Selecting Systems with External Data

This task shows how to select an external system.

The GettingStarted1.CATProduct is still open from the previous task.

Since the option is set up to enable the external systems interfacing, an additional command is available in the Electrical Wire Routing workbench.

You are required to identify the path of the:

  • Folder in which the XML files are stored
  • Working catalog containing the V5 parts which Part Number are referred to in the XML files.
  1. Use to locate the iXF systems repository.
    For this example, the path is: .../online/cfysm_C2/samples/ElectricalIntegration

  2. Use to locate the catalog path.
    For this example, the path is: .../online/cfysm_C2/samples/ElectricalIntegration/ElecIntegration.catalog

  1. Click Select External Systems .

    The System Selection dialog box displays with the XML files available:
  2. Select ElectricalBundle2.1 and click the right arrow .

  3. Click OK to validate.
    The component list is filled up with this data and available for routing.

aprereq.gif (1231 bytes) If a system has already been selected, data is reloaded.