Creating a Rework Area

This task shows you how to define an area to rework from the areas of the part that were not machined with the tool used in the operations. 
You must compute the tool paths for your Manufacturing Program first.
  1. Click Rework Area .

  2. Click the red area that represents the part.
    The dialog box shrinks to allow you to select the part in the viewer. 
    Select the part.
    Double-click anywhere in the viewer to confirm your selection and to redisplay the dialog box.

  3. Enter a value of 10mm for the Entry diameter and 2mm for the Corner radius (values used in the machining operations). 

Be careful not to hit Return while entering this data as that will close the dialog box.
  1. Click Compute. This creates a Rework Area which remains the current entity.
    The areas that we are going to rework are displayed.

  2. Click OK to close the dialog box.