Creating a Non-Symmetric Dashed Weld

This task shows you how to create a non-symmetric dashed double fillet weld. This description is only applicable for double fillet weld type.
Open the Assembly_for_Welding_02 CATProduct document:
  1. Click the Double Fillet Weld icon:


The Double Fillet Weld Creation dialog box is displayed:

  1. Enter a meaningful name in the Weld Name field to identify your double fillet weld: New Dashed Double Fillet

  1. Unselect Weld Symbol option in the Annotation tab.

  1. Select faces as shown on the green plate and blue plate with the following order: green plate, blue plate, green plate.

  1. Click the Type tab to access dashed welds options and select Dashed in the combo list.

  1. In the Instances field, enter 3 as the number of beads to be created.

  1. Check the Antisymmetric option.

The bead count n and bead length L parameterized the first dash weld created, according to the selecting order of surfaces. The non-symmetric dash is made of n-1 beads of the same length and centered relatively to the first dash weld. If n equals to 1 is equivalent to a non-dashed weld.

  1. Click OK to create the dashed double fillet weld.