Installing ServeRAID Device Drivers for NetWare

Installing ServeRAID Device Drivers for NetWare

This section provides instructions for installing the ServeRAID device drivers while installing NetWare 3.12 or 4.1X, and instructions for installing the ServeRAID device drivers if NetWare 3.12 or 4.1X already is installed.

The Administration and Monitoring Program files and the background-server components for NetWare install automatically when you use the instructions in this chapter to install the ServeRAID device drivers for NetWare.

Installing the Files while Installing NetWare 3.12

The ServeRAID device driver for NetWare, IPSRAID.HAM, is in the NetWare directory on the IBM ServeRAID Device Driver Diskette. You can use the INSTALL.BAT file, which is also in the NetWare directory on the diskette, to copy all required files to your server directory. The INSTALL.BAT file will modify the STARTUP.NCF file so that it will load the required NetWare modules.

Use the instructions provided in the NetWare 3.12 manual along with the following instructions to install the ServeRAID device driver, background-server component, and Administration and Monitoring Program files while installing NetWare, Version 3.12.

  1.  Use the ServerGuide Diskette Factory to create an IBM ServeRAID Device Driver Diskette .
  2.  After you create the diskette, type the following at the command prompt to manually  create the directory for NetWare:

    md server.312

    NOTE: The SERVER.312  is the default NetWare 3.12 directory.  If you are using a different path, be sure to specify the same path throughout the entire NetWare installation process.

  3.  Press Enter.
  4.  Change to the SERVER.312 directory on your hard disk, then, insert the IBM ServeRAID Device Driver Diskette   into the diskette drive.
  5.  At the operating-system prompt, type:


    NOTE: The a represents the drive assignment for the diskette drive that contains the ServeRAID diskette.

  6.  Press Enter. Then, type:

    cd netware

  7.  Press Enter. Then, type:


  8.  Press Enter. Then, follow the instructions that appear on the screen to complete the ServeRAID  device driver and program installation.

Installing the Files after Installing NetWare 3.12:

The ServeRAID device driver for NetWare, IPSRAID.HAM, is in the NetWare directory on the IBM ServeRAID Device Driver Diskette .
You can use the INSTALL.BAT file, which is also in the NetWare directory on the diskette, to copy all of the required files to your server directory.
The INSTALL.BAT file will modify the STARTUP.NCF file so that it will load the required NetWare modules.

Use the instructions provided in the NetWare 3.12 manual along with the following instructions to install the ServeRAID device driver, background-server component, and Administration and Monitoring Program files after installing NetWare, Version 3.12.

  1.  Use the ServerGuide Diskette Factory to create an IBM ServeRAID Device Driver Diskette.
  2.  Insert the IBM ServeRAID Device Driver Diskette into the diskette drive.
  3.  Go to the default NetWare 3.12 directory. To do this, type:


    NOTE: The SERVER.312  is the default NetWare 3.12 directory.  If you are using a different path, be sure to specify the same path throughout the installation process.

  4.  Press Enter then, from the operating-system prompt in the SERVER.312 directory, type:


    NOTE: The a represents the drive assignment for the diskette drive that contains the ServeRAID diskette.

  5.  Press Enter. Then, type:

    cd netware

  6.  Press Enter. Then, type:


  7.  Press Enter. Then, follow the instructions that appear on the screen to complete the ServeRAID  device driver and program installation.

Installing the Files while Installing NetWare 4.1X

Use the instructions provided in the NetWare 4.1X manual along with the following instructions to install the ServeRAID device driver, background-server component, and Administration and Monitoring Program files while installing NetWare, Version 4.1X.

  1.  Use the ServerGuide Diskette Factory to create an IBM ServeRAID Device Driver Diskette.
  2.  Use the instructions provided in the NetWare manual to begin the installation.
  3.  When the Choose the Server Drivers - Disk Driver prompt appears during the install process, insert the  IBM ServeRAID Device Driver Diskette into the diskette drive.
  4.  Select Select additional or modify selected Disk/LAN drivers.
  5.  If IPSRAID appears, select Deselect a selected driver.
  6.  Select Select an additional driver, then, press the Ins (Insert) key to add an unlisted new device driver.
  7.  Press F3 to specify a path, then, type:


    NOTE: The a represents the drive assignment for the diskette drive that contains the ServeRAID diskette.

  8.  Select IPSRAID.HAM from the list of device drivers that appears in the window, then, press Enter.

    NOTE: The IPSRAID.HAM and support files will be copied to the system volume.

  9.  Select OK to overwrite the existing files.
  10.  Follow the instructions in the NetWare manual to complete the installation.

Installing the Files after Installing NetWare 4.1X

  1.  Use the ServerGuide Diskette Factory to create an IBM ServeRAID Device Driver Diskette.
  2.  From the system console, start the NetWare installation utility program by typing:

    load install

  3.  Press Enter.
  4.  Insert the IBM ServeRAID Device Driver Diskette  into the diskette drive.
  5.  Select Driver options from the Installation Options list.
  6.  Select Configure disk and storage from the Driver Options pop-up window.
  7.  Select Select an additional driver from the Additional Drivers Actions pop-up window.
  8.  When the next screen appears, press the Ins key to install an unlisted driver.
  9.  When the next screen appears, press the F3 key to specify a different path.
  10.  In the Specify a directory path field, type:


  11.  When prompted to select a driver to install, select IPSRAID.HAM.
  12.  Select Yes when prompted to copy the IPSRAID.HAM driver.
  13.  When the prompt appears to specify the server boot path, type:


    NOTE:  1. This instruction assumes that you installed NetWare in its default directory.
     If you did not install NetWare in the NWSERVER directory on drive C, modify
     step 13 accordingly.
     2. If any of the files you are installing already exist on the server, NetWare
     will prompt you to save the older files. Although it is not necessary to save
     the older files, it usually is a good idea.

  14.  After the installation program copies all files, you can edit parameters (such as the ServeRAID slot number)  from the Driver IPSRAID Parameter Actions screen.
  15.  After you edit the parameters, select Save Parameters and load driver to load the ServeRAID device driver.
  16.  Press Esc to exit the installation screens.

    NOTE: If you want NetWare to load the ServeRAID device driver automatically  during startup, you must add the appropriate LOAD command (for example, load ipsraid.ham slot=1)  to the NetWare startup command file (usually C:\NWSERVER\STARTUP.NCF).

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