Using a Macro to Batch Process Product Comparison

If you perform a task repeatedly, you can take advantage of a macro to automate it. A macro is a series of functions, written in a scripting language, that you group in a single command to perform the requested task automatically.

You can in this way run a macro automating the geometric comparison of hundred of products to detect differences between them. You can compare .model, .CATPart and .cgr documents.

A sample macro, ComparisonMacro.CATScript, is supplied. It can be found in the DMU Space Analysis samples folder spaug/samples.

This task explains how to automate geometric comparison.


  1. Open and edit the sample macro, ComparisonMacro.CATScript, from the sample folder with a Text editor. Appropriate comments have been added to the sample to help you edit it.


    '' MinDiff = Difference limit,
    '' if (difference percent > MinDiff)
    '' then products are considered different
    Dim MinDiff As Double
    MinDiff = 0.3

    '' Difference percentages :
    '' added : Added Material /Material in Version1
    '' removed : Removed Material /Material in Version1
    Dim added As Double
    Dim removed As Double

    '' Program Start
    Sub CATMain()

    Dim documents1 As Documents
    Set documents1 = CATIA.Documents

    '' New Product Creation
    Dim productDocument1 As Document
    Set productDocument1 = documents1.Add("Product")

    Dim product1 As Product
    Set product1 = productDocument1.Product

    Dim products1 As Products
    Set products1 = product1.Products

    '' Names of the two products to compare

    Dim arrayOfVariantOfBSTR1(1)

    ''arrayOfVariantOfBSTR1(0) = "path\name_of_document"
    ' ' arrayOfVariantOfBSTR1(1) = "path\name_of_document"

    '' Insertion of products
    products1.AddComponentsFromFiles arrayOfVariantOfBSTR1, "*"

    Dim optimizerWorkBench1 As Workbench
    Set optimizerWorkBench1 = productDocument1.GetWorkbench("OptimizerWorkBench")

    '' Products to compare

    Dim product2 As Product
    Set product2 = products1.Item(1)

    Dim product3 As Product
    Set product3 = products1.Item(2)

    '' Comparison
    Dim partComps1 As PartComps
    Set partComps1 = optimizerWorkBench1.PartComps
    Dim partComp1 As PartComp
    ''Set partComp1 = partComps1.GeometricComparison(product2, product3, 2.000000, 2.000000, 2, added, removed)

    '' Start Comparison
    '' Parameters :
    '' product2 : first product to compare (Old Version)
    '' product3 : second product to compare (New Version)
    '' 2.000000 : computation accuracy (mm)
    '' 2.000000 : display accuracy (mm)
    '' 2 : computation type : 0=Added, 1=Removed, 2=Added+Removed
    Set partComp1 = partComps1.Add(product2, product3, 2.000000, 2.000000, 2)

    '' Read computation results

    '' Retrieve the percent of added material (value is between 0.0 and 1.0)
    Dim PercentAdded As Double
    PercentAdded = partComps1.AddedMaterialPercentage

    '' Retrieve the percent of removed material (value is between 0.0 and 1.0)
    Dim PercentRemoved As Double
    PercentRemoved = partComps1.RemovedMaterialPercentage

    '' Retrieve the volume of added material (mm3)
    Dim VolumeAdded As Double
    VolumeAdded = partComps1.AddedMaterialVolume

    '' Retrieve the volume of removed material (mm3)
    Dim VolumeRemoved As Double
    VolumeRemoved = partComps1.RemovedMaterialVolume

    '' Typical comparison result management
    If PercentAdded > MinDifference Then
    msgbox "Difference detected : Added = " & Cstr(PercentAdded) & " , Removed = " & Cstr(PercentRemoved) & " VolumeAdded = " & Cstr (VolumeAdded) & " VolumeRemoved = " & Cstr(VolumeRemoved)

    '' Save of added and removed Material
    Dim document1 As Document
    Set document1 = documents1.Item("AddedMaterial.3dmap")
    document1.SaveAs "E:

    Dim document2 As Document
    Set document2 = documents1.Item("RemovedMaterial.3dmap")
    document2.SaveAs "E:


    '' =======================================================
    '' Import AddedMaterial Only
    '' =======================================================
    Dim var11 ( 0 )
    var11 ( 0 ) = "E:
    products1.AddComponentsFromFiles var11, "*"

    '' =======================================================
    '' Definition du view point
    '' =======================================================

    CATIA.ActiveWindow.ActiveViewer.Viewpoint3D.PutSightDirection Array(1, 1, 0)
    CATIA.ActiveWindow.ActiveViewer.Viewpoint3D.PutUpDirection Array(0, 0, 1)


    '' =======================================================
    '' Save image As .jpg
    '' =======================================================
    CATIA.ActiveWindow.ActiveViewer.CaptureToFile catCaptureFormatJPEG , "E:

    msgbox "No difference detected between products"
    End If


    End Sub

  2. Run the macro in batch mode from Windows or your UNIX workstation.

For information on editing and running macros, read the appropriate section in the Infrastructure User's Guide.