About the Rule Editor

The Rule editor is displayed when you click the icon in the Knowledge Expert tool bar.


For All Field

Indicated by the universal quantifier , this field lets you specify the features the rule is intended to apply to, to declare the variables names and their types.

Example:  H:Thickness
             Tck:Thickness ; Hle:Hole ; P:Pad

For more information about types and their attributes, see Using Types in the Check/Rule Editor and Using Types Attributes.

Actions Toolbar  

Lets you access the Object Browser and thus access the functions, operators and  feature attributes that can be used in an expert rule.
From this window, you can manipulate the list of objects supported by Knowledge Expert through their attributes and methods. 
  • The left part of the browser displays  categories: Applicative packages (MechanicalModeler, PartDesign), units, and constants.
  • The central part displays the list of objects belonging to this category (category functions (mathematical functions, launch macro, ...).
  • The right part displays the attributes and methods allowing you to manipulate these objects. The Show inherited attributes check box can be activated here.

To get a full description of the available types, see the Reference section of this guide.

Back  lets you return to your last interaction in the browser. Has no action on the rule/check editor.
Forward  lets you go forward to your next interaction in the browser when moving through a series of interactions.
Browse Attribute Description cannot be used in this version.
Jump to prototype lets you retrieve the parent feature as well as its attributes.
Example: Select PartDesign > Shell, then click the Parent Feature icon, the Mechanical Modeler > MechanicalFeature is highlighted, then click again the Parent Feature icon, the Standard > Feature object is highlighted.
Paste selection lets you insert the object name in the script.
Lets you access a browser of types. To use this browser, you can either select the objects you want to work with in the geometry or click the ... button to select the type in the list.
  • The Supported/Inherited types field provides you with a list of the types supported by the selected type and with a list of the types that the selected type inherits from.
  • The Attributes field lists the possible attributes of the types and those of the supported and inherited types.
  • The Functions using type field lists the functions and methods whose first argument is a type of the Supported/Inherited types list.
  • The Functions returning type field lists the functions and methods returning the selected type.


Priority Field

Lets you specify a priority level for the rule.

Rule Body Field

Lets you key in the rule body written in the form of a statement to be applied to the variables specified in the For all field (see above).

Two contextual commands improving display are available from the contextual menu in the Rule Body field:

Error Log

Lists the errors appearing in the Rule Body Field. In the example below, "Name" is misspelled, which returns an error in the Error log field.