will update the SDR to match the current hardware configuration.

Standard Error

This command writes error messages (as necessary) to standard error.

Exit Values

Indicates the successful completion of the command.

1, 2, 3
Indicates an error occurred. Check error messages for information.


You must have root privilege and write access to the SDR to run this command.

Implementation Specifics

This command is part of the Parallel System Support Programs (PSSP) Licensed Program (LP).



Related Information

Commands: SDR_config, spframe, splogd

For additional information, refer to the "Reconfiguring the IBM RS/6000 SP system" chapter in PSSP: Installation and Migration Guide.


To stop and restart the Hardware Monitor daemon, enter:


You should receive messages similar to the following:

0513-044 The stop of the splogd Subsystem was completed successfully.
0513-044 The stop of the hardmon Subsystem was completed successfully.
0513-059 The hardmon Subsystem has been started. Subsystem PID is 22746.
0513-059 The splogd Subsystem has been started. Subsystem PID is 28440.
SDR_config: SDR_config completed successfully.



hostlist - Lists SP host names to standard output based on criteria.


[-s framerange:slotrange] [-f file_name] [-a] [-G]
[-n noderange] [-w host_name,host_name, ...]
[-e host_name,host_name, ...] [-v] [-d | -l] [-r]
[-N node_group,node_group, ...]


Specifies a range of frames and a range of slots on each of the frames. Ranges are specified as in 1-3, meaning 1 through 3 inclusive, and as 1,3,15, meaning 1, 3, and 15. Ranges can incorporate both styles as in 1-10,15. So, 1-3,5:1-2,4 would refer to slots 1,2 and 4 on each of the frames 1,2,3, and 5. If a node occupies more than one slot, referring to either or both of the slots refers to the node.

Specifies the file name of a working collective file as in the dsh working collective, containing a host name on each line. This can be in the format of a Parallel Operating Environment (POE) host.list file. |

|Specifies that the System Data Repository (SDR) initial_hostname |or reliable_hostname field for all nodes in the current system |partition be written to standard output. For each node, this |corresponds to what the hostname command returns on the node. |If the HN_METHOD=reliable environment variable is specified, the |reliable_hostname field will be used.

Changes the scope of the arguments associated with the -a, -n, -s, and -N options from the current system partition to the SP system.

Specifies that all nodes in a noderange are written. The range specification has syntax similar to that of frame or slot ranges. Nodes are numbered starting with 1, for frame 1 slot 1, up to the number of slots on the system (note that a node number can refer to an empty slot). A noderange can span frames (for example, 1-4,17-50) would refer to all nodes occupying slots 1-4 on frame 1 and 1-16 on frames 2 and 3, and slots 1 and 2 on frame 4.

Specifies a list of host names, separated by commas, to include in the working collective. Both this flag and the a flag can be included on the same command line. Duplicate host names are only included once in the working collective.

Specifies an exclusion list. Comma-separated host names specified are not written to standard output.

Specifies that only nodes that are responding according to the SDR have their host names written.

Specifies that IP addresses are returned as output.

Specifies that long host names be written. (This is lowercase l, as in list.)

Specifies a restriction to write host names for only those nodes that have exactly the same node number or starting slot specified by the search argument. For example, if a "-n" value corresponds to the second slot of a wide node, and the "-r" flag is used, then a warning message is written instead of the host name for the first slot of the wide node.

Specifies a list of node groups. Each node group is resolved into nodes. The host names of these nodes are added to the host list. If -G is supplied, a global node group is used. Otherwise, a partitioned-bound node group is used.




The hostlist command writes SP host names to standard output. The arguments to the command indicate the host names to be written. More than one flag can be specified, in which case, the hosts indicated by all the flags are written.

