Removing a Hot-swap Power Supply - Netfinity 5600 - Type 8664

Removing a Hot-swap Power Supply.

The server comes with two power supplies.
You can add a third power supply.
Each power supply has two status indicators; see 'Power supplies' for information about the status indicators.

  -Attention- If the NON REDUNDANT LED on the diagnostic LED panel is lit, do not remove a hot-swap power supply without first turning the server off.

Refer to the illustration in 'Installing a hot-swap power supply' while you perform the steps in this procedure.

  -Caution- Never remove the cover on a power supply or any part that has the following label attached.


Hazardous voltage, current, and energy levels are present inside any component that has this label attached.
There are no serviceable parts inside these components.
If you suspect a problem with one of these parts, contact a service technician.

To remove a hot-swap power supply:

  1.  If the NON REDUNDANT LED on the diagnostic LED panel is lit, turn off the server and peripheral devices  (see 'Preparing to install options'); otherwise, go to the next step.
  2.  Remove the power supply -1-.

    1.  Unplug the power cord connector from the power supply.

      Note: Be careful when you remove the hot-swap power supply; the power supply might be  too hot to handle comfortably.

        -Caution- The following label indicates a hot surface nearby.

    2.  Remove the defective power supply by placing the handle -5- on the power supply in the open  position (perpendicular to the power supply) and pulling the power supply from the bay.

  3.  If you are not replacing the power supply:

    1.  Install a power-supply filler panel -2-.

      Note: During normal operation, each power-supply bay must have either a power supply or filler  panel installed for proper cooling.

    2.  Open the cable-restraint bracket -3- and remove the power cord from the cable-restraint bracket.
       Close the cable-restraint bracket.
    3.  Unplug the power cord from the electrical outlet.

     If you are replacing the power supply:

    1.  Place the handle -5- on the power supply in the open position, and slide the power supply into the chassis.
    2.  Gently close the handle on the power supply to seat the power supply in the bay.
    3.  Plug the power cord for the power supply into the power cord connector -4-.
    4.  Verify that the AC Power light -6- and DC Power light -7- are lit, indicating that the power supply is operating correctly.

  4.  If you have other options to install or remove, do so now; otherwise, go to 'Completing the installation'.

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