IBM Books

Administration Guide

Active message (C)

This C program is an example of the use of the LAPI active message call:

**Example Program illustrating use of the LAPI Active Message Call
#include <lapi.h>
#define A_MAX     2
#define I_MAX     10
typedef struct {                    /* header for active message handler */
     compl_hndlr_t *cmpl_hndlr;     /* pointer to completion handler */
     int uinfo;                     /* uinfo passed to -- */
} usrhdr_t;                         /* the completion handler */
volatile int cont=0;
/** Function:     The completion handler for the active call.
**                This is invoked at the target after all the data
**                of the active message send (LAPI_Amsend) call have
**                reached the target.
** Parameters:    hndl  -> pointer to the handle for the LAPI context
**                param -> pointer to the user param (specified
**                         by user in the header handler function)
do_get(lapi_handle_t *hndl, void *param)                                 do_get
     int loop, rc;
     int *buf;
     buf = (int *) param;
     printf("In Completion Handler: Result of AM call\n");
     /* Print Updated buffer */
     for (loop=0; loop < I_MAX; loop++) {
         printf("val[%d] = %d\n", loop, buf[loop]);
     cont= 1;
** Function:    User's active messsage header handler. This is invoked
**              at the target when the active message first arrives
**              at the target
** Parameters:  hndl    ->     pointer to the handle for the LAPI
**                             context
**              uhdr    ->     pointer to the user header
**              uhdrlen ->     pointer to the length of the user
**                             header
**              msglen  ->     pointer to the length of the message
**              compl_hndlr -> pointer to the completion handler
**                             function pointer. This is to be set
**                             by the user in this function.  (CAN
**                             be NULL)
**              saved_info ->  pointer to the user_info.  This is set
**                             by the user in this function. This
**                             parameter is then passed to the
**                             completion handler when the completion
**                             handler is invoked.
void *
hdr_hndlr(lapi_handle_t *hndl, void *uhdr, uint *uhdrlen, uint *msglen,
          compl_hndlr_t **cmpl_hndlr, void **saved_info)
    void          *buf;
    usrhdr_t      *vhdr;
    printf("In Header Handler\n");
    vhdr             = (usrhdr_t *) uhdr;
    *cmpl_hndlr      = (compl_hndlr_t *) vhdr->cmpl_hndlr;
    *saved_info      = (void *) vhdr->uinfo;
    buf              = (void *) vhdr->uinfo;
    return (buf);
main(int argc, char **argv)                                     main
    lapi_handle_t t_hndl;                  /* LAPI context handle - */
                                           /* returned */
    lapi_info_t   t_info;                  /* LAPI info structure */
    int           task_id,                 /* My task id */
                  num_tasks;               /* Number of tasks in my */
                                           /* job */
    lapi_cntr_t   l_cntr;                  /* Origin counter */
    lapi_cntr_t   t_cntr;                  /* Target counter */
    lapi_cntr_t   c_cntr;                  /* Completion counter */
    int           t_buf[I_MAX];            /* Buffer to manipulate */
    void          *global_addr[A_MAX];     /* Array to store */
                                           /* t_buf addr from all the */
                                           /* tasks.  The size of this */
                                           /* array needs to each */
                                           /* number of tasks */
    void          *tgt_addr[A_MAX];        /* Array to store target */
                                           /* counter addr from all */
                                           /* the tasks. */
    void          *hndlr_addr[A_MAX];      /* Array to store header */
                                           /* handlers */
    void          *cmpl_hndlr_addr[A_MAX]; /* Address of */
                                           /* completion handler */
    usrhdr_t      t_uhdr;                  /* Store Header Handler */
                                           /* information */
    void          *uhdr, *udata;
    int           uhdrlen, udatalen;
    int           loop, rc, tgt, val, cur_val;
    char          err_msg_buf[LAPI_MAX_ERR_STRING];
