

affinity An operation in which an element is transformed by applying X, Y, Z affinity ratios with respect to a reference axis system.


child A status defining the hierarchical relation between a feature or element and another feature or element.
constraint A geometric or dimension relation between two elements.


extruded surface A surface that is obtained by extruding a profile along a specified direction.


feature A component of a part.


join An operation in which adjacent curves or adjacent curves can be joined.


multi-sections surface A surface that is obtained by sweeping two or more planar section curves along a spine, which may be automatically computed or user-defined. The surface can be made to follow one or more guide curves.


offset surface A surface that is obtained by offsetting an existing surface a specified distance.


parent A status defining the hierarchical relation between a feature or element and another feature or element.
part A 3D entity obtained by combining different features. It is the content of a CATPart document.
part body A component of a part made of one or several features.
profile An open or closed shape including arcs and lines.


revolution surface A surface that is obtained by revolving a profile around an axis.
rotate An operation in which an element is rotated by a specified angle about an given axis.


scaling An operation that resizes an element to a percentage of its initial size.
sketch A set of geometric elements created in the Sketcher workbench. For instance, a sketch may include a profile, construction lines and points.
split An operation in which one element is cut by another element.
swept surface A surface obtained by sweeping a profile in planes normal to a spine curve while taking other user-defined parameters (such as guide curves and reference elements) into account.
symmetry An operation in which an element is transformed by means of a mirror symmetry with respect to a reference plane, line or point.


translate An operation in which an element is displaced a specified distance along a given direction.
trim An operation in which two element cut each other mutually.


wireframe element Elements such as points, lines or curves that can be used to represent the outline of a 3D object.