Interference Analysis / ENOVIA LCA Interoperability

DMU users running interference analyses can take advantage of ENOVIA LCA interoperability. The table below summarizes what can be done.


You can...

Retrieve information from ENOVIA LCA

Save clash results in ENOVIA LCA

Work with clash rules

Send the clash result and import products involved from ENOVIA LCA

Batch process interference analysis on ENOVIA LCA data

Retrieving Information from ENOVIA LCA

You can compare clash command results with those stored in ENOVIA LCA and new results can be saved back into the ENOVIA database.

For more information on ENOVIA LCA capabilities, see LCA Product Interference Management.

Saving Clash Results in ENOVIA LCA

Working with Clash Rules and ENOVIA LCA

  • Knowledgeware rule-based clash in the user task section of this guide.

Sending Clash Result from ENOVIA LCA

The user can send the clash object directly from the ENOVIA query panel to CATIA. The clash result is re-created in the CATIA session. To import the products involved and visualize the clash, simply click the appropriate interference line in the Check Clash dialog box.

Batch Processing Interference Analysis

The batch ITFCHECK must be run from your ENOVIA LCA session. For more information, see the LCA Enterprise Architecture Installation Guide.