Face Checker Parameters

  The information in this section will help you check the topology of faces.

More Operating Mode information is available in the Face Checker Basic Task.


The options selected and the numerical values entered in the dialog box are modal within the session.
  Internal Edges

By default, the Internal Edges check box is not selected.
In this mode, the analysis is done on the surfaces.
If you select the  Internal Edges check box, the analysis is done on the faces of the surfaces.


  1. Open Geoboundary.CATPart from the samples directory,
    select the whole part and perform the Face Checker analysis on it leaving Internal Edges cleared, i.e. on the surfaces, with Holes search value at 0.001mm. Two holes are found.
    Perform the transfer of Site.2. Here is what you get:

    A surface has been transferred for the whole surface is considered as erroneous.

  2. Repeat the same operation, but with Internal Edges checked, i.e. on the faces. Here is what you get:

    Only the erroneous face has been transferred.



The search for self-intersections is done with a self-intersection tolerance you can edit.
The faces with self-intersections found are displayed in yellow.
This self-intersection tolerance is a tolerance used to determine whether the edges of the boundary are going to collide,
for example as if they were displayed as lines with this thickness:

The default Self-Intersection tolerance is 0.001mm, as in the Join action.

  1. Open the SelfIntersectingEdge.CATPart from the samples directory.
    Let's have a closer look at the face SurfaceWithSelfIntersectingEdges.
    It is found as self-intersecting.

  2. Recall its supporting surface from the No Show. This is a cylinder, that has no self-intersection.

    This implies that the self-intersection problem comes from the boundary.

  3. Recall the Analysis of the Intersection between Boundary Portions body from the No Show.
    We have drawn a portion of both edges of the boundary, and created the intersection between them
    (portion between the two circles on the left).

    Zoom in:

  4. Select the Automatic Repair  check box and transfer the Site.1.
    You can see that the face repaired (in yellow) is no longer self-intersecting.


The Face Checker searches discontinuities in the boundaries of faces or surfaces, like in the Apply Geometrical Display.
Faces with holes in the boundary are displayed in blue.

If the distance between two consecutive curves is less than the threshold value, there is no discontinuity in the boundary.

If the distance between two consecutive curves is higher than the threshold value, there is a discontinuity.

The default discontinuity tolerance is 0.01 mm whereas it is 0.001 mm in Apply Geometrical Display.


Thin Face

The search for thin faces is done with a tolerance you can edit. Thin faces found are displayed in pink.
This tolerance is used to determine whether the face would still exist if its boundaries were displayed with a line of this thickness:


Click Transfer to transfer erroneous faces to a new Geometrical Set.
The name of this Geometrical Set is made of the name of the problem and of the value of the tolerance
(e.g. Self-Intersection_0.001.1, Hole_0.01.1...).
The option Automatic Repair is available for Self-Intersection problems only.
Whenever possible, the face is modified to heal the self-intersecting boundary.