Normally, the Topology Services subsystem runs itself without requiring administrator intervention. On occasion, you might need to check the status of the subsystem.
You can display the operational status of the Topology Services daemon by issuing the lssrc command. Topology Services monitors the SP Ethernet and the SP switch networks, however, only the SP Ethernet is monitored from the control workstation. To see the status of both networks you need to run the command on a node that is up on the switch.
On the control workstation, enter:
lssrc -ls hats.syspar_name
where syspar_name is the name of the system partition.
On a node, enter:
lssrc -ls hats
In response, the lssrc command writes the status information to the standard output. The information includes:
N1-N2(I1) N3-N4(I2)...
where N1 is the initial node in a range, N2 is the final node in a range, and I1 is the increment. For example, 5-9(2) specifies nodes 5, 7, and 9. If the increment is 1 then the increment is omitted. If the range has only one node, only the one node number is specified.
The following is an example of the output from the lssrc -ls hats command on a node for the c47s system partition:
|Subsystem Group PID Status | hats hats 16366 active |Network Name Indx Defd Mbrs St Adapter ID Group ID |SPether [ 0] 17 16 S |SPether [ 0] en0 0x32ef11dd 0x3334530a |HB Interval = 1 secs. Sensitivity = 4 missed beats |Packets sent : UDP 4900376 ICMP 2 Errors: 0 No mbuf: 0 |Packets received: UDP 7742835 ICMP 247 Dropped: 0 |NIM's PID: 20454 |SPswitch [ 1] 16 13 S |SPswitch [ 1] css0 0x32ef1208 0x3338a235 |HB Interval = 1 secs. Sensitivity = 4 missed beats |Packets sent : UDP 4900237 ICMP 2 Errors: 0 No mbuf: 0 |Packets received: UDP 8526975 ICMP 256 Dropped: 0 |NIM's PID: 12332 | 2 locally connected Clients with PIDs: |haemd( 13202) hagsd( 14978) | Configuration Instance = 986880803 | Default: HB Interval = 1 secs. Sensitivity = 4 missed beats | Control Workstation IP address = | Daemon employs no security | Segments pinned: Text Data. | Text segment size: 706 KB. Static data segment size: 317 KB. | Dynamic data segment size: 2123. Number of outstanding malloc: 354 | User time 2449 secs. System time 2973 secs. | Number of page faults: 140. Process swapped out 0 times. | Number of nodes up: 16. Number of nodes down: 1. | Nodes down: 13
The output of the lssrc -l command is shown in the language locale that is installed on the SP node where the hats daemon is running, which in this case is US English. Since different nodes on one SP system can have different language locales, it is also possible that the results of the lssrc -l command might not be legible to you. In such a heterogeneous SP system environment, you need to be careful to run commands that operate only on nodes that use the language locale you understand.
|The two networks being monitored in the last example are named |SPether and SPswitch. The SPether network has 17 adapters defined and |16 of them are members of the group. The group is in the stable |state. The addresses of the local adapter and the Group Leader, and of |the interface name of the local adapter are displayed. In the SPswitch |network, there are 16 adapters defined and 13 of them are members in the |group. Both networks have the same tunables which happen to have the |default values. The daemons on the node have two clients: the |Group Services daemon and the Event Management Daemon. Of the 17 nodes |in this configuration, including the control workstation, only node 13 is |detected as being down.
The chapter on Topology Services in the book PSSP: Diagnosis Guide explains how to use the lssrc command to help in diagnosing problems related to the subsystem. It also contains explanation for the error log entries that might be generated by the subsystem.
In a message-based distributed system such as Topology Services, security is achieved by:
Before PSSP 3.2, Topology Services did not use any authentication and message-replay identification mechanism. In PSSP 3.2, you can set a system partition-wide security policy and the Topology Services daemon complies with that policy. If the security policy requires it, the Topology Services daemon will use the DCE security services for daemon-to-daemon mutual authentication. It will also enable message-replay identification. In this case, the system clocks on all the nodes in a system partition must be synchronized within 120 seconds to prevent false message-replay identification. In the context of security, Topology Services is an SP trusted service.
In PSSP 3.2, the system administrator can enable any combination of the following authentication methods for use by all SP trusted services in a partition:
Since Topology Services did not use any authentication method before PSSP 3.2, enabling any combination of authentication methods that includes compat is equivalent to performing no authentication in Topology Services. For example, if the authentication methods are compat and DCE then the Topology Services daemon does not perform authentication. Topology Services enforces mutual authentication only when DCE is the sole authentication method enabled. Since use of DCE authentication by SP trusted services is available only in PSSP 3.2, this means Topology Services enforces mutual authentication only when all nodes in the SP system partition are running PSSP 3.2.
You can use the /bin/lsauthpts command to determine which authentication methods are currently enabled for SP trusted services in the SP system partition.
When DCE is the only authentication method enabled, for authentication purposes the Topology Services subsystem assumes the identity of different service principals at different stages:
Those service principals and associated key files are configured and initialized during system installation. This is done, for example, by using the smit spauth_config command. (See the book PSSP: Installation and Migration Guide for more information.) The key file associated with the rsct/hats principal is important for the authentication process. Its path name is /spdata/sys1/keyfiles/rsct/syspar_name/hats, where syspar_name is the name of the SP system partition.
Security has an important effect on the behavior of a Topology Services daemon: if the Topology Services subsystem on the control workstation cannot determine the authentication method to be used, then all Topology Services daemons in that SP system partition will cease their operations and terminate. If this happens, messages in the AIX error log explain the failure and possible solutions.
When the Topology Services startup script on the control workstation determines it is being initialized for the first time after installation, it attempts to determine which authentication methods are enabled in the SP system partition by using the /bin/lsauthpts command. If DCE is the only authentication method enabled, the script places special flags in the machines.lst file to indicate mutual authentication is to be performed. Similar action is taken by the startup script during Topology Services refresh. Special flags are placed in the machines.lst file indicating the authentication method.
Whenever daemons come up on the control workstation and on the nodes, they start mutual authentication only if the flags in the machines.lst file indicate that they should. Otherwise, no authentication is done. See Initializing Topology Services daemon for more on the initialization process.
You can change the authentication methods enabled in an SP system partition by using the /bin/chauthpts command. This command automatically invokes refresh operation on each of the SP trusted services. For Topology Services refresh, as already noted, the startup script attempts to determine the new authentication method, and the daemon complies accordingly. Also as already discussed, any combination of authentication methods, other than DCE only, is equivalent to no authentication.
In rare circumstances, primarily when you suspect that the key currently used for Topology Services mutual authentication might have been compromised, you need to change the key. Changing the key involves some manual steps. Perform these steps with extreme caution. Any mishap can adversely affect the normal operation of the entire SP system partition.
To add a key to the key file, do the following:
dcecp -c keytab add rsct/syspar_name/hats \ -member /.../cell_name/rsct/syspar_name/hats \ -registry -random
syspar_name is the name of the SP system partition.
cell_name is the name of the DCE cell.
/usr/sbin/rsct/bin/hatsctrl -r
The refresh is propagated automatically to all reachable nodes in the partition. Upon receiving the refresh, a Topology Services daemon retrieves the new key and starts the transition from old key to new key. The transition completes within minutes and all Topology Services daemons begin authenticating with the new key after that.