Enabling the Remote Diagnostic Mode

Enabling the Remote Diagnostic Mode

Before diagnostics can be run:

These tasks are accomplished from the tape library operator panel. Use the following procedure.

Changing to Diagnostic Oft-line Mode

Starting from:

      IBM XXX7  X.XX x
      A:  IDLE
      B:  IDLE

  1.  Press the CYCLE key once. The following menu is shown on the operator panel.

          ->CHANGE MODE
            MOVE CARTRIDGE
            DLT DIAGNOSTIC

  2.  Press the SELECT key once. The following menu is shown on the operator panel.

            DIAG OFFLINE

  3.  Press the CYCLE key until the arrow is pointing at DIAG OFFLINE.
  4.  Press the SELECT key to set the tape library to diagnostic off-line mode.

Enabling the Remote Diagnostics Interface

Starting from:

      IBM XXX7  X.XX x
      A:  DLT7000   VNN y1
      B:  DLT7000   VNN y2

  1.  Press the CYCLE key four times. The following menu is shown on the operator panel.

            MOVE CARTRIDGE
            DLT DIAGNOSTIC
          ->REMOTE DIAGS

  2.  Press the SELECT key once. The tape library is now ready for remote diagnostics.

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