Creating a Functional Volume

This task explains creation of a functional volume.

  • You first need to create a functional volume set so that you can create functional volumes within it.
  • The geometry you intend to use to create the functional volume should already have been created. This geometry should consist of closed surfaces.
  • The functional volume should not be limited by the hull or shell plate.

You can create the geometry using various applications, Generative Shape Design being one of them.





1. Enter the Structure Functional Object Design workbench and select the system under which you want to create the functional volumes. Click the Functional Volume button to display the Functional Volume Definition dialog box. The image below shows the box with the Geometry tab selected, and a block displayed in the Closed Surface field.

. 2. CATEGORY: Select a category by clicking the down arrow in the Category field. Only Functional Volume is included as a sample. If your administrator has created other categories then click More to display the Class Browser and make your selection.
  3. NAME: The application can assign a name to the system you are creating using the object naming function if you check the Automatic checkbox. If you want to assign your own name then uncheck the box and enter a name, in this case Middle Block System. Click OK to create the system.
  4. Select the geometry of the functional volume you want to create. The image below shows a functional volume in preview, along with the orientation arrow. A bounding box also displays, showing the dimensions and footprint of the functional volume.

  5. Click the Switch Side button to change the display of the orientation arrow. It is shown in inverted position below. Or select the Z-direction arrow.

  6. Select the functional volume and click Remove if you want to delete it.
  7. Click the Dimension tab to see the dimensions of the functional volume and the area of its footprint, shown below in square meters. You cannot edit these values.

The footprint of the functional volume is calculated by 'drawing' a square around it. The area of the footprint will therefore be larger than the area of the functional volume alone.

  8. Click OK to create the functional volume.