

2D component An instance of a 2D element that is stored on a detail sheet. Also called ditto.




absolute position A sheet coordinates.
active view A view in which all the modifications will be performed. For instance, all the 2D geometry and dress-up elements that will be added to the draft views to be created.
angle dimension A dimension applied to one or two linear elements or to circular elements.
area fill A closed area on which you will then apply graphical dress-up element called hatching pattern.


background sheet A sheet dedicated to frames and title blocks.
blanking A blank added between the dimensioned element on the view and one extremity on the extension line.


chained dimension A dimension presentation mode made of a system.
chamfer A beveled corner between any types of curves: lines, splines, arcs and so forth.
chamfer dimension A dimension applied to a chamfer.
corner An arc tangent between lines, arcs, circles and any types of curves (consecutive or that intersect).


datum feature An element defining a contacting surface on a part.
datum target An element defining a contacting surface on a part and represented by spherical or pointed locating pins.
detail sheet A sheet that is used as an intermediate catalog for positioning 2D geometry elements that will be instantiated afterwards.
diameter dimension A dimension representing either a radius or a diameter.
distance dimension A dimension representing the dimension between two elements be they linear or circular type.
ditto An instance of a 2D element that is stored on a detail sheet. Also called 2D component.
document A common unit of data (typically a file) used in user tasks and exchanged between users. When saved on disk, a document is given a unique filename by which it can be retrieved.
drawing The root feature. Sheets are aggregated in the drawing. Views are aggregated in the sheets.
drawing repository A drawing document containing 2D re-usable components.
dress-up A graphical attribute of a 2D element.


funnel A representation of the dimensions which allows inserting the dimension value between the dimension symbols.


object In the Drafting workbench, there are two kinds of object: activated and selected. The view frame of an activated object is displayed in red.
overrun A part of a dimension corresponding to the extended extension line.


part A 3D entity obtained by combining different features in the Part Design workbench.


radius dimension A dimension applied to a circle, semi-circle or arc of a circle.
roughness symbol A symbol that is used for defining a surface.


sheet A set of views. Several sheets may be created in the Drafting workbench.
standard An international convention that is supported in the Drafting workbench: ANSI, ISO and JIS.


template In the Drafting workbench, an object that is included in the document (for example, the title block).
text template Text templates rely on attributes defined in the 3D for technological features. They can be used when creating texts associated to such features. 
third angle A projection method that allows projecting views from a part according to ISO/ANSI international standards.
title block A frame which contains the title.


view frame A square or rectangular frame that contains the geometry and dimensions of the view.


welding symbol A symbol that is used for representing welds.