IBM Books

Administration Guide

SDR shadow files

The SDR classes are stored in subdirectories under directory /spdata/sys1/sdr. The subdirectories of interest are /system/classes and /partitions/partition_ip_address/classes. The names of the files in those directories correspond to the names of the classes.

Before SDR commits changes to a class, the class contents are moved to a backup file in the same directory as the class. The backup file is named class.shadow, where class is the name of the class being written. If a power loss occurs or the SDR daemon is killed while the SDR class is being written, the class file that was being written at the time may not exist or may be corrupted. You should check for the existence of a class.shadow file. If one exists, take the following steps to restore the class.

  1. Remove the corrupted class file (if one exists).
  2. Rename the class.shadow file to class.
  3. Restart the SDR daemon (sdrd) by issuing sdr reset.

The SDR daemon will restart automatically and recognize the renamed shadow file as the class.

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