If no arguments are specified, hostlist writes the contents of a file specified by the WCOLL environment variable. If the WCOLL environment variable does not exist, the MP_HOSTFILE environment variable is used as the name of a POE host file to use for input. Finally, ./host.list is tried. If none of these steps are successful, an error has occurred. The input file is in dsh-working-collective-file or POE-host-list-file format. Node pool specifications in POE host files are not supported.


working collective file
See the dsh command.

POE host.list file
See Parallel Environment for AIX: Operation and Use documentation.

|Environment Variables

|The HN_METHOD=reliable or initial environment variable will be used with |the hostlist -a or hostlist -av options to |determine whether to use the reliable_hostname or |initial_hostname when building the working collective. The |default is the initial_hostname.

Related Information

Commands: dsh, sysctl


  1. To create a working collective file of all nodes in the system partition that are responding, except for badhost, enter:
    hostlist -av -e badhost > ./working
  2. To run a program on the nodes on slot 1 of each of 4 frames, enter:
    hostlist -s 1-4:1 | dsh -w - program
  3. To run a program on the nodes on all slots for frame 1 and slots 1-3 for frame 3, as well as on host otherone, enter:
    hostlist -n 1-16,33-35 -w otherone | dsh -w - program
  4. To run a Sysctl application on all the nodes in the WCOLL file ./wcoll:, enter:
    export WCOLL=./wcoll
    hostlist | sysctl -c - sysctl_app args
  5. |To create a working collective of all nodes in a system using |reliable hostnames, enter:
    |export HN_METHOD=reliable
    |hostlist -aG > ./working



hr - Controls the host_responds monitor daemon, hrd, on the control workstation.


[-spname syspar_name]
{[start | resume] | [stop | quiesce] | reset | [query | qall | qsrc] |
refresh | mksrc optional_flags | rmsrc | clean | restore |
[debug | debug off] | [trace on | trace off]}


-spname syspar_name
Executes the command for the system partition specified by the syspar_name operand. If this flag is not specified, the name of the system partition given by the value of the SP_NAME variable is used.


start | resume
Starts the hrd daemon.

stop | quiesce
Stops the hrd daemon.

Stops and restarts the hrd daemon.

Queries the daemon for status. The response to the query includes hrd-specific information.

Performs the query function for each defined partition.

Displays a subsystem definition for a partition.

Uses the refresh command to request a daemon refresh.

mksrc optional_flags
Uses the mkssys command to create an SRC subsystem object. Additional flags for the command may be specified.

Uses the rmssys command to remove an SRC subsystem object.

Removes all entries for the subsystem for all system partitions.

Synchronizes the running daemons with the information in the System Data Repository (SDR). This operand removes all entries for the subsystem, creates new entries based on information in the SDR, and starts the subsystems.

[debug | debug off ]
Turns debugging on or off.

[trace on | trace off ]
Turns additional tracing on or off.


Use this command to control the operation of hrd, the host_responds daemon on the control workstation within a system partition. The hrd daemon receives information from the Event Management subsystem about nodes that are reachable through the |SP Ethernet administrative local area network (LAN) within a system partition. The hrd daemon uses this information to update the SDR host_responds class.

The hr script is not normally executed from the command line. It is normally called by the hrctrl command, which is in turn called by the syspar_ctrl command during installation of the system, and partitioning or repartitioning of the system.

The hrd daemon is initially started on the control workstation with the System Resource Controller (SRC). It is respawned automatically if the hrd daemon is unsuccessful. The SP_NAME environment variable causes selection of the correct daemon.


You must have root privilege to run this command.

Implementation Specifics

This command is part of the IBM Parallel System Support Programs (PSSP) Licensed Program (LP).

Prerequisite Information

The "Starting up and shutting down the SP system" chapter and "The System Data Repository" appendix in PSSP: Administration Guide

AIX Commands Reference

Information about the System Resource Controller (SRC) in AIX General Programming Concepts: Writing and Debugging Programs



Related Information

Commands: hrctrl, lssrc, startsrc, stopsrc, syspar_ctrl


See the hrctrl command.



hrctrl - A script that controls the Host_Responds subsystem.


hrctrl { -a | -s | -k | -d | -c | -t | -o | -r | -h }


Adds the subsystem.

