Parameters for the Activate, Remove and Split dialog boxes



Those are the selection modes.


Pick applies to a cloud of points or a mesh.
With this mode, pick elements to select them. They are highlighted in red. Click OK to validate your selection.
Before picking the elements, choose the type of elements you want to pick:
Point, Triangle, Scan/Grid, Cell (sub-element of a cloud), Cloud (global cloud).
If you pick elements while maintaining the shift key pressed, you remove them from the selection.


applies to a cloud of points or a mesh.
By default, the trap is displayed in the view plane. It is thus a 2D trap.
You can rotate the model to display it as a 3D trap.
You can modify the shape or the size of the trap using the green arrows that appear on the edges of the trap.
First, select the type of trap you want to use:
  • Rectangular: drag the mouse over the portion you want to select.
    A rectangle is displayed and the points or the triangles selected are displayed in red.
  • Polygonal: draw a polygonal trap by picking the cloud of points or the mesh.

    Double-click to close the polygonal trap. The points or triangles inside the trap are highlighted in red.
  • Spline: draw a spline line by picking the cloud of points or the mesh.

    Double-click to close the trap formed by the line. The points or triangles inside the trap are highlighted in red.
Now you can choose to activate the points that are inside (select Inside Trap) or outside of the trap (select Outside Trap).
To validate a selection by trap, use the Validate Trap button and the OK button:
  • To create a single activation area by trap, draw the trap, modify it when necessary and 
    click OK to confirm the activation and close the dialog box.
  • To create several activation areas by traps, draw the first trap, modify it when necessary,
    click Validate Trap to validate this trap.
    Repeat these steps for each trap then click OK to confirm the activation and close the dialog box.
  • You can create as many areas as you wish by clicking Validate Trap and drawing another trap,
  • As long as you have not double-clicked to end a polygonal or a spline trap, you can undo/redo each pick of the trap.
  • The selected points are those that appear in red during the selection.
  • If you draw a trap and click Validate Trap, and then choose Swap, you validate the complement of the trap.

In the Activate action:
  • The Trap option displays only triangles that are fully selected (i.e. the whole triangle is inside the selection trap).
    If the selection trap intersects the triangle, it is not displayed.
  • As a consequence, when you push the button Swap, the triangles displayed are not the exact complement
    of the previous selection.

In the Remove action:

  • The Remove action takes into account triangles that are at least partially selected (at least one vertex has been picked,
    or the selection trap intersects the triangle).


A circle is displayed in the screen plane.
The size of the brush is a screen size i.e. if you zoom in, the size of the brush is not modified.

A contextual menu is available in order to edit and modify the radius of the circle.

Drag the circle over the portion you want to select.
The visible triangles that have at least one vertex within the circle are selected and highlighted in red.

If you drag the circle while maintaining the shift key pressed, you remove triangles from the selection.


The Flood mode applies to meshes only, and not to cloud of points nor scans.
Pick a triangle on the mesh. All triangles connected to this triangle are automatically selected.


In the Activate action:

You can select an activated portion of a cloud of points or a mesh and recall the activation action to:

  • Activate all (the whole cloud of points or mesh is re-activated),
  • In the Remove action:

    • Activate all and Swap apply only to the current removal action.
      They can not be used to recall removed elements once you have validated the action.

end of task