Preinstallation Steps (All Bays)

Preinstallation Steps (All Bays)

Before you begin, be sure you have:

Before you can install drives in the Netfinity 5000, you might need to perform certain preinstallation activities.
Some of the steps are required only during the initial installation of an option.
  1.  Choose the bay in which you want to install the drive.  (Refer to Table 1 for the drive types and sizes available for each bay.)

    Tower model

    Rack model
  2.  Touch the static-protective bag containing the drive to any unpainted metal surface on the server, then,  remove the drive from the bag.
  3.  Check the instructions that come with the drive if you need to set any switches or jumpers on  the drive, or if you need to attach a tray to the drive.

What to do next

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