Using Data Readout


This procedure describes how to use the Data Readout . This command enables you to read dynamically updated data throughout a simulation regarding aspects (e.g., cycle times) of a device, robot, or manikin. 

This procedure has the following sections:

  • Open Data Readout dialog boxes
  • Use Data Readout in conjunction with Process Simulation
  • Customize Data Readout dialog boxes
  • Robot Data Readout dialog boxes
  • Device Data Readout dialog boxes
  • Manikin Data Readout dialog boxes
When you click Data Readout , the Options pop-up toolbar appears.  By default, Display appears highlighted.  This procedure describes how to access the information Display provides. To find out how to use Sensors , which tracks data generated from robot sensors, see Using Data Readout with Sensors.

Open Data Readout Dialog Boxes

  1. Click Data Readout .

    The Options pop-up toolbar appears; Display appears highlighted by default.
  2. Select the item (i.e., robot, device, mechanism, or manikin) about which you wish to receive data.

    The item's Data Readout dialog box appears, with more than one tab.  The tabs available in the dialog box varies depending on the item you selected.  Click on the tab name below to see the contents associated with the tab:
  3. Select the tab with the desired information.

  4. (Optional) Repeat Steps 2 and 3 for all the items about which you wish to have Data Readout dialog box open.

  5. (Optional) Customize the readout so that you can see multiple categories of data at once.

  6. Exit Data Readout using one of the methods below:

    Click the highlighted Data Readout , OR

    Click on the X (close) button in the upper right corner of the Options pop-up toolbar.

  7. Run the simulation to see the data readout on the item(s) selected.


Use Data Readout in Conjunction with Process Simulation

  Data Readout is designed to be used in conjunction with Process Simulation .  If you have a simulation running when you click Data Readout , the simulation becomes deactivated.  To reactivate the simulation:
  1. Select the Data Readout dialog boxes you want to see

  2. Exit Data Readout

The dialog boxes remain up while the simulation becomes reactivated.

  If you do not have a simulation running:
  1. Use Data Readout to select the Data Readout dialog boxes you want to see,

  2. Exit Data Readout

  3. Click Process Simulation .

Customize the Data Readout Dialog Boxes

  1. Click the Customize button on the Data Readout dialog box.

    The Customize dialog box appears.
    The example below shows robot data; however the principles for customizing apply to devices and manikins as well.
    • If there is an I/O tab, I/O appears in the Options list.
    • If the robot does not allow Turn Numbers, Turn Numbers does not appear in Options.
  2. Select the tabs whose information you want to see displayed on one tab and use the right arrow to move the names of the tabs into the Selected Options box.

    The left arrow moves an item out of the Selected Options box and back into Options.  The up arrow moves an item up one place in the list; the down arrow moves an item down one place.  The order in which the items appear in the list determines the order in which you see them in the customized tab.  For vertical alignment, the first item is on top; for horizontal alignment, the first item is left-most.
  3. Select either Align Vertically or Align Horizontally alignment and then click OK.

    The vertical alignment appears below.
    The horizontal alignment appears below.
Note that tabs not selected for the customized tab still appear. Using the Default Alignment option displays the non-customized dialog box.

If you decide you do not want to change the current customization after the Customize dialog opens, you can click Cancel, without affecting the existing Data Readout dialog box.

Any previously set behavior of hiding/showing the Data Readout dialog box is maintained for the customized dialog.  For instance, suppose you open the Data Readout dialog box for a certain device, customized the dialog box, and then close the Data Readout dialog box.  When you reopen the Data Readout dialog box, the previous customization is remembered and used.

This customization can be done independently for each device. For example, you customize the Data Readout dialog box for a specific robot to show the Cycle Time and the Joint values on the same page, aligned horizontally.  Then you can select the Joint values and the TCP data for a different robot, and have the data aligned vertically.


About Robot Data Readout Dialog Boxes

  The sections that follow show the data available on each tab associated with the robot Data Readout dialog boxes.  Any notes on interpreting the data are also provided.  The tabs available on the Data Readout dialog boxes are:

Robot Data Readout Dialog Box: Cycle Time Tab

Robot Data Readout Dialog Box: Joints Tab

  The joint values are displayed graphically as bars. The limits are also displayed on these graphical bars (e.g., -180 to 180 in Joint 1, below).
When a joint value exceeds a limit, the bar becomes red and text in the bar shows by how much the limit has been exceeded (e.g., 107% in the example).  

Robot Data Readout Dialog Box: I/O Signals Tab

  This tab only appears if IO signals are defined for the robot.

Robot Data Readout Dialog Box: TCP Tab

The configuration of the robot is displayed, along with the TCP Speed.

Robot Data Readout Dialog Box: Turn Numbers Tab

This tab only appears if turn numbers are defined for the robot.

About Device Data Readout Dialog Boxes

  The sections that follow show the data available on each tab associated with the device Data Readout dialog boxes.  Any notes on interpreting the data are also provided.  The tabs available on the Data Readout dialog boxes are:

Device Data Readout Dialog Box: Cycle Time Tab


Device Data Readout Dialog Box: Joints Tab

The joint values are displayed graphically as bars. The limits are also displayed on these graphical bars (e.g., -38.253 to 0 in Joint 1, below).
  When a device joint exceeds its limits, the graphic bar turns red.  For a description of the appearance of the graphic bar, see Robot Data Readout Dialog Box: Joints Tab.

About Manikin Data Readout Dialog Boxes

  The sections that follow show the data available on each tab associated with the manikin Data Readout dialog boxes.  Any notes on interpreting the data are also provided.  The tabs available on the Data Readout dialog boxes are:

Manikin Data Readout Dialog Box: Cycle Time Tab


Manikin Data Readout Dialog Box: Joints Tab

The joint values are displayed graphically as bars. The limits are also displayed on these graphical bars (e.g., -20000 to 20000 in Body translation X, below).
When a manikin joint exceeds its limits, the graphic bar turns red.  See Robot Data Readout Dialog Box: Joints Tab.