List View, 3D Viewer and CATIA 2D View Tabs

List View Tab

The List View is a tabular view of the reconciliation tree.

ID Indicates the name of the displayed object.
Rule Indicates the rule applied to the document: Overwrite in SmarTeam, Reload from SmarTeam, or New Object in SmarTeam


Indicates the type of the displayed object:
  • Part and/or Product if Part & Document is selected in the scrolling list or
  • Instance if Instance is selected in the scrolling list.
Document Indicates the name and the path of the document.
Environment Indicates the selected database (SmarTeam).

For more information, see Using the Sort Tool.

3D Viewer Tab

The 3D Viewer tab enables you to visually compare the object loaded in the CATIA session and the one stored in SmarTeam. For more information, see Using the Viewers.

CATIA 2D View Tab

A CATIA 2D View tab is now displayed in the lower part of the Reconciliator window. It previews CATIA CATDrawing documents. You can improve the view of the active sheet inside this CATDrawing document using zoom in and zoom out capabilities.