Analyzing Pick Points in a Video Simulation

This procedure describes how to analyze pick points in a video simulation.
Complete the procedures as described in Accessing NC Manufacturing Verification and Comparing the Machined Stock Part and the Design Part, including:
  • Accessing NC Manufacturing Verification via Replay Tool Path
  • Clicking Full Video   within the Replay dialog box
  • Selecting Setup Editor from the Window menu.
    The Replay dialog box remains visible.
  1. In the Replay dialog box, click Analyze , select the fault types to be analyzed, and specify the tolerance for the comparison.
    For more information about Analyze , see Comparing the Machined Stock Part and the Design Part.

  2. Click Apply in the Analysis dialog box.

  3. Pick a point on the machined stock.

    The Pick Point Information dialog box appears with the following information:
    The Arc radius and Arc center fields are displayed only if the picked point is on a circular entity.
  4. Go to Detecting Collisions in Video Simulations.

This information is available at every pick provided that the point picked is a "machined area pick." To get information about errors and deviation at the picked point, first do a design part comparison. Design part comparison renders the stock in a color-coded manner, depicting deviations from the design part. A subsequent pick displays the deviation value.

Limitation: When the design part is a surface entity with no thickness, the deviation on one of the sides is accurate and the deviation on the other side of the surface may be incorrect and may show infinity.