Starts the subsystem.

Stops the subsystem.

Deletes the subsystem.

Cleans the subsystems, that is, delete them from all system partitions.

Turns tracing on for the subsystem.

Turns tracing off for the subsystem.

Refreshes the subsystem.

Displays usage information.




The Host_Responds subsystem provides to other PSSP subsystems information about the state of the nodes on the IBM RS/6000 SP.

The hrctrl control script controls the operation of the Host_Responds subsystem. The subsystem is under the control of the System Resource Controller (SRC) and belongs to a subsystem group called hr. Associated with each subsystem is a daemon and a script that configures and starts the daemon.

An instance of the Host_Responds subsystem executes on the control workstation for every system partition. Because Host_Responds provides its services within the scope of a system partition, its subsystem is said to be system partition-sensitive. This control script operates in a manner similar to the control scripts of other system partition-sensitive subsystems. The script should be issued on the control workstation. If it is issued on a node, it has no effect.

From an operational point of view, the Host_Responds subsystem group is organized as follows:


Subsystem Group

SRC Subsystem

The hr subsystem is associated with the hrd daemon and the hr script. The hr script configures and starts the hrd daemon.

On the control workstation, there are multiple instances of each subsystem, one for each system partition. Accordingly, the subsystem names on the control workstation have the system partition name appended to them. For example, for system partitions named sp_prod and sp_test, the subsystems on the control workstation are named hr.sp_prod and hr.sp_test.

The subsystem does not run on the nodes.


The hrd daemon provides the Host_Responds services. The hr script configures and starts the hrd daemon.

The hrctrl script is not normally executed from the command line. It is normally called by the syspar_ctrl command during installation of the system, and partitioning or repartitioning of the system.

The hrctrl script provides a variety of controls for operating the Host_Responds subsystem:

Before performing any of these functions, the script obtains the node number (using the node_number) command. If the node number is not zero, the control script is running on a node and it exits immediately. Otherwise, it is executing on the control workstation and it calls the hr script with an operand that specifies the action to be performed.

Adding the Subsystem

When the -a flag is specified, the control script uses the hr command with the mksrc operand to add the Host_Responds subsystem to the SRC.

Starting the Subsystem

When the -s flag is specified, the control script uses the hr command with the start operand to start the Host_Responds subsystem, hr .

Stopping the Subsystem

When the -k flag is specified, the control script uses the hr command with the stop operand to stop the Host_Responds subsystem, hr .

Deleting the Subsystem

When the -d flag is specified, the control script uses the hr command with the rmsrc operand to remove the Host_Responds subsystem from the SRC.

Cleaning up the Subsystems

When the -c flag is specified, the control script uses the hr command with the clean operand to stop and remove the Host_Responds subsystems for all system partitions from the SRC.

Turning Tracing On

When the -t flag is specified, the control script turns tracing on for the hrd daemon, using the hr command with the trace on operand.

Turning Tracing Off

When the -o flag is specified, the control script turns tracing off (returns it to its default level) for the hrd daemon, using the hr command with the trace off operand.

Refreshing the Subsystem

When the -r flag is specified, the control script refreshes the subsystem, using the hr refresh command.

Standard Error

This command writes error messages (as necessary) to standard error.

Exit Values

Indicates the successful completion of the command.

Indicates that an error occurred.


You must have root privilege to run this command.

Implementation Specifics

This command is part of the IBM Parallel System Support Programs (PSSP) Licensed Program (LP).

