Configuring Supplier Chain Engineering Exchange for use with ENOVIA V5 VPM

Enabling Drawings Management
Inhibiting a Reconciliation Rule
Defining the Number of Characters of the Search String


The following configuration steps must be performed to correctly configure Supplier Chain Engineering Exchange for use with ENOVIA V5 VPM.

Enabling Drawings Management

To enable correct drawing management when saving documents in ENOVIA V5 VPM, use the following variables:

  • DrwRerootEnovia



Inhibiting a Reconciliation Rule

To globally forbid the use of one or several reconciliation rules without any CAA development, you can valuate the CV5_REC_FORBIDDEN_RULES variable value (located in the execution environment) with the name of the reconciliation rule that you want to forbid. Please find below the list of the rules names that can be used to valuate the CV5_REC_FORBIDDEN_RULES variable:

  • PubExp_ReloadFromPDM
For documents saved in Publications Exposed mode: prevents you from reloading the model from the VPDM.
  • PubExp_OverwriteInPDM


For documents saved in Publications Exposed mode: prevents you from overwriting the model saved in the VPDM with the model loaded in the CATIA session.
  • PubExp_NewObject
For documents saved in Publications Exposed mode: prevents you from saving the model loaded in the CATIA session as a new object.
  • ProdStructExp_NewObject


For documents saved in Structure Exposed mode: prevents you from saving the model loaded in the CATIA session as a new object.
  • ProdStructExp_OverwriteInPDM:


For documents saved in Structure Exposed mode: prevents you from overwriting the model saved in the VPDM with the model loaded in the CATIA session.

Example: If the variable is set to CV5_REC_FORBIDDEN_RULES=PubExp_ReloadFromPDM,PubExp_NewObject, you will not be able to select the Reload from VPDM or the New object in VPDM option for the Publications Exposed mode.

The  CATIPDMUERecRules User Exit variable enables you to control at the Document or the Part level if a rule is authorized or forbidden. If the CV5_REC_FORBIDDEN_RULES and CATIPDMUERecRules User Exit variables are set, a check will be performed to make sure that:

  • The reconciliation rules can be applied to the selected object according to its status.
  • The rule is authorized: its use is not forbidden by the CV5_REC_FORBIDDEN_RULES variable value.
  • The CATIPDMUERecRules User Exit variable is called for a final authorization.

If the user exit CATIPDMUERecRules variable is not implemented, authorized reconciliation rules will be filtered globally by the value defined in the CV5_REC_FORBIDDEN_RULES variable.



Defining the Number of Characters of the Search String

You can define the number of characters that will be displayed in the Query window when performing a search by setting the CV5_REC_QUERY_DEFAULT variable value.