1060 Status Indicator

1060 Status Indicator


Do not pull the status indicator cable. The cable can be damaged if the indicator is disconnected (in step 2) without releasing the latch.

The status indicator has three latches on its rear side and one on its front side. For step 3, do the following:
  1.  Release the rear latches by pushing each one with your thumb,  as shown in the figure.  (The circles in the figure show the locations  of the three latches.)
  2.  Release the front latch.
  3.  Lift the indicator.


NOTE: When replacing the indicator, insert the flexible cable straight into the connector until the head of the cable stops. Slide both ends of the latches at the same time to make sure that the cable is correctly inserted.

Use the following table for reference when replacing parts.

Step Location (Quantity) Length
1 Indicator bracket (2) 4 mm

NOTE: Make sure you use the correct screw. Screw Size Chart

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