Creating Deviation Reports

Once you have performed a Deviation Analysis, you may want to create a deviation report from it.
This task will show you how to do this.
  • You will define which information or images you want to insert in this deviation report. This is done in the Deviation Report dialog box.
  • A node Deviation Check  is created in the specification tree. It is dedicated to  annotations and deviation reports. A CATPart can contain only one Deviation Check node.
  • Once you have validated those date, a Deviation Report feature is created in the specification tree. It is associative with the deviation analysis and the annotations it is based upon. If you modify the deviation analysis or the annotations, the deviation report is updated accordingly. You can edit the Deviation Report feature at any time.
  • You can now export the Deviation Report feature to a html file.
Please note that:
  • For features inserted into the report (e.g. deviation analysis), only one image with the default point of view is created in the report.
  • You cannot generate automatically several images of the same feature associatively with different points of view in the report.
  • You can capture images in any point of view with the Tools > Images > Capture menu and insert these images in the report. For more information refer to Capturing and Managing Images for the Album in the Infrastructure User Guide.
  • You can insert images created by other means.
  • The only available format for the deviation report is html file.
  • If a 3dxml image is exported into the report, you need a 3dxml player in a version compatible with the 3dxml level used to generate the image.
Perform a Deviation Analysis as described in Performing a Deviation Analysis, and create annotations, if required.
You will get something like that:

Capture some images and save them either in a directory or in an album.

  1. Click Deviation Report in the Check Deviation toolbar.
    The Deviation Report dialog box is displayed:

    If it does not yet exist, a Deviation Check node is created in the specification tree. A node Deviation Report.1 is added under Deviation Check.

  2. Fill in the fields in proposed in the dialog box.
    Click OK when you are done.
    A Deviation Report feature is created in the specification tree.

  3. Use the Deviation Report contextual menu

    to edit it (Definition) or export it to a html file.
    The html file looks like this:

    Use the hyperlinks on the sections on the left to navigate through it.

Contents of the Deviation Report

You will find hereafter captures of the Deviation Report dialog box tabs and examples of how the Deviation Report sections look like once the report has been exported to a html file.

These data are specific to the project, company and inspector.
In the dialog box:

In the html file:

These data are specific to the digitization system used.
In the dialog box:

In the html file:

This tab lets you define which information about the deviation analysis you want to insert in the deviation report.
In the dialog box:

  • Select a Deviation Analysis or an annotation set. This will be the main element of the report and if required, it will be exported in 3dxml. Its name is displayed in the dialog box.
    Place your cursor in the field to replace your selection by another one.
  • Output Options:
    These three check boxes are selected by default.
    Clear the ones you do not require.
    Input Information: information on the input of the deviation analysis and its parameters.
    In the Deviation Analysis dialog box:

    In the hmtl file:

    Statistic Result: statistics and color map of the deviation analysis.


    3dxml: exports the 3dxml result.
  • More Elements to Export:
    Lets you export additional geometrical feature:
    Click Add and select the required feature.
    Its name is displayed in the dialog box.
    Click under Comment in the line of the feature and key in any necessary comment.
    Select a feature in the dialog box and click Delete to delete it.
    In the html file:
  • Insert Images:

    Lets you insert images in the report.
    They can be created with the Tools > Images > Capture menu or by any other means.
    Allowed format are .bmp, .gif, .jpeg, .jpg, .png
    Click Add and select the image you want to insert from your directories.
    Click Add from album to insert all the images in the allowed formats found in the album.
    In the html file, they appear under USER DEFINED RESULTS (we have shown only one of the images):