
Many of the definitions included in this glossary are only pertinent within the CATIA Knowledgeware context.

Symbols A C D D F J M P P J

Symbols Top

| (operator)
Breaks a single line message into a multiple line message. Can only be used in the Message function when programming rules and checks.
.CATScript The extension of a macro file generated by CATIA Version 5. A macro file can be specified as the argument of the LaunchMacroFromFile function which can be called in rules and checks. 
The extension of a human-readable file composed of text characters. This file format can be used as an import file format when importing parameters and formulas.
.xls The extension of an Excel file. This file format can be used as an import file format when importing parameters and formulas under Windows.

A Top

activity A property which defines whether a relation is applied to a document or not. The activity value is either true or false. It is indicated by an icon in the specification tree and can also be read in the document parameter list.
association A link between a document parameter and its equivalent parameter in an external design table.  Associations are to be created when the document parameter names do not correspond exactly to the parameter names read in the design table.

C Top

check A set of statements intended to provide the user with a clue as to whether certain conditions are fulfilled or not. A check does not modify the document it is applied to.  A check is a feature. In the document specification tree, it is displayed as a relation that can be activated and deactivated. Like any feature, a check can be manipulated from its contextual menu.
configuration A row in the design table. A configuration is a consistent set of parameter values that can be applied to a document.

D Top

design table A table containing values to be potentially applied to a document to manage its parameter values. It can be created from the document parameters or from an external file. A design table is a feature. In the document specification tree, it is displayed as a relation that can be activated or deactivated. Like any feature, a design table can be manipulated from its contextual menu. The evaluation method is based on a table (excel or .txt file).
dictionary The set of parameters, operators, keywords, functions and other components that make up the language to be used to write formulas, rules and checks. The formula, rule and check editors provide you with an interactive view of the dictionary listed in pre-defined packages.

E Top

equivalent dimension a relation that valuates N features using another "driving" feature. Each feature in output is affected with the value of the driving feature.
expression An object (persistent or not) used to describe with a text an evaluation method and that can be used to perform the evaluation on parameters.

F Top

formula A relation specifying a constraint on a parameter. The formula relation is a one-line statement. Its left part is the parameter to be constrained, the right part is a relation taking as its variables other parameters. A formula is a feature. In the document specification tree, it is displayed as a relation that can be activated or deactivated. Like any feature, a formula can be manipulated from its contextual menu.

K Top

knowledgeware The set of software components dedicated to the creation and manipulation of knowledge-based information.  Knowledge-based information consists of rules and other types of relations whereby designers can save their corporate know-how and reuse it later on to drive their design processes.
Knowledge Inspector An analysis tool which helps users understand how changing any property of their design (such as material, pressure, or a dimensional parameter) changes the operation or design of the product on which they are working. The Knowledge Inspector offers two options:
  • "What if"  to examine interactions of parameters with each other and with the rules that make up the product's specifications
  • "How to" to see how a design can be changed to achieve a desired result

L Top

law A mathematical relationship between formal values that can be used by V5 features .

M Top

magnitude type parameter A parameter whose value is defined by a quantity expressed in specific units. Length, Angle, Time parameters are magnitude type parameters. Boolean, Real, String and Integer parameters are not magnitude type parameters.

P Top

parameter A feature defining a document property.

R Top

reaction A Knowledgeware Advisor feature that reacts to events on an object called the source.
relation A knowledgeware feature which describes a valuation relationship between persistent parameters, and which, depending on certain conditions: 
  • sets parameter values
  • displays a message
  • or runs a macro.
rule A set of instructions, generally based on conditional statements, whereby the relationship between parameters is controlled. In addition, depending on the context described by the rule instructions, CATIA macros can be executed and messages can be displayed. A rule is a feature. In the document specification tree, it is displayed as a relation that can be activated or deactivated. Like any feature, a rule can be manipulated from its contextual menu.

S Top

set of equations A relation based on the Knowledgeware language that valuates several persistent parameters from a set of parameters used as input. The evaluation is performed by a mathematical solver.

W Top

wizard A  form of user assistance that guides the user through a difficult or complex task within an application. The formula wizard helps the user typing formulas by picking up parameters either in the dictionary, or in the geometry area or in the specification tree.