Renaming Version 4 Documents regarding Windows File System Compatibility in Batch Mode

This task shows you how to rename a Version 4 document which is not compatible with Windows file system (i.e the name of the document contains forbidden characters) into a document which can be read on Windows. Then on Windows, renamed documents will be used while opening session, and decode of multi-model links with "on the fly conversion" will be available.

Batch tool will rename those V4 documents and their dependencies, according to definition of the characters mapping (See conversion table).

Consequences of Migration on Filenames

On Windows, it is extremely important to be aware of the consequences of migration on filenames. Before reading any further see "About Filenames" in the CATIA - Infrastructure User's Guide.

Select a Session document containing characters.
Before launching the batch tool, you have to make sure that your environment is correctly set up. On Windows, the Batch's environment is installed during CATIA's installation. On UNIX, you have to set up this environment before starting the session. For more information about this, see CATIA Infrastructure User's Guide - Starting a session on UNIX.

Note that due to Windows forbidden characters, the batch can be only launched on UNIX.
If you have Windows-only CATIA V5, and want to use V5 applications (ex: migration) on V4 models that contain special characters. You have to follow this renaming procedure:

  • Define the characters conversion table (see conversion table, and see About Filenames) for characters outside the iso-646 table and for Windows invalid characters.
  • On your UNIX station, you have to rename (by hand or with your own programs) the V4 documents by replacing special characters one to one according to this table.


You can then launch the Extract tool in a pure Batch mode by entering the command:
  • CATV4ToV5NTCompatibilityName -arg

CATV4ToV5NTCompatibilityName [-h / -id inputDirectory [-if inputfile/-il inputlist] -od outputDirectory -report reportFile -depth level]



-h Online help of the command. Writes in the standard output the list of valid arguments.
   CATV4ToV5NTCompatibilityName [-h / -id inputDirectory 
                           -if inputfile -il inputlist -od outputDirectory 
                           -report reportFile -depth level
       -h	: help
       -id	: Intput document Directory (or DLNAME)
       -if      : Input text File containing a list of V4 documents to process 
		  with appropriate file extension (ie .session, .model, .exp, .dlv3).
       -il      : Input list of V4 documentss to process
                  with appropriate file extension (ie .session, .model, .exp, .dlv3).
       -od	: Output Directory  (or DLNAME)
       -depth   : level of Multi Model Link structure taken in account
       -report  : Report File name

If -h parameter is defined, others parameters are ignored.

-id Input V4 document Directory
Define the pathname or the DLNAME containing the V4 documents to process.
This parameter is not mandatory. It is useful if all V4 documents are extracted from the same directory. It is used only as concatenation to document to process.
-if Selection criteria
Input text File containing a list of V4 documents to process with appropriate file extension (ie .dlv3 or .exp).
If a V4 document defined in the text file is a concatenation of path (or DLNAME) and name, the input directory is ignored.

At least one of the (-il/-if) parameters is mandatory, (-il/-if) parameters can be defined several times.

The batch aborts if no selection criteria is defined.

-il Selection criteria
Input list of V4 documents to process with appropriate file extension (ie .dlv3 or .exp).
If a V4 document is a concatenation of path (or DLNAME) and name, the input directory is ignored.

At least one of the (-il/-if) parameters is mandatory, (-il/-if) parameters can be defined several times.

The batch aborts if no selection criteria is defined.

-od Output Model Directory
Define the pathname or the DLNAME where the extracted .models are written.
This parameter is mandatory. The batch aborts if no output Model Directory is defined.
-depth Dependency Level

This parameter is optional. By default, Maximum depth is taken.
-report Report File name
Give the possibility to Save the "Rename report" in the file and directory of your choice :
In this report, you can find information about the renamed documents :
  • V4 document path
  • Name of the model(s)
  • A Return Code (success scale):
    ReturnCode = 0 : The batch ended successfully
    ReturnCode = 4 : at least one V4 document could not be processed
    ReturnCode = 8 : The batch aborted.

The Report File can be a concatenation of path (or DLNAME) and name. It is automatically '.txt' suffixed.

This parameter is optional. If no Report File is defined, or if access to the Report File is denied, the report is written in the standard output.

A few rules about Batch Conversion:

  • A V4 document is known by the extension .session, .model, .dlv3 or .exp.
  • A selected V4 document will be written in the output directory even if not renamed.