DXF/DWG: Best Practices

Always check the report file after a conversion ! Some problems may have occurred without been visually highlighted.



Import of Layers

The list of layers in the Drafting standards defined in the DXF/DWG import options must be consistent with the layers contained in the files you import.

Quality of conversion

  When importing a DXF/DWG file, the display of small entities may depend on zoom factor. To see the complete Drawing regardless of their size:
  1. Go to the Tools > Options > General > Display > Performance tab.

  2. Switch the value of Level of detail/static to zero. All geometries become visible.

For more information, see Performance


Export of Layers

If you have chosen to export the name of layers, we recommend that you export the data to AutoCAD 2000 as it provides a better result.

Export of Line Thickness

This is possible only with AutoCAD 2000.