Inserting a New Part

This task shows you how to insert a new part in an existing assembly.
Open the ManagingComponents01.CATProduct document.
  1. In the specification tree, select ManagingComponents01 and click the New Part icon .

    If a geometry exists in the assembly, the New Part: Origin Point dialog box is displayed, proposing two options to locate the part:
    • Click Yes to locate the part origin point on a selected point, on another component for example.
    • Click No to define the origin point of a component based on the origin point of the parent component.
  2. For this task, click No to locate the part origin based on the Product1 origin point. The Part (Part8.1) is created in the specification tree:

    To edit Part8 or any other sub-elements of the CATPart document, double-click on the required component in the specification tree and you will access the Part Design workbench. See CATIA - Part Design User's Guide V5 for more information.

    Do not mistake the Product document for the Part Design document:

    • The Product document is identified by the Product document icon .
    • The Part Design document is identified by the Part Design document icon .


If you want you can define the default part number of the part to be imported. To see how this is done refer to Customizing Product Structure Settings.