     bzero(&t_info, sizeof(lapi_info_t));
     t_info.err_hndlr = NULL;   /* Not registering error handler */
                               /* function */
    if ((rc = LAPI_Init(&t_hndl, &t_info)) != LAPI_SUCCESS) {
        LAPI_Msg_string(rc, err_msg_buf);
        printf("Error Message: %s, rc = %d\n", err_msg_buf, rc);
        exit (rc);
    rc = LAPI_Qenv(t_hndl, TASK_ID, &task_id);     /* Get task id */
                                                   /* within job */
    rc = LAPI_Qenv(t_hndl, NUM_TASKS, &num_tasks); /* Get no. of tasks */
                                                   /* in job */
    if (num_tasks != 2) {
        printf("Error Message: Program should run on 2 nodes\n");
    /* Turn off parameter checking - default is on */
    rc = LAPI_Senv(t_hndl, ERROR_CHK, 0);
    /* Initialize counters to be zero at the start */
    rc = LAPI_Setcntr(t_hndl, &l_cntr, 0);
    rc = LAPI_Setcntr(t_hndl, &t_cntr, 0);
    rc = LAPI_Setcntr(t_hndl, &c_cntr, 0);
    ** Exchange buffer address, tgt_cntr address and hdr_hndlr address
    ** and completion handler address of every task. Collective calls
    rc = LAPI_Address_init(t_hndl, t_buf, global_addr);
    rc = LAPI_Address_init(t_hndl, &t_cntr, tgt_addr);
    rc = LAPI_Address_init(t_hndl, (void *)&hdr_hndlr, hndlr_addr);
    rc = LAPI_Address_init(t_hndl, (void *)&do_get, cmpl_hndlr_addr);
    if (task_id == 0) { /* Task id is 0 , Origin */
        tgt = task_id + 1;
        for (loop=0; loop < I_MAX; loop++) { /* Update buffer */
            t_buf[loop] = task_id - loop;
        rc = LAPI_Gfence(t_hndl);  /* Global fence to sync before */
                                   /* starting */
        /* Fill in uhdr and udata buffers for AM call */
        t_uhdr.cmpl_hndlr  = (compl_hndlr_t *) cmpl_hndlr_addr[1];
        t_uhdr.uinfo       = (int)global_addr[tgt];
        uhdr               = (void *)&t_uhdr;
        uhdrlen            = sizeof(usrhdr_t);
        udata              = (void *) t_buf;
        udatalen           = I_MAX*sizeof(int);
        rc = LAPI_Amsend(t_hndl, tgt, hndlr_addr[tgt], uhdr, uhdrlen,
             (void *) udata, udatalen, tgt_addr[tgt], &l_cntr, &c_cntr);
        /* Wait for local AM completion */
        rc = LAPI_Waitcntr(t_hndl, &l_cntr, 1, &cur_val);
        /* Can now change local buffer */
        for (loop=0; loop < I_MAX; loop++) { /* Update buffer */
            t_buf[loop] = loop * task_id;                        ...main
        /* Wait for target AM completion */
        rc = LAPI_Waitcntr(t_hndl, &c_cntr, 1, &cur_val);
        printf("Node %d, done issuing AM to node %d\n", task_id, tgt);
        rc = LAPI_Gfence(t_hndl);
        rc = LAPI_Get(t_hndl,tgt,I_MAX*sizeof(int), global_addr[tgt],
                                 (void *)t_buf, tgt_addr[tgt],&l_cntr);
        /* Wait for local Get completion */
        rc = LAPI_Waitcntr(t_hndl, &l_cntr, 1, NULL);
        printf("Node %d, done issuing Get from node %d\n", task_id, tgt);
        printf("Result of Get after the Am from node %d: \n", tgt);
        for (loop=0; loop < I_MAX; loop++) { /* Update buffer */
                printf("Val[%d] = %d\n", loop, t_buf[loop]);
     } else { /* Task id is 1 , Target */
        tgt = task_id - 1;
        for (loop=0; loop < I_MAX; loop++) { /* Zero out buffer */
            t_buf[loop] = 0;
        rc = LAPI_Gfence(t_hndl);  /* Global fence to sync before */
                                   /* starting */
        /* Process AM */
        rc = LAPI_Getcntr(t_hndl, &t_cntr, &val);
        while (val < 1) {
            sleep(1); /* Do some work */
            rc = LAPI_Probe(t_hndl); /* Poll the adapter once */
            rc = LAPI_Getcntr(t_hndl, &t_cntr, &val);
        /* To reset the t_cntr value */
        rc = LAPI_Waitcntr(t_hndl, &t_cntr, 1, &cur_val);
        printf("Node %d, done doing work and processing AM\n", task_id);
        while (!cont) {
            sleep(1); /* Do some work */
        rc = LAPI_Gfence(t_hndl);
        /* Process Get */
        rc = LAPI_Getcntr(t_hndl, &t_cntr, &val);
        while (val < 1) {
            sleep(1); /* Do some work */
            rc = LAPI_Probe(t_hndl); /* Poll the adapter once */
            rc = LAPI_Getcntr(t_hndl, &t_cntr, &val);
        /* To reset the t_cntr value */
        rc = LAPI_Waitcntr(t_hndl, &t_cntr, 1, &cur_val);
        printf("Node %d, done doing work and processing Get\n", task_id);
    rc = LAPI_Gfence(t_hndl); /* Global fence to sync before */
                              /* terminating job */
    rc = LAPI_Term(t_hndl);

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