


3D XML EXtensible Markup Language. A universal, lightweight, XML-based format that enables users to capture and share live, accurate 3D data quickly and easily.
3D XML compresses highly complex data, provides rapid file transmission and shorter load times while maintaining the exact geometry of the files exchanged.



check in operation

A lifecycle operation that checks in:

  • a new object and places its file in the SmarTeam Checked In vault, or

  • a checked out object (being modified) and places the file back in the SmarTeam Checked In vault.

check out operation

A lifecycle operation that retrieves files from the SmarTeam Checked In vault. It is the first operation to do prior to making modifications to a file that is checked in to the SmarTeam vault.


A set of objects that share common structure and common attributes. Every engineering entity is an object that can be classified.



default An operation or value that the system or application assumes, unless a user makes an explicit choice.
dialog box A window that gathers additional information from a user. A dialog box usually contains one or more controls, such as buttons, list boxes, combo boxes, and edit boxes, with which the user enters text, chooses options, or directs the action of the command.
document A common unit of data (typically a file) used in user tasks and exchanged between users.


geometry area Area of a document window in which application data are displayed and edited.


model A CATIA Version 4 document.


object An entity or component identifiable by a user that can be distinguished by its properties, operations, and relationships.


part A 3D entity obtained by combining different features.


release lifecycle operation A lifecycle operation that changes the revision designation of a part.


specification tree Area of the document window reserved for viewing the design specifications of a part, presented in the form of a tree structure.