Using Custom Configuration

Using Custom Configuration

To use the Custom Configuration path:

  1.  Click on the ServeRAID controller that you want to configure in the Main Tree.
  2.  Click on the Custom Configuration radio button.
  3.  Click on the Next button.
  4.  Using the right mouse button, click on the drive or SCSI Channel icons in the Main Tree  to select the drives that you want to add to the arrays, delete from the arrays, or define as hot-spare  drives; then, select a choice from the pop-up list.


     Drag the drive or SCSI Channel icon from the Main Tree and drop it on the Array or Hot-Spare Drive icon in the  Main Panel on the right.
     If you change your mind, you can drag the icons back to the Main Tree to remove them from the configuration.

  5.  After you select the data drives for the arrays and define the hot-spare drives, click on the Next button.

     If you change your mind, you can:

  6.  Select a RAID level for the logical drive from the RAID pull-down menu in the Main Panel.
     (See 'Supported RAID Levels' for descriptions of the supported levels.)
  7.  Move the sliding bar in the Main Panel from right to left to allot data and parity space for the logical drive.


    1.  You can define from one to eight logical drives.
    2.  Some operating systems have size limitations for logical drives.
       Before you save the configuration, you might want to verify that the size of the logical drive is  appropriate for the operating system.
       See the operating-system documentation for more detailed information.
    3.  Typically, the first logical drive defined on the first ServeRAID adapter or  controller found by system BIOS during startup will be the startup (boot) drive.

  8.  If free space is available and you want to define another logical drive, click on the Add Logical Drive button in the Main Panel.
  9.  Repeat steps 6, 7, and 8 for each logical drive that you want to define; then, continue with step 10.
  10.  Click on the Next button.
  11.  Review the information that appears on the Configuration Summary screen.

    Note: To change the configuration, click on a Modify icon button.

  12.  Click on the Apply button to accept and save the configuration.
  13.  If you have not already done so, install the operating system.
     See the server documentation or the documentation provided with the operating system for more information.

After you install the operating system, see Chapter 4, 'Installing Device Drivers and Utility Programs' (or the installation instructions provided with the server) for information about installing the ServeRAID device drivers and utility programs.

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