IBM Books

Administration Guide


This script creates a file of user names in a column format called called /tmp/usr.input. The usr.input file can be used with the spacs_cntrl command. Once you are comfortable using Login Control, you can uncomment the spacs_cntrl command in this script. This file is in /usr/lpp/ssp/samples.

#  Description:
#   This sample script will build a file of users from the /etc/passwd
#   file to input to spacs_cntrl.
#   The following items should be checked and possibly changed to conform
#   to the policy at your site.
#   1)  uid threshhold to start adding users to the file.  Should be large
#       enough to prevent system users such as root, adm, bin, lpd, etc.
#       from being added to the file for spacs_cntrl.  The arbitary value
#       used is 125.
#   2)  flags for spacs_cntrl. The logging flag is issued to
#       allow you to follow the actions of spacs_cntrl.  You may wish to
#       remove this flag once you are familiar with running spacs_cntrl.
#       The -s flag suppresses error messages which are logged then -l is
#       issued.
# required files.
$uidstart = 125;
$allokay = 0;
$syserror = 2;
# open the usr.input file
unless ( open(USRFILE,">$usrfile") ) {
      print "block_usr:  Cannot open usr.input file.\n";
      exit ($syserror);
# write any names with a uid of 125 or above into file
while ( ($uname,$passwd,$uid) = getpwent ) {
    if ( $uid >= $uidstart ) {
      print USRFILE $uname,"\n";
# make sure file has entries
if ( -z $usrfile ) {
   print "block_usr:  No entries in $usrfile.  Not executing spacs_cntrl.\n";

# Uncomment the following for this script to automatically run the spacs_cntrl command
# and block users.
# issue spacs_cntrl to block users in the file.
#system "/usr/lpp/ssp/bin/spacs_cntrl -s -l -f $usrfile block";
#if ( $rc != 0 ) {
#   $rc = ($rc >> 8);
#   print "block_usr:  Possible error from spacs_cntrl.  Return code = $rc\n";
#   exit($rc);
exit ($allokay)

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