How to Generate CUTCOM Syntaxes

This document explains how to generate Cutter compensation (CUTCOM) instructions for Profile Contouring, Pocketing, and Circular Milling operations.

 In the Strategy tab page of the machining operation editor, Output type allows you to manage the generation of CUTCOM instructions in the NC data output:

The following options are proposed:

Cutter Compensation on Prismatic Machining Operations

The activation/deactivation of cutter compensation is available by using NC macros on these operations. 

For Profile Contouring operations, compensation can be defined on Approach, Retract, Return to finish pass, and Return between levels macros for each pass.

For Circular Milling operations, compensation can be defined on Approach, Retract, and Return between levels macros for each pass.

For Pocketing operations, compensation can be defined on Retract, Return to finish pass, and Return between levels macros on the side finish pass only. 

This is done by insertion of a dedicated PP instruction in macro tool path. In the generated APT source CUTCOM syntaxes are inserted as follows:


Select position in macro for Cutter Compensation

In the Macro tab page of the Machining operation edition dialog box:

Insert CUTCOM PP word in the macro

Click OK to insert the NC_CUTCOM_ON PP word in macro tool path.

Complete the machining operation definition

Define the other parameters of the operation (geometry, tool, and machining strategy).
Click OK on the Machining operation edition dialog box to create the operation.

Shortcut with a Machining Process

To avoid defining each time macros with cutter compensation syntaxes, a template of the operation can be defined in a Machining Process. 

This operation, which has macros but no geometry, can be instantiated from a catalog in the machining program. Then only the geometry and tool need to be selected to completely define the operation. 

Refer to Create a Machining Process and Apply a Machining Process for more information.

Example of Generated APT Source 

Here is an example of the type of APT source that can be obtained for a Contouring operation when a NC_CUTCOM_ON word was inserted in the approach macro and a NC_CUTCOM_OFF word was inserted in the retract macro.

$$ Start generation of : Profile Contouring.1
FEDRAT/ 300.0000,MMPM
SPINDL/ 500.0000,SFM,CLW
GOTO / -110.00000, 80.00000, 10.00000
GOTO / -110.00000, 80.00000, 0.00000
GOTO / -110.00000, 70.00000, 0.00000
INTOL / 0.10000
OUTTOL/ 0.00000
INDIRV/ 0.00000, -1.00000, 0.00000
TLON,GOFWD/ (CIRCLE/ -100.00000, 70.00000, 0.00000,$
10.00000),ON,(LINE/ -100.00000, 70.00000, 0.00000,$
-100.00000, 60.00000, 0.00000)
Approach macro:
NC_CUTCOM_ON is generated as CUTCOM/LEFT
FEDRAT/ 1000.0000,MMPM
GOTO / 100.00000, 60.00000, 0.00000
INDIRV/ 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000
TLON,GOFWD/ (CIRCLE/ 100.00000, 50.00000, 0.00000,$
10.00000),ON,(LINE/ 100.00000, 50.00000, 0.00000,$
110.00000, 50.00000, 0.00000)
GOTO / 110.00000, -50.00000, 0.00000
FEDRAT/ 200.0000,MMPM
INDIRV/ 0.00000, -1.00000, 0.00000
TLON,GOFWD/ (CIRCLE/ 120.00000, -50.00000, 0.00000,$
10.00000),ON,(LINE/ 120.00000, -50.00000, 0.00000,$
120.00000, -60.00000, 0.00000)
GOTO / 130.00000, -60.00000, 0.00000
GOTO / 130.00000, -60.00000, 10.00000
Retract macro:
NC_CUTCOM_OFF is generated as CUTCOM/OFF