JAZZ-16 Sound Card

Part    FRU P/N
   CD-ROM Drive    61G4109
   JAZZ-16 Sound Card    06H3086
   Audio/Data Cables    06H3085
   Microphone    06H3616
   Speaker    06H3615

Installing JAZZ-16 Sound Card

Table entries marked with *) are default Setup-Values.

  1.  Which CD-ROM Drive Do You Have ?

    Panasonic 40-pin Data Cable Connector
      (I/O Port Address needed)

    SCSI 50-pin Data Cable Connector
      (One IRQ Channel needed)

    LMSI 15-pin Data Cable Connector
      (I/O Port Address needed)
      (One IRQ Channel needed)

     You can identify the Type of CD-ROM drive you have by closely examining the  Sound Card's CD-ROM connector. This is the connector located farthest from the  front bracket.

  2.  Setting the Sound Card's Jumper  Before you install the Jazz 16 Sound Card into the computer you may  want to change the default settings for CD-ROM controller, Joystick  and MIDI. Jumper locations may vary between Jazz 16 models.
  3.  Sound Cards with SCSI CD-ROM Interface  The SCSI CD-ROM drive uses an 8KB block of memory address and an IRQ channel.  Both are jumper selectable.

    Setting IRQ and Base Memory
      J8-Block = IRQ / Base Memory

    Pin 1-2 Pin 3-4 Pin 5-6 IRQ
    Closed Open Open 11 *)
    Open Closed Open 12
    Open Open Closed 15

    Pin 7-8 Pin 9-10 Base Memory Address
    Open Open CA00H *)
    Open Closed CE00H
    Closed Open C800H
    Closed Closed DE00H


  4.  Sound Cards with LMSI CM206 CD-ROM Interface

    CD-ROM Interface Setting (Jumper Block 10)

      J10-Block = Interface Setting

    Pin 1-2 Pin 3-4 I/O Address
    ON ON 340H *)
    OFF ON 350H
    ON OFF 360H
    OFF OFF 370H

      CD-ROM IRQ Setting

    Jumper Setting (IRQ) Pin Configuration
    IRQ 11 1 + 2 *)
    IRQ 12 3 + 4
    IRQ 15 5 + 6


  5.  Sound Cards with Panasonic Proprietary CD-ROM Interface

     The Panasonic CD-ROM interface uses an I/O port address which is jumper  selectable. The Panasonic CD-ROM controller chip on the Jazz-16 Sound Card  is set to hex 340H.

    Pin 5-6 Pin 3-4 Pin 1-2 I/O Address
    ON ON ON 300H
    ON ON OFF 310H
    ON OFF ON 320H
    ON OFF OFF 330H
    OFF ON ON 340H *)


  6.  Setting the Joystick

     Locate Jumper DISJS, if the jumper is OPEN the Function is enabled.

  7.  Enabling MPU-401 Emulation

     Locate Jumper DISMPU, if the jumper is OPEN the Function is enabled.

  8.  Installing Jazz 16 Software

    1.  Insert the Jazz 16 Installation disk into the Diskette Drive.
    2.  At the DOS C:\ prompt., type
      A: and press ENTER.
    3.  Once you are onto the A: drive, type
      INSTALL and press ENTER.
    4.  Follow the instructions displayed by the Jazz 16 Installation Menu.

Typical DOS - AUTOEXEC.BAT statement with switch examples.


The SET BLASTER parameters stand for

Parameter    Use
Ax    Port Address. Default is set to 220
Dx    DMA Number. Default is set to 1
Ix    IRQ Number. Default is set to 5
Tx    Product Number. Default is set to 4

The MSCDEX or CORELCDX parameters stand for

memory. Using this setting optimizes the applications that are running.
Parameter    Use
/D:MVCD001    Specifies the device name
/M:10    Specifies the buffer memory allocation
/L:DRIVE Letter    Allows to specify the DOS drive letter for the CD-ROM drive
/E    Instruct MSCDEX or CORELCDX to use up to 40KB of conventional EMS

Typical DOS CONFIG.SYS statement with switch examples.

