Browsing Presentations


The objective of the Presentations Brower is to enable you to skip from one presentation to another with very few interactions. The specification tree drives the natural browse of DMU Presentations. You can, of course, re-order Presentations to suit your needs using Reordering Applicative Data. (Note: A DMU Presentation can be set to NoShow. It will then not be taken into account during the browse.)

The DMU Presentations Browser has:

  • a thumbnail mode to enable you to better visualize the different DMU Presentations
  • a list mode to reduce size of the panel on the screen
  • a player-like mode to facilitate the browse

All presentations of all DMU Reviews will be presented sequentially. The browse is not limited to the current DMU Review.

In addition to the player buttons, you can use the keyboard arrows to navigate from one Presentation to another.
  1. In the DMU Review Navigation toolbar, click the Presentations  Browser icon .
    The Presentations Browser appears. An image representation of all defined Presentations in all DMU Reviews will be presented in the Scenes Browser.


  1. To activate a Presentation, double-click its representation or use the player buttons to navigate to the Presentation of your choice or click the Name selection button and choose the desired Presentation from the drop-down list.
    The selected Presentation is activated and previewed.

    The ordering of the Presentations is based on their ordering in the Specification Tree. The player buttons will move you as follows:

  • the forward button will move you to the next Presentation in the list
  • the backward button will move you forward and backward in the list as expected.
  • The fast forward button will move you to the first Presentation of the next Review
  • the fast backward button will move you to the first Presentation of the previous Review

Note: In addition to the player buttons, you can use the keyboard arrows to navigate from one Presentation to another. The correspondence between the keyboard buttons and the player buttons is as follows:

Keyboard buttons Player buttons
Page up key
Page down key
up key
down key        
  1. To display the Presentation representations in list form with smaller icons, click the Display list icon (the above display is in Display list format).

  2. To re-display the Presentation representations in the original format with larger icons, click the Display icons icon .


  1. To edit the Presentation currently active in the Presentation Browser, click the Edit... button.
    The Presentation dialog box appears with the context of the corresponding Presentation. You can then create new applicative data that will be automatically added to the Presentation. When you finish modifying the Presentation, you return to the Presentation Browser. For more information on editing a Presentation, see Reordering Applicative Data Entities for a Presentation and Modifying Visualization Settings for a Presentation.

Note: When you edit a Presentation and create annotated views, the selection of an annotation can have two different objectives:

  • Add the annotation to the list of Presentation entities.
  • Move the annotation.

In order to distinguish between the two, a new Manipulation Mode button has been added (near the top of the Presentation dialog box):

  • The Manipulation Mode button is green by default. The annotation can be added to the list of Presentation entities.
  • Click the Manipulation Mode button. The button will now be orange . The annotation can be moved by dragging.

The following is the list of available commands when editing a DMU Presentation from the Presentation Browser:

  • Annotated View
  • 3D Annotation
  • Hyperlink
  • Group
  • Section
  • Measure
  • Arc through three points
  • Manage Annotated Views
  • Graphic Message
  • Camera
  • Environment
  • Light

All the other commands will be grayed out.

  1. To collapse the Presentations Browser, click the Less<< button.
    The dialog box is collapsed. When browsing through large product structures that could have a correspondingly large number of associated Presentations, the collapsed dialog box enables you to gain space, yet enables you to continue browsing your Presentations.

  1. Click the Close button to exit the Presentations Browser.

The guiding principle of the ordering of the browse is that the Reviews of highest hierarchical level are considered to be more general and therefore it is desirable to see their associated Presentations before seeing the Presentations of more detailed Reviews.


The Reviews and Presentations of the above example would be ordered as follows:

Ordering of Presentations with associated Review
(for buttons , )

Ordering of Presentations without consideration of  associated Review
(for buttons , )

     Review 1
       Presentation 11
       Presentation 12
     Review 1.1
       Presentation 5
       Presentation 6
     Review 1.1.1
       Presentation 1
       Presentation 2
     Review 1.1.2
       Presentation 3
       Presentation 4
     Review 1.2
       Presentation 9
       Presentation 10
     Review 1.2.1
       Presentation 7
       Presentation 8
     Review 2
       Presentation 13

     Presentation 11 
     Presentation 12 
     Presentation 5 
     Presentation 6 
     Presentation 1 
     Presentation 2 
     Presentation 3 
     Presentation 4 
     Presentation 9 
     Presentation 10
     Presentation 7
     Presentation 8
     Presentation 13



The buttons in the Browser dialog box enable you to do the following:

Button Action
move to previous Presentation
move to next Presentation
move to first Presentation of previous Review
move to first Presentation of next Review


For example,

Start Apply Button Result
 Presentation 1  Presentation 6
 Presentation 9  Presentation 4
 Presentation 13  Presentation 8
 Presentation 10  Presentation 9
 Presentation 12  Presentation 5
 Presentation 10  Presentation 7
 Presentation 2  Presentation 3
 Presentation 5  Presentation 6
 Presentation 4  Presentation 1
 Presentation 9  Presentation 3
 Presentation 6  Presentation 11
 Presentation 5  Presentation 11
 Presentation 1  Presentation 3
 Presentation 10  Presentation 7
 Presentation 5  Presentation 1
 Presentation 6  Presentation 1


Note the following:

  • The browser can be initialized by selecting a DMU Presentation in the specification tree. If no Presentation is selected, the first Presentation in the tree order will be the starting point.
  • There is no cyclic behavior: when the last presentation is activated, buttons and are deactivated.
  • While going from one Presentation to another, an animation of viewpoint can occur (if the viewpoint changes). This is the same as the present behavior when going from one camera to another.