About the NC Code Dialog Box

The NC Code dialog box has two parts:
  • The ISO code area, which contains the line number, a collision icon (if relevant), and the ISO data.  This part also has a search function and lists the machining operation associated with each ISO line number.
  • The Collision Information area.

The ISO Code Area

  When collisions are detected during simulation, they are marked in the NC Code dialog box when you click Mark Collisions in NC Code dialog box . This displays the collision icon next to the lines where collisions were detected, as shown above. Users may enter text in the field next to the Find Next button, select either Up or Down, and search for the text within the ISO Data.  Stop the video replay or simulation when searching for text.
  The panel highlights each line of the ISO Data while the video replay or simulation represents the code graphically.  At the same time, the Machine Operation field shows the operation associated with the line of code.  You can select a single line of code, and the geometric data shows the simulation at that point in the code (more specifically, the geometric data shows where the NC Machine is positioned during machine simulation, and where the cutting tool is positioned during video simulation).

If the line happens to be a call to subroutine from the main routine, line highlighting occurs in the normal way in the main NC code panel, plus subroutine panel displays automatically.  This enables you to select subsequent lines on the sub-program panel.

  During machine simulation, you can select multiple lines of code by selecting sequential lines using Ctrl+LMB, or you can select any two lines, right-click, and select Select Range, to obtain all lines between (and including) the two selections.  Once you select multiple lines of code, right-click and select Partial Simulation.  If you are not running machine simulation, Partial Simulation is not available.

Collision Information

  The Number of Collisions field contains the collisions found.  The Mark Collisions in the NC Code dialog box button is available once collisions are found during the video replay or simulation. If you click on this button, Collision 1 appears in the collision list. Use the arrows to search for the collision.  Then click the Analyze button (this button is only available when you have a collision line selected). 

If a subprogram has collisions, then these collisions will be marked in both panels if the sub-program panel is visible. Otherwise, it follows the behavior for the main routine. On selecting any collision in a subroutine:

  • The subprogram’s NC Code panel is displayed.
  • This NC Code panel has all information about all collisions occurring in the subprogram. In a subprogram collisions, these are reported on the basis of subprogram call, i.e., in the subprogram NC Code panel, only those collisions are shown which are related to that particular call.

For Video Simulation

  The Collision Information dialog box appears (the version shown below is what you see after clicking the More>> button, and some of the fields in this dialog box may not be available depending on your product licensing arrangements).

For Machine Simulation

  When you click the Analyze button, a Preview window and the Check Clash dialog box appear.
For more information on using the Check Clash dialog box, see Viewing Analysis Data.