Device=C:\JAZZ\JAZZ.SYS P220 I7 D1 E5 T330 Q2

For A Sound Card with SCSI CD-ROM Interface

For A Sound Card with PANASONIC Proprietary CD-ROM Interface

For A Sound Card with LMSI CD-ROM Interface
Device=C:\JAZZ\DD260.SYS /D:MVCD001

Available (DOS) CONFIG.SYS Parameters

210,220,230,240,250 and 260. The default is 220.

2,3,5,7,10 and 15. The default value is 5.

channel is used for playing 8-bit sound files in order to provide compatibility with Sound Blaster compatible applications. Valid selections are 1 and 3. The default value is 1.

channel is used for playing and recording 16-bit sound files in order to achieve maximum performance. Valid selections are 5 and 7. The default value is 5. If neither channel is available in the system, select the same channel as for the 8-bit DMA (e.g. 1 or 3).

300,310,320 and 330.

are 2,3,5 and 7.

Optional Parameters:

Parameter    Use
P#    Identifies the base address for the sound card. Valid selections are
I#    Identifies the IRQ assignment for the device. Acceptable values are
D#    Identifies the 8-bit DMA channel assigned to the card. The 8-bit DMA
E#    Identifies the 16-bit DMA channel assigned to the card. The 16-bit DMA
T#    Identifies the base address for the MPU-401 emulation. Valid selections are
Q#    Identifies the IRQ assignment for the MPU-401 emulation. Acceptable values
V    Display all hardware settings onto screen during system boot-up.
N    Don't print sign on banner.

Media Vision Jazz-16 Device Driver for OS/2 2.1

Information on how to install Media Vision Jazz-16 OS/2 device driver on OS/2 2.1.

Using JAZZ16 CD-ROM Interface 

You should have support for the CD-ROM already installed. To install CD-ROM support use Selective Install to install the appropriate CD-ROM device driver. A Statement like the one below, should be in your system configuration file (CONFIG.SYS), found on your OS/2 Boot drive. Additional information can be found in the OS/2 System Help under BASEDEV.

Example for the Panasonic 562,563: 


(/P: is the I/O Port Address, 340 is the address of the CD-ROM device controller on the Jazz-16 audio card.)

System Requirement 

Before you install Jazz-16 for OS/2 audio support, check to see if you have the October 1993 version of the MMPM/2 CSD, or later level, installed on your system (CSD stands for Corrective Service Diskette and is IBM's inter-rim release for bug fixes). Use the SYSLEVEL command to determine which level of MMPM/2 you have installed. The "Current CSD Level" field displays one of the following values:

    UN0000 -  The version of MMPM/2 as shipped with OS/2 2.1. An update
              is required.
    UN49407 - The October 1993 CSD version of MMPM/2.
              No update is required.
              This is the same version indicated for the OS/2 2.1 service
              refresh of February 1994.
 The MMPM/2 CSD should be installed on top of OS/2 2.1.
 You can obtain this CSD
 free from Compuserve or from the IBM OS/2 BBS.
    OS/2 Support Forum:
    Library 17: mmpmcs.dsk

Once the Jazz-16 driver is installed, the appropriate DEVICE = statements for JAZZDD.SYS are included in your CONFIG.SYS file. Also, the audio device properties are updated in C:\MMOS2\MMPM2.INI. Before installing the Jazz-16 driver, please refer to the following procedure.

If you previously installed PAS16 on your system and are now switching to Jazz-16, the following installation procedure will NOT delete the audio device property sections for PAS16 in MMPM2.INI. Instead, the Jazz-16 audio device property sections are APPENDED. The following changes are REQUIRED for the MMPM2.INI file:

   o  In section [drivers],
   o  DELETE the following sections:
 If you do not make the required changes, the following error messages are
 displayed when opening:
   o  Digital Audio Player:
      "The desired action is not supported by the current device, or the
       desired hardware is defective".
   o  MIDI Player:
      "Unable to open device 'MIDI'. There is no device driver for the
       associated device".

If your Jazz-16 adapter does not function properly after installation, then the correct version of MMPM/2 was not installed and the appropriate device statements were not added to your CONFIG.SYS file.