Prerequisite Information

AIX Commands Reference

Information about the System Resource Controller (SRC) in AIX General Programming Concepts: Writing and Debugging Programs



Related Information

Commands: hr, lssrc , startsrc, stopsrc, syspar_ctrl


  1. To add the Host_Responds subsystem to the SRC in the current system partition, set the SP_NAME environment variable to the appropriate system partition name and enter:
    hrctrl -a
  2. To start the Host_Responds subsystem in the current system partition, set the SP_NAME environment variable to the appropriate system partition name and enter:
    hrctrl -s
  3. To stop the Host_Responds subsystem in the current system partition, set the SP_NAME environment variable to the appropriate system partition name and enter:
    hrctrl -k
  4. To delete the Host_Responds subsystem from the SRC in the current system partition, set the SP_NAME environment variable to the appropriate system partition name and enter:
    hrctrl -d
  5. To clean up the Host_Responds subsystem on all system partitions, enter:
    hrctrl -c
  6. To turn tracing on for the Host_Responds daemon in the current system partition, set the SP_NAME environment variable to the appropriate system partition name and enter:
    hrctrl -t
  7. To turn tracing off for the Host_Responds daemon in the current system partition, set the SP_NAME environment variable to the appropriate system partition name and enter:
    hrctrl -o
  8. To display the status of all of the subsystems in the Host_Responds SRC group, enter:
    lssrc -g hr
  9. To display the status of an individual Host_Responds subsystem, enter:
    lssrc -s subsystem_name
  10. To display detailed status about an individual Host_Responds subsystem, enter:
    lssrc -l -s subsystem_name

    In response, the system returns information that includes the running status of the subsystem and the status of the nodes within the system partition.

  11. To display the status of all of the daemons under SRC control, enter:
    lssrc -a



hsdatalst - Displays hashed shared disk information for the virtual shared disk from the System Data Repository (SDR).


hsdatalst [-G]


Displays information for all system partitions on the SP, not only the current system partition.




This command is used to display defined hashed shared disk information in the system.

You can use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to run this command. To use SMIT, enter:

smit list_vsd

and select the List Defined Hashed Shared Disk option.

Prerequisite Information

PSSP: Managing Shared Disks



Related Information

Commands: defhsd, undefhsd, updatehsd


To display SDR hashed shared disk data, enter:


which produces output similar to:

                         HSD Table
minor option        stripeSZ #vsds hsd_name vsd_name  size_in_MB
---- -------------- -------- ----- -----------------------------
1     protect_lvcb  32768     2     HsD     HsD1n13   512
1     protect_lvcb  32768     2     HsD     HsD1n14   512
2     protect_lvcb  65536     4     myhsd   vsd1n1    2148
2     protect_lvcb  65536     4     myhsd   vsd1n2    2148
2     protect_lvcb  65536     4     myhsd   vsd1n3    2148
2     protect_lvcb  65536     4     myhsd   vsd1n4    2148



hsdvts - Verifies that a hashed shared disk for a virtual shared disk has been correctly configured and works.


Data on hsd_name will be overwritten and, therefore, destroyed. Use this command after you have defined your hashed shared disks, virtual shared disks, and logical volumes, but before you have loaded your application data onto any of them.


hsdvts hsd_name




The name of the hashed shared disk you want verified. Warning: Data on vsd_name will be overwritten and, therefore, destroyed.


This command writes /unix to hsd_name, reads it from hsd_name to a temporary file, and compares the temporary file to the original to make sure the I/O was successful. If the files compare exactly, the test was successful.

hsdvts writes to the raw hsd_name device /dev/rhsd_name. Since raw devices can only be written in multiples of 512-sized blocks, hsdvts determines the number of full 512-byte blocks in /unix file, and writes that number to hsd_name via dd command. It makes a copy of /unix that contains this number of 512-byte blocks for comparison to the copy read from hsd_name. The dd command is used for all copy operations.

Prerequisite Information

PSSP: Managing Shared Disks



Related Information

Commands: cfghsd, cfgvsd, dd, defhsd, startvsd


To verify that hashed shared disk hsd1 has been correctly configured and works, enter:

hsdvts hsd1

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