Selecting a Test (Advanced Mode)

  Selecting a Test (Advanced Mode) Adaptec

Note: Selecting the advanced mode requires that you enter parameters for the drive you want to test.

Parameters you enter are used in configuring the SCSI Commands. In most cases, the default values are sufficient. Just press Enter and continue.

  The Block Length is the sector size of the device. Do not modify this unless you are familiar with the behavior of the device under a different sector size.

If you need to modify the default values, put the cursor on the field to be modified and change the value, then, press Enter. A test list for the type of device selected is displayed.

The following test are available in advanced test mode for the devices listed.

Device Test
SCSI Hard Disk Drive 0 - Test Unit Ready
1 - Rezero Unit
2 - Custom SCSI Command
3 - Request Sense
4 - Format Unit
5 - Read Capacity
6 - Start / Stop Unit
7 - Read (10 Byte)
8 - Read ( 6 Byte)
9 - Write (10 Byte)
A - Write ( 6 Byte)
B - Seek (10 Byte)
C - Send Diagnostic
D - Inquiry
-Miscellaneous Options-
E - Re-Select a device
F - Re-Scan SCSI bus
G - Read buffer
SCSI CD-ROM Drive 0 - Test Unit Ready
1 - Rezero Unit
2 - Custom SCSI Command
3 - Request Sense
4 - Inquiry
5 - Read Capacity
6 - Start / Stop Unit
7 - Read (10 Byte)
8 - Read ( 6 Byte)
9 - Seek (10 Byte)
A - Send Diagnostic
-Miscellaneous Options-
E - Re-Select a device
F - Re-Scan SCSI bus
G - Read buffer
SCSI Tape Drive 0 - Test Unit Ready
1 - Rewind
2 - Custom SCSI Command
3 - Request Sense
4 - Inquiry
5 - Erase Tape
6 - Load / Unload Unit
7 - Lock / Unlock Media
8 - Read Tape
9 - Space
A - Write Tape
B - Write Filemark
-Miscellaneous Options-
E - Re-Select a device
F - Re-Scan SCSI bus
G - Read buffer

Test Descriptions (Advanced Mode)

After selecting one of these test, a window is displayed which shows the following.

Note: In most cases, the default values are sufficient. If you desire to modify any of the values in these windows, place the cursor on the field to be modified and change the value, then, press Enter. To issue the command, press F10.

Test Description
Test Unit Ready Checks and indicates if the drive is ready.
Rezero Unit Reinitializes the device to a known state.
This is not part of the SCSI specifications and
vendor specific.
Custom SCSI
If a SCSI command is required but is not listed in
the menu, select the option to create a user defined
command block.
Request sense Displays the status of the last command sent to the
device and is displayed as:
- Device sense key status: 00
A non zero value indicates an error.
See 'Symptom-to-FRU Index (SCSI Test - Adaptec)'
Format Unit Attention This command will erase all
data on the disk.
This command requires two parameters:
° Defect List Format
° Interleave value
Refer to the SCSI device's manual for the correct
values. Highlight the appropriate option for each
parameter, then, press Enter.
Ready Capacity When selected the following information is requested
° Number of sectors
° Block length
° Drive capacity
Start / Stop Start sets the device start field to 1 (spin up)
Stop sets the device start field to 0 (spin down)
Read Two versions, read(6) and read(10). Read(6) does not
provide cache control bits. When selected the following
information is requested.
° Transfer length
° Number of times to issue the command
° Perform data compare Y/N
° Enter a 2-byte pattern
° Starting sector
Write Two versions, write(6) and write(10). Write(6) does not
provide cache control bits. When selected the following
information is requested.
° Transfer length
° Number of times to issue the command
° Perform data compare Y/N
° Enter a 2-byte pattern
Seek When selected, you are prompted to enter the drive
number you want to seek on. Enter the number, then
press Enter.
Send Diagnostic Sends a command requesting the SCSI device to perform
a self diagnostics. The status indicator will display
busy during test. When the test is complete a message
stating whether the test were completed successfully
or unsuccessfully.
Inquiry Returns the following information.
° Vendor
° Revision level
° Device type
° ANSI version
° Type of media
Lock / Unlock Select the desired option, then, press Enter.
The Lock Medium option issues a PREVENT/ALLOW SCSI
command with the Prevent field set to 1 (prevent
The Unlock Medium option issues a PREVENT/ALLOW SCSI
command with the Prevent field set to 0 (allow).
Note: For some CD-ROM drives, this
option disables/enables the eject button on the front
of the drive.
Re-select a
Returns to the device selection to allow you to select
another device.
Re-Scan SCSI
Re-scans the SCSI bus and returns to the controller
to select menu. When the controller is selected and
the Enter key pressed, the SCSI bus is re-scanned.
All devices found are displayed n the device
select menu.
Read Buffer Displays the data that was written or read on the
last command.
Read Tape Tests the ability of the device to read the tape.
You will be prompted to enter the following.
° Transfer length
° Number of times to issue the command
° Terminate if filemark not found Y/N
° Perform data compare Y/N
° Enter a 2-byte pattern
Write Tape Tests the ability of the device to write data to the
tape. You will be prompted to enter the following.
° Enter a 2-byte pattern
° Transfer length
° Number of times to issue the command
° Write filemark at the end of each transfer Y/N
Tape Space Used to test the positioning functions of the SCSI tape
device. When this command is selected, you will be
prompted to enter the code and count parameters of the
Requests that the specified number of filemarks or
setmarks are written to the current positionon the
device. When selected, you will be prompted for the
number filemarks to write.

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