System Board Replacement Notice (TP 570 - 2644)

System Board Replacement Notice

Restoring the system unit serial number:

The EEPROM on the system board contains vital product data (VPD), such as the system unit serial number and the system board serial number.
You must restore the system unit serial number to its original number when the system board is replaced.

To restore the system unit serial number, do the following:

  1.  Install the ThinkPad Hardware Maintenance Diskette Version 1.60 and restart the computer.
  2.  Select 1. Set System Identification from the main menu.
  3.  Verify the system unit serial number displayed.
     If it is incorrect, type the correct number on the panel.


When the computer was manufactured, the EEPROM on the system board was loaded with the serial numbers of the system and all major components.
The EEPROM contains the following serial numbers:

You must restore the system unit serial number to its original value when replacing the system board.

To save the original serial number, do the following:

  1.  Install the ThinkPad Hardware Maintenance Diskette Version 1.60 and restart the computer.
  2.  Select 1. Set System Identification from the main menu.
  3.  Select 2. Read S/N data from EEPROM.

Each serial number is displayed with its device type.
Write down the system unit serial number. The device type designations for each serial number are as follows:

20: System unit serial number
40: System board serial number

To restore the serial number after you have replaced the system board, do the following:
  1.  Install the ThinkPad Hardware Maintenance Diskette Version 1.60 and restart the computer.
  2.  Select 1. Set System Identification from the main menu.
  3.  Select 1. Add S/N data from EEPROM.

     Follow the instruction on the screen.


The system unit serial number is written in the label attached on the bottom of the computer.


The Universally Unique IDentifier (UUID) is a 128-bit number uniquely assigned to your computer at production and stored in the EEPROM of your system board.

The algorithm that generates the unique number is designed to provide unique IDs until the year A.D. 3400.
Consequently, no two computers in the world have the same number.

When you replace the system board, you must set the UUID on the new system board as follows:

  1.  Install the ThinkPad Hardware Maintenance Diskette Version 1.60 and restart the computer.
  2.  Select 4. Assign UUID from the main menu.

A new UUID is created and written. If a valid UUID already exists, it is not overwritten.

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