Propagating View Modifications  

This task will show you how to propagate view modifications to other views.

The synchronize view definition command helps to remove inconsistencies that can occur in a drawing between two views, when one view is inherited from the other, due to the non-propagation of view / section plane modifications
Open the GenDrafting_part.CATPart document. Tile your windows vertically to see both your part and the related drawing.
  1. Create a front view of the part.

  2. Create a section view on the front view.

  3. Then create a detail view on the front view.

  4. Modify the section profile in the front view, so that the segment goes through the other hole.
    The section view is updated, but the detail callout is displayed in red.

  5. Right-click the detail view to display the contextual menu. Select Detail X object > Synchronize View Definition to synchronize the detail view with respect to the front view which is the parent view.
    In this case we can see that the detail view is synchronized and no longer shown in with red callout.

  • Auxiliary, section and detail views can be synchronized.
  • Clipping, Broken, breakout and 3D clipping operators can also be synchronized.
  • Annotations will also be synchronized as the view in which they are present is synchronized. However in some cases it could be necessary to reroute or recreate the annotations.
  • Synchronization of section views with associative section profile is not possible. The section profile is designed to follow the 3D design of a particular object. Thus the view cannot follow the profile as well the parent view support plane modifications. When both definitions become incompatible, the section callout becomes red. In this case, if synchronization is applied, error message is displayed explaining why the operation cannot be carried out.
  • View from 3D does not update automatically its support plane when the corresponding 3D definition is changed. Until now the Modify Projection Plane command was being used to update the 2D projection of a 3D front view. Henceforth the synchronization of a 2D projection of a 3D Front view/Section view will be done using the Synchronize View Definition command.
    The Modify Projection Plane command will not work for synchronization of a 2D projection of a 3D View.
Open the 3DViews.CATPart document.  Tile your windows vertically to see both your part and the related drawing.
  1. Create a new drawing in ISO standard. Tile the screen horizontally by selecting Window > Tile Horizontally from the menu bar.

  2. Create a view from 3D on the FrontView.1.

  3. Change the definition plane of the FrontView.1 in the CATPart.

  4. In the drawing specification tree, select Front View.1 object > Synchronize View Definition.
    A message asking you if you want to synchronize the view projection plane is displayed.

  5. Click OK.
    In this case you will see that the view has been synchronized.