Anthropometry Catalog Management

This procedure describes the commands for Posture catalogs.

The two catalog management commands are:

It is not possible to open manikin libraries with these commands nor is it possible to save postures as .swl files. You must convert any existing libraries into catalogs in order to use them. For more information on converting libraries into catalogs, please see "Manikin Catalog Management" in the Human Builder User Guide.

Load from a Posture Catalog

This command opens the dialog box that is used to load an existing catalog file.

  1. Select Load manikin's attributes from a catalog  .

  2. The Load a description from Human Catalog dialog box appears.


  3. Select Browse another catalog.


  4. The File Selection dialog box opens.  Select the directory and catalog.


  5. Select a file name and select the Open button.

    The dialog box is displayed showing all the anthropometry information contained in the selected file.

  6. Select the description desired from the Load a description from Human Catalog dialog box, and select the manikin from the Product tree.

    If the file does not contain any anthropometry information, the following error message is displayed:

  7. Select an item and then select the Apply button (or double-click the item).

    The anthropometry selected is applied to the manikin. The progress indicator at the bottom of the window shows the load action; when the load is done, the manikin is automatically updated with the new anthropometry.
  8. Select the Close when completed.

Save in Posture Catalog

This command allows you to save the anthropometry parameters of a manikin in a library file.

  1. Select the Save Manikin's attributes in catalog .

    The Save in Human Catalog dialog box is displayed.

  2. Select the Browse another catalog button to select another file, if required.

    The File Selection dialog box is displayed.

  3. Enter or select a file name and select the Open button.

    If the file does not exist, a Confirmation window is displayed to create it.
    The Save in Human Catalog dialog box is displayed again.
  4. Enter a description in the Title window, and select either:

    • The anthropometry on the manikin, or

    • the whole manikin.

  5. Select the Save button.

    The anthropometry is saved in the catalog.
    The file is saved automatically and the progress indicator shows the save action. Otherwise, the Save button will not be activated.
  6. Select the Close button to exit the dialog box.