Generating Grid Visualization

This section presents information about generative view style (GVS) parameters that are common to all applications. It also offers additional information specific for Structure Functional Design and Structure Detail Design.

Customizing these parameters affects the appearance of your drawings and is an administrator task. The sample XML file, Structure_GraphicReplacement.xml, is supplied.

Sample files are located in ../OS/resources/standard/generativeparameters. These files can be customized by the administrator.

The reference planes that will be used for a given project are defined in an XML file pointed by a PRM resource:


Do not make any changes to the reference planes in your current session because changes are not reflected in the XML file. When you synchronize with the Synchronize the Planes command, you will lose any changes in your document.

Additionally, any changes will not be reflected in downstream applications (such as Drawing Extraction). 

For more information, see Project Reference Planes.

Appropriate application licenses including one for Generative Drafting are required.
For information on how to create views using generative view styles, how to set view style parameters or more generally on administering generative view styles, see the Generative Drafting User's Guide.

You can customize generative view style parameters for the reference plane system. These parameters are shared by all structure applications.

Reference Plane System

The following is an overview of the GVS for reference plane systems:

The Grid Descriptors are comprised of the MainGrid and SpacingGrid.

Parameter Value Description
ShowReferencePlaneSystem Yes/No Plane display switch.
No (default value): Does not show the reference plane system.
Yes: Shows the reference plane system.
RestrictedToBoundingBox Yes/No Defines the limits of grid display.
Yes: Reference plane system is restricted to the box defined by the drawing.
No: Entire reference plane system is displayed.
GridsetPosition 0/1 Plane position on drawing.
0 (default value): The reference plane systems display where the planes are located.
1: The reference plane systems display where specified.
GridLeft Yes/No Draws the grid on the left side of the drawing.
No (default value): Grid is not drawn on the left side of the drawing.
Yes: Grid is drawn on the left side of the drawing.
GridRight Yes/No Draws the grid on the side of the drawing.
No (default value): Grid is not drawn on the right side of the drawing.
Yes: Grid is drawn on the right side of the drawing.
GridTop Yes/No Draws the grid on the top of the drawing.
No (default value): Grid is not drawn on the top of the drawing.
Yes: Grid is drawn on the top of the drawing.
GridBottom Yes/No Draws the grid on the bottom of the drawing.
No (default value): Grid is not drawn on the bottom of the drawing.
Yes: Grid is drawn on the bottom of the drawing.
Offset Real number
in mm
Distance between the generated drawing and the reference plane.
ShowMedian Yes/No Median display switch.
GridSetLineType Integer Linetype used to draw the grid.
Values: 1 thru 63.
TickSize Real number
in mm
Size of the tick for the grid plane lines.
Default value: 2.0
AnnotationStyle Integer Text on the major plane line
1: Frame names
2: Offset from origin with the units
3: Offset from origin without the units
AnnotationSize Real number
in mm
Text size on the major plane line
AnnotationFrame Character string Text frame on the text on the major plane line.
None, Rectangle, Square, Circle, ScoredCircle, Diamond,
Triangle, RightFlag, LeftFlag, BothFlag, Oblong, Ellipse
AnnotationStep Positive integer Number of minor plane lines between major plane lines.
AnnotationStart Integer First annotation position.
Extraction Yes/No Elevation display switch.
ZPlusOrientName_Symbol Character string String associated with Z+ orientation in the elevations display.
Default value: U
ZMinOrientName_Symbol Character string String associated with Z- orientation in the elevations display.
Default value: L
XPlusOrientName_Symbol Character string String associated with X+ orientation in the elevations display.
Default value: A
XMinOrientName_Symbol Character string String associated with X- orientation in the elevations display.
Default value: F
YPlusOrientName_Symbol Character string String associated with Y+ orientation in the elevations display.
Default value: S
YMinOrientName_Symbol Character string String associated with Y- orientation in the elevations display.
Default value: P
HullInOrientName_Symbol Character string String associated with Y+ orientation in the elevations display.
Default value: I
HullOutOrientName_Symbol Character string String associated with Y- orientation in the elevations display.
Default value: P
FontSize Real number
in mm
Font size for the elevations.
Spacing Grid Style Space, Distance Spacing grid type.
Show Spacing Grid Yes/No Plane display switch
No (default value): Does not show spacing grid.
Yes: Shows the spacing grid.
RestrictedToBoundingBox Yes/No Defines the limits of grid display.
Yes: Reference plane system is restricted to the box defined by the drawing.
No: Entire reference plane system is displayed.
GridLeft Yes/No Draws the grid on the left side of the drawing.
No (default value): Grid is not drawn on the left side of the drawing.
Yes: Grid is drawn on the left side of the drawing.
GridRight Yes/No Draws the grid on the side of the drawing.
No (default value): Grid is not drawn on the right side of the drawing.
Yes: Grid is drawn on the right side of the drawing.
GridTop Yes/No Draws the grid on the top of the drawing.
No (default value): Grid is not drawn on the top of the drawing.
Yes: Grid is drawn on the top of the drawing.
GridBottom Yes/No Draws the grid on the bottom of the drawing.
No (default value): Grid is not drawn on the bottom of the drawing.
Yes: Grid is drawn on the bottom of the drawing.
Offset1 Real number
in mm
Distance between the generated drawing and median of the spacing grid.
Offset2 Real number
in mm
Distance between the generated drawing and median of the elevation line. Distance grid only.
TickSize Real number
in mm
Size of the tick for the grid plane lines. Space grid only.
FontSize Real number
in mm
Font size for the text.
TextPosition AboveMedian, BelowMedian Relative position of text.
Mid-Ships Yes/No Mid-Ships symbol display switch.
Chapter String Symbol table chapter in StructureDrawingsSymbols Catalog
SymbolName String Mid-Ships symbol name.

Structure Functional Design and Structure Detail Design

The following is specific to Structure Functional Design and Structure Detail Design.