Media Vision Jazz-16 Installation Procedure 

To install device support, insert the Jazz-16 Device Driver diskette into the drive you wish to install from (for example, drive A: or B:). Start the multimedia installation program, located in the Multimedia folder on the OS/2 desktop and then select the drive that contains the Jazz-16 Device Driver diskette.

The OS/2 Audio drivers are located in the \OS2 directory on the diskette. Select the \OS2 directory to continue the installation.

The Jazz-16 Audio Adaptor icon will appear in the Features window, with version and size information. Click on the icon to select it and then click on the Install button to continue installing.

The multimedia installation program adds two Jazz-16 device driver statements to your CONFIG.SYS file. These statements are displayed as follows:

    DEVICE=C:\MMOS2\JAZZDD.SYS  /I:5 /D:1 /E:7 /T:330 /Q:10 /P:240 /N:JAZZ1$


   PARM        DESCRIPTION                VALID VALUES

             |                          |                              |
   /I:       | Wave audio IRQ           | 3, 5, 7, 10, 15              |    5
             |                          |                              |
   /D:       | 8-bit DMA channel        | 1, 3                         |    1
             |                          |                              |
   /E: (/H:) | 16-BIT DMA channel       | 1, 3, 5, 7                   |    5
             |                          |                              |
   /T:       | MPU-401 I/O base address | 300, 310, 320, 330           |  330
             |                          |                              |
   /Q:       | MPU-401 IRQ              | 3, 5, 7, 10, 15              |   10
             |                          |                              |
   /P:       | Audio I/O base address   | 210, 220, 230, 240, 250, 260 |  220
             |                          |                              |
   /N:JAZZ1$ | Name of PDD              | JAZZ1$ (supplied by install) |
 NOTE: If you have installed the ISA Token-Ring 16/4 II Adapter you
 can use the following values (example) for the JAZZ setup:
     Base Address = 260
     MPU  Address = 330
     MPU-401  IRQ = 10
              IRQ = 5
     DMA  8-bit   = 1
     DMA 16-bit   = 5
     be sure you have not set IRQ=5 on the Token-Ring Adapter.


MIDI Playback on OS/2 requires Jazz-16 jumper J9 be "open" thus enabling the MPU-401 compatibility hardware on the Jazz-16.

Using Audio in DOS and Win-OS/2 Sessions 

For audio in DOS and Win-OS/2 sessions, you must separately install DOS and Windows audio drivers from MMPM/2.
  The base I/O addresses for Sound Blaster emulation and MPU have to be the same for OS/2, DOS, and Windows drivers in order for MMPM audio resource protection to work (see Audio Concurrency Issues below).

Although IRQ and DMA settings can be different for OS/2, DOS, and Windows drivers, they should be set to the same values.

To enable Audio for DOS sessions, you must set DOS properties to the following:

    INT_DURING_IO            On
    HW_TIMER                 On
    DOS_DEVICE               C:\JAZZ\JAZZ.SYS P240 I5 D1 E7 T330 Q3

There needs to be a CONFIG.SYS file on the C: drive for the DOS and Win-OS/2 installation to properly install.

Audio Concurrency Issues - OS/2, DOS, Win-OS/2 

OS/2 MMPM/2 is designed such that, when an application is running in the foreground (has focus), then that application takes priority over others running in the background. Background applications are put on hold until they are placed in the foreground (have focus).

When you have a single audio device, it is not possible for two programs (device drivers) to use the device at the same time. For example, if one application has the device configured for audio playback, and a second application configures the device for audio record, the application with the focus takes priority and the application in the background is placed on hold. This situation also exists for sampling rate and sample size configuration.

DOS applications do not participate in MMPM/2 resource management. When DOS and Win-OS/2 sessions use the audio device, all other programs are unable to access the audio device.

Audio device drivers for Windows, installed under Win-OS/2, attempt to use the audio device in all Windows sessions. For Win-OS/2 sessions which do not use the audio device, you can set the AUDIO_ADAPTER_SHARING property to "None". This prevents the session from accessing the audio device, and enables the device to be used by other applications.

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