Administration Guide
You can access information in the SDR by using SP Perspectives, SMIT
panels, or the SDR command line interface. The SDR command line
interface is used by SP Perspectives, SMIT, and various other SP
commands. You do not need to use the SDR commands directly unless you
are instructed to by an IBM service representative. Many system
management commands, such as spbootins, manipulate SDR data.
You must be authorized to access the SDR. The SDR performs
authentication before allowing read-write access.
The SDR handles authentication differently depending on whether DCE is
being used as an authentication method. Since authentication methods
are enabled on an SP system partition basis, if DCE is being used by the SDR
server, the sdrd daemon running in an SP system partition, then authentication
is done using DCE. If DCE is not in use by sdrd, authentication is done
as before PSSP 3.2: you must be the root user on the control
workstation or an SP node. An SP node is specifically one that has a
connecting adapter defined in an SDR Adapter class object. When not
using DCE authentication, a node can only write to partition-sensitive classes
within the partition or to system classes.
To support coexistence with earlier levels of PSSP software, DCE
authentication is not used when the compatibility authentication method is
enabled for SP trusted services or when no authentication method is
set. That means during a system migration, the SDR is no less secure
than in a system without DCE and will be no more secure until after DCE is
enabled on the control workstations and all the nodes.
On systems that do not use DCE, the SDR has two levels of
authorization: read-write and read-only. On systems using DCE the
SDR has three levels of authorization: read-only, read-write, and
read-write-admin. Commands issued without the necessary authorization
will fail.
Table 21 shows the conditions under which each level of authorization
is given on a system not using DCE.
Table 21. SDR authorizations on a system without DCE
| Root User
| Non-Root User
Control Workstation
| read-write
| read-only
SP Node
| read-write
| read-only
| read-only
| read-only
On DCE systems, anyone is allowed to read the SDR. Write and admin
access is authorized by membership in eight DCE groups. The admin
authority includes write authority as well. There are separate access
groups for system classes and for partition-sensitive classes. There
are user access groups to which a security administrator can add user
principals and there are service access groups that are for the SP trusted
services. The groups are the following:
- ssp/sdr-admin
- user group for partition-sensitive classes
- ssp/sdr-write
- user group for partition-sensitive classes
- ssp/sdr-admin-services
- services group for partition-sensitive classes
- ssp/sdr-write-services
- services group for partition-sensitive classes
- ssp/sdr-system-class-admin
- user group for system classes
- ssp/sdr-system-class-write
- user group for system classes
- ssp/sdr-system-class-admin-services
- services group for system classes
- ssp/sdr-system-class-write-services
- services group for system classes
Only partition-sensitive classes are defined as being partitionable in the
spsec_defaults configuration file. To have a separate group
for each partition, you can define the :p option for the
group in the spsec_overrides file.
The SDR commands that require write permission are the following:
- SDRChangeAttrValues
- SDRCreateObjects
- SDRDeleteObjects
- SDRMoveObjects
- SDRReplaceFile
The SDR commands that require admin permission are the following:
- SDRClearLock
- SDRCreateClass
- SDRCreateFile
- SDRDeleteFile
- SDRCreateSystemClass
- SDRCreateSystemFile
- SDRDeleteSystemFile
If a partition has both DCE and compatibility authentication set for SP
trusted services, root users on the SP will be able to do SDR write and admin
operations. Also, anyone with DCE credentials that are in one or more
DCE SDR access groups will be able to do SDR write and admin
There are three ways in which a process can locate the SDR server.
They are selected in the following order of preference but when one method is
selected, no other methods are attempted. This means that if method 1
is available, only method 1 is attempted. If it fails, methods 2 and 3
are not attempted.
- The destination is passed as the third parameter in the
SDROpenSession command. This only works for library routines
and therefore may be used by some SP subsystems, such as the Resource
Manager. The destination is the hostname or TCP/IP address of the
control workstation where the SDR runs.
- The SP_NAME environment variable is set to the hostname or TCP/IP
address of the control workstation where the SDR runs.
