Using the IPSMON Program

Using the IPSMON Program

When you start this monitoring program, it immediately begins polling all ServeRAID adapters and controllers for specific conditions.
If a condition being monitored is found, this program logs a message to the monitor, to a file, or to both the monitor and a file.

The IPSMON program uses command-line parameters to determine where to log the messages.
If you need help, you can type the IPSMON -? command for a list of valid parameters.

If you start this program without any command-line parameters, the IPSMON program will log the messages to the IPSMON.LOG file, and the messages will not appear on the monitor.

The valid parameters for IPSMON are:

After you start the IPSMON program, the program will continuously poll the ServeRAID adapters and controllers until you take one of the following actions:

During operation, the program will log various messages.
Each message will contain an alert code and a location specifier.

For example, a message of CRTxxx:A2C3SID04 signifies that a Critical condition (CRTxxx) was found on Adapter 2 (A2), Channel 3 (C3), SCSI ID 4 (SID04).

The IPSMON program can log the following messages, based on the required condition.

 Information Messages:
   <Date and Time> INF000:A1C-SID-- no errors detected
   <Date and Time> INF001:A1C-SID-- rebuild started
   <Date and Time> INF002:A1C-SID-- rebuild completed
   <Date and Time> INF003:A1C-SID-- synchronization started
   <Date and Time> INF004:A1C-SID-- synchronization completed
   <Date and Time> INF005:A1C-SID-- migration started
   <Date and Time> INF006:A1C-SID-- migration completed
 Warning Messages:
   <Date and Time> WRN001:A2C3SID12 PFA Error detected
 Critical Messages:
   <Date and Time> CRT001:A3C2SID04 dead drive detected
   <Date and Time> CRT002:A1C-SID-- not responding to commands

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