IBM Books

Administration Guide

Updating crontabs on the SP nodes

If you want the same crontab file on all SP nodes, one way to update it across the whole SP System is:

  1. Get the current crontab from one of the nodes:
    |{rsh|ssh} hostname |crontab -l > /tmp/mycrontab
  2. Edit the file:
    vi /tmp/mycrontab
  3. Propagate the changed crontabs file to all SP nodes:
    |pcp -a /tmp/mycrontab /tmp/mycrontab
    dsh -a "crontab < /tmp/mycrontab"

If you change the default configuration to modify the hierarchy of file collection servers, you need to modify the crontabs files to reflect the new relationship. See Modifying the file collection hierarchy for more information. If you create your own file collections, you will also need to add them to the supper update commands in the crontabs file to keep them on schedule with the other upgrades.

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