Adjusting an Access Part

This task shows you how to adjust an access plate.  See Rotating an Access Plate for Rotate functions.



1. Click the Adjust Tap and Access button and select the access plate you want to adjust. The placement tool displays . You can use it to move the access plate to another surface - click the location. If you do not want to move the plate to another surface then click the surface it is on. The Position Placed Part dialog box displays after you have repositioned the access plate or selected the same surface.

2. The tabs Flat and Round refer to the duct - rectangular or round - on which you have placed the access plate and will be preselected. If not preselected, select Flat or Round, depending on the surface the access part is on.
  3. The Offset Distance field allows you to define the distance you want the plate from a selected edge. Select an edge and the access plate. The distance between the two displays in the Offset Distance field and there is visual indication on the part. Enter a value or use the Up and Down arrows. The access plate is repositioned.
  4. The Depth Distance field displays distance, depending on the mode you select. Clicking the button next to the field toggles you three modes.

Distance form the top of the access part to the centerline of the duct. You can enter a different value to raise or lower the access part. In the image below the part has been raised, to show you the effect.

You can position the part just beneath the surface of the duct. In this case the Depth Distance field displays the thickness of the duct surface. You can enter a value to raise or lower the part.

You can position the part level with the surface of the duct. In this case the Depth Distance field displays 0 distance. You can enter a different value to raise or lower the part.

  5. Click the Round tab if the access part is on a curved surface - a round duct for instance.

Radial: Select this option and change the value in the Angle field to reposition the part along the circumference of the duct.

Normal: Select this option and change the value in the Horizontal Offset field to move the part horizontally. The part will not 'rotate' around the duct - it will only move horizontally. This also means that in order to retain contact with the duct a portion of the part will 'sink' into the duct as it is moved.

  6. The Edit Parts Parameters and Snap Object on a Surface buttons are standard commands. See Changing the Parameters of a Part and Quick Snap Resources.
  7. Click OK to save your document.