- The /etc/SDR_dest_info file is present and has the
primary record set to the hostname or TCP/IP address of the control
workstation where the SDR runs. This file is installed on the control
workstation and all SP system nodes along with the PSSP software.
The /etc/SDR_dest_info file is created on the control workstation
at system installation, and propagated to all nodes in the SP system.
The /etc/SDR_dest_info file has the following format:
* comments have an asterisk in column 1
default: <TCP/IP address of default system partition>
primary: <TCP/IP address of node's partition>
nameofdefault: <hostname of default system partition>
nameofprimary: <hostname of name of the node's partition>
The default record identifies the default system partition.
The default record is used at boot time so that the node can determine if it
has changed system partitions.
Only the primary record is used by the SDR to locate the control
workstation where the SDR server runs.
The SDR daemon writes information to a log named
where syspar_ip_addr is the IP address of the system partition and
pid is the process ID of the SDR daemon (sdrd
process). This log will contain the date and time the process started,
as well as problems encountered by the daemon in the course of
The RS/6000 SP System Management SMIT panel provides options for accessing
configuration data in the SDR. To invoke this panel:
- smit
- The System Management menu appears.
- RS/6000 SP System Management
- The RS/6000 SP System Management menu appears.
The RS/6000 SP System Management menu offers the following options:
- RS/6000 SP Configuration Database Management
The dialogs available through this path allow you to enter, list, and
change information during the installation process about your nodes, primary
and secondary external LANs, and switch connections, as well as site
environment information. These tasks are explained in the
PSSP: Installation and Migration Guide.
The choices from this menu are:
- Enter Database Information
- Site Environment Information
- |SP Frame Information
- |Hardware System Console Information
- |Non-SP Frame Information
- Node Database Information
- Node Group Information
- System Partition Configuration
- Extension Node Database Information
- Run setup_server Command
- List Database Information
- List Site Environment Database Information
- List Frame Database Information
- List Node Database Information
- |Examine Partition Node Groups
- List System Partition Database Information
- List LAN Database Information
- List Extension Node Database Information
- List Extension Node Adapters Database Information
- |Aggregate IP Database Information
- Delete Database Information
- Delete Frame Information
- Delete Node Information
- Delete Volume Group Information
- Delete Adapter Information
- Delete Node Group Information
- Delete Node Expansion Information
- Delete Extension Node Information
- Delete Extension Node Adapter Information
- |Delete Aggregate IP Information
- |Delete Hardware System Console Information
- RS/6000 SP Cluster Management
The choices from this menu are:
- Run setup_server Command
- Select System Tuning Parameters
- Perform Switch Operations
- Run enadmin Command
- RS/6000 SP Configuration Information
Using this path, you can display configuration information about your
nodes, networks, file systems, and paging spaces.
The choices from this menu are:
- List Node Hardware Information
- List Node Network Information
- List Node File System Information
- RS/6000 SP Users
Using this path, you can add and delete users, as well as change user
management attributes such as passwords.
The choices from this menu are:
- Add a User
- Change/Show Characteristics of a User
- Remove a User
- RS/6000 SP Installation/Configuration Verification
Use this path to check that your PSSP software options are installed
The choices are:
- System Monitor Installation
- System Monitor Configuration
- System Data Repository
- |System Data Repository Scan
- System Management
- Communication Subsystem
- System Partition Configuration
- |Job Switch Resurce Table Services Installation
- |Resource Manager Installation
- Resource Manager Configuration
- RS/6000 SP Supervisor Manager
The choices are:
- Check for Supervisors That Require Action (Single Message Issued)
- List Status of Supervisors (Report Form)
- List Status of Supervisors (Matrix Form)
- List Supervisors That Require Action (Report Form)
- List Supervisors That Require Action (Matrix Form)
- Update *ALL* Supervisors That Require Action (Use Most Current
- |Update *ALL Frame* Supervisors That Require Action (Use Most
|Current Level)
- Update Selectable Supervisors That Require Action (Use Most Current
- RS/6000 SP Resource Manager
The choices are:
- Change/Show Configuration Data
- Start the Resource Manager
- Reconfigure the Resource Manager
- Stop the Resource Manager
- |RS/6000 SP Security
|The choices are:
- |Select Security Capabilities Required on Nodes
- |Create DCE hostnames
- |Update SDR with DCE Master Security and CDS Server Hostname
- |Configure DCE Clients (Admin portion)
- |Configure SP Trusted Services to use DCE Authentication
- |Create SP Trusted Services Keyfiles
- |Select Authorization Methods for AIX Remote Commands
- |Enable Authentication Methods for AIX Remote Commands
- |Enable Authentication Methods for SP Trusted Commands
- |Hardware Monitor DCE Objects
- |Manage SP ACLs
- RS/6000 SP Log Management
The choices are:
- AIX Error Log
- Syslog
- General Log Viewing
- Archive Logs
- Collect Logs for Service
The menu selections run standard AIX commands and, in some cases, add
information from the Hardware Monitor and reformat the output for
usability. Let's examine the options on the list menu in more
detail. The Configuration Information menu contains options that invoke
the AIX commands listed in Table 22.
Table 22. Commands invoked by SMIT panels
| To:
List Node Hardware Information
| Run the AIX lscfg command to display the name, location, and
description of the devices related to the nodes
List Node Network Information
| Run the AIX netstat -in command to show the state of the
nodes' configured interfaces
List Node File System Information
| Run the AIX df command to display the total spaces and available
space on the node file systems
- Any of the three choices
- SMIT runs the corresponding AIX command for all the nodes and displays the
information in a scrollable window.
You can also list the configuration data using the splstdata
command. See the book PSSP: Command and Technical
Reference for complete syntax and examples.
A command line interface allows you to display, change, or delete the
contents of an SDR object without invoking SMIT panels.
These commands are used by the PSSP components to operate on SDR
data. You should not need to use these commands directly. Should
you choose to use them, do so with caution. SDR contents can be
corrupted or made inaccessible.
The following list briefly describes these commands. See the book
PSSP: Command and Technical Reference for exact
- SDRAddSyspar
- The PSSP components use this command to create a new daemon using the
System Resource Controller (SRC).
- SDRArchive
- The PSSP components use this command to create an archives file containing
all current SDR classes attributes.
- SDRChangeAttrValues
- The PSSP components use this command to change the attribute values of an
existing object.
- SDRClearLock
- The PSSP components use this command to unlock a class that is locked,
regardless of who has the lock. This is for system administration use
only and should be used with caution.
- SDRCreateAttrs
- The PSSP components use this command to create new attributes for an SDR
- SDRCreateClass
- The PSSP components use this command to create a new class of objects and
its attributes.
- SDRCreateFile
- The PSSP components use this command to create an SDR file from an AIX
- SDRCreateObjects
- The PSSP components use this command to create one or more new objects and
define their attribute values.
- SDRCreateSystemClass
- The PSSP components use this command to create a system class.
- SDRCreateSystemFile
- The PSSP components use this command to create a file that can be
retrieved from any system partition.
- SDRDeleteFile
- The PSSP components use this command to delete an SDR file.
- SDRDeleteObjects
- The PSSP components use this command to delete target objects.
- SDRGetObjects
- The PSSP components use this command to query the values of target objects
and attributes and prints them to stdout.
- SDRListClasses
- The PSSP components use this command to list the class names in the
- SDRListFiles
- The PSSP components use this command to first list all the files in the
system area, then list all the files in the system partition area.
- SDRMoveObjects
- The PSSP components use this command to move objects from one system
partition to another.
- SDRRemoveSyspar
- The PSSP components use this command to remove the entire contents of the
subdirectory under system partitions. It uses the SRC to remove the
daemon that serves the system partition.
- SDRReplaceFile
- The PSSP components use this command to replace the specified SDR file
with the specified AIX file.
- SDRRestore
- The PSSP components use this command to overwrite the current SDR with the
contents of an archived SDR file.
- SDRRetrieveFile
- The PSSP components use this command to create an AIX file from an SDR
- SDR_test
- The PSSP components use this command to verify that the installation and
configuration of the SDR completed successfully.
- SDRWhoHasLock
- The PSSP components use this command to query the lock transaction ID for
a specified object class.
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