About Filtering and Relative Swept Volume


  Depending on your license, you may not have access to Swept Volume ; you must also have access to a DMU Space Analysis license.
This information page  illustrates the concepts of filtering and relative swept volumes. 
  • Filtering enables you to create a coarser version of a swept volume. 
  • A relative swept volume computes the swept volume of a moving part in the system axis of another moving part.

About Filtering

  This option can be used to simplify the swept volume computation when the replay object contains many positions or when you know the precision level you need to obtain.

Filtering precision defines the maximum distance allowed between the simplified trajectory and the initial one 
(a.k.a., discretization precision)

What follows is an illustration of the impact on the final result of selecting the Filter Positions check box.
  • The first illustration shows the original motion.
  • The output when Filter Positions is not selected.
  • Filter Positions is selected; Filtering precision = 5mm
  • Filter Positions is selected; Filtering precision = 10mm

About Relative Swept Volume

  You can compute the swept volume of a moving part in the system axis of another moving part.  You can use this option when you need to analyze the swept volume of a product versus another product (moving or not). The part whose system axis is being used for the calculation is the Reference product.
  The illustrations below show two moving parts: a circle and a square.
  The first illustration shows swept volumes created without a product defined as the Reference product.  Although the swept volumes clash, the two objects may not be in the clash area at the same time, therefore the swept volumes do not yield relevant information.

If you select the circle as the Reference product, you can compute the square swept volume in the circle system axis.
  The result can now be relevant for clash analysis.