Be aware that these notes were written with Almaden's NIM server in mind. We are phasing out Almaden's own NIM server and replacing it with the more powerful Softdist service. Softdist offers your choice of more-current levels of AIX as well as every program product you can imagine. See the SoftDist home page or my own Softdist notes. The concepts behind these post-installation hints still apply to a Softdist-installed image, but the details may differ.
Immediately after the NIM install, you should see a login prompt. Login as root, which won't have a password yet, so you may want to give it one with the passwd command.
What you should see at this point if things went ok are,
alog -t bosinst -o | moreA common problem is you don't have enough disk space for what you tried to install. Either your disk is too small, or you didn't specify "New and Complete Overwrite" during the install process.
If you want an "Almaden Standard" machine, run
/local/bin/customize -standardto get all the Almaden local customization. If you want to know more about customize, leave off the -standard option and it'll prompt you for each piece and give more detail about what it's about to do for (to) you.
The other thing you may want to look at are the sizes of your file systems and paging space. Typically, /var and /tmp need expanding, which you can do with this command
chfs -a size=+81920 /varfor example, to increase /var by 40 MB You'll also probably find your paging space to be inadequate. It can be increased by
chps -s'8' hd6which will increase the default hd6 paging file system by 8 physical partitions, which is 32MB with a normal 4MB physical partition size, but with larger disks (4GB, e.g.) AIX defaults to a 8MB physical partition size, making this command increase hd6 by 64MB.
There are different program products one can install to the base AIX 4.1.4 image at /afs/alm/common/inst.images. One can find des, dps, opengl, performance aide & toolbox, pex & phigs, ultimedia, and wabi. To install one of these, follow the instructions just below.
There are also a bunch of other program products like the C compiler that
came from the "Software Solutions" CD under the
/afs/alm/common/inst.images/sws directory.
Those have their own install procedure
detailed a bit further down.
After you install the program products you want, you should apply the latest
fixes to your system. To do that, follow these instructions below.
To install one of these program products in the /afs/alm/common/inst.images
directory, as root,
find /afs/alm/common/inst.images/ultimedia-4.2 -name .toc -printfor example will tell you the .toc is located in /afs/alm/common/inst.images/ultimedia-4.2/usr/sys/inst.images. You'll find that it's typically located in ...whatever.../usr/sys/inst.images.
/afs/alm/common/inst.images/sws/pppp/installp, where pppp = cset if installing C Set++ c if installing C db2 if installing DB2 or xlf if installing FORTRAN
To install missing device drivers, invoke SoftDist (SDinit -s softdist), and install the appropriate "AIX Printer Drivers" menu item for your operating system level (check the "Description" box after you select the menu item).
Installing through SoftDist is easier than the old way of using these commands
nimclient -o allocate -a lpp_source=lpp-414 and nimclient -o cust -a filesets=printers.ibm4029.rte (for example).You can still use this method, but you'll have to know what the lpp_source name is for the first command and you need to know what the fileset name is for the second command. You can get the lpp_source name as root with a nimclient -l -t lpp_source command and you can refer to this list of AIX 4.1.4 fileset names (warning, it's pretty big) to find the fileset you need.
However you do it, after you install the printer device support, you need to