Analyzing a Mechanism

This procedure describes how to analyze a mechanism using Mechanism Properties.
Open the V4Axis_Machine.CATProduct file from the  online/mtbug_C2/samples/V5/4AxisMachine directory.  In addition:
  1. Click Mechanism Properties

    The Mechanism Analysis dialog box is displayed.
    The Mechanism Analysis dialog box displays information about each joint in the kinematic mechanism: for example, which joints are associated with which commands. The following properties are listed:
    Option Explanation
    Command The command that drives the joint.
    Joint Type Revolute, prismatic, spherical, etc.
    Part1 The first part that is attached to the joint.
    Geometry 1 The geometric element of Part 1 that defines the joint.
    Part 2 The second part that is attached to the joint.
    Geometry 2 The geometric element of Part 2 that defines the joint.
    If a kinematic part is deleted from a mechanism, the corresponding joint is no longer valid. In this case, the message Invalid joint!!! appears in the Mechanism Analysis dialog box.
  2. Under Command, click Axis C.

    The products that are attached to the joint are highlighted both in the geometry area and in the specification tree.
    dbmechanismanalysisdressupNLS.gif (7